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Discovery related to Turning

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Level 12
May 20, 2009
Okay, so I've been saying this a while now but it's incrrect: "Units in WarCraft 3 do not need to face their target in order to attack"

They in fact do. But the weird part is units physically turn faster then they do graphically sometimes. I wonder why and if there is a way to fix or work around this.
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Level 12
May 20, 2009
This is related to the "cast point" and "attack point" variables in the object editor.

If set to 0, units will cast/attack immediately, not taking facing into account.

No. Set Casting and Damage Point to 0 then set Turn Speed to the slowest possible, which is 10. You will see what I mean. This is what I did, when testing it on the Dragonhawk Rider.

Units actually do have to face their target first, but as I said they just physically turn faster then their model does. Setting their turning speed to 10 shows it incredibly obviously that they do in fact have to turn before they attack because they end up turning slower then their model, which in turn slows the turning speed of the model so you actually see the unit's actual turning and the models turning in sync.
Level 12
May 20, 2009
Art - Propulsion Window
Maybe it has something to do with this field, as it already defines viable facings for one thing and I don't see any separate one for attacks?

According to The Helper, it has to do with the angle they have to face before they have to turn to attack. (Did not actually know about this field at all!) I don't think I have it changed on the Dragonhawk Rider I was testing this on. What's it's value for it normally? I don't have access to the Editor right now.
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