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Different Worlds v0.5b

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
In this map you play as one of five (the finished version will have eleven) different races trying to achieve galactic domination. Your objective for this map is to control the most "Area Control Points" and to defeat your enemy. Area Control points will give you an income based on how many you control. You can "defeat" your enemy by completely wiping them off the map, or by simply creating an alliance with them. To Ally use the "-ally (color)" command. Remember, this is an early beta version. It's unbalanced and the map is quite small. (In boundary size not file size.) Version 0.6b will be about three times the size of this version and will have many more planets, fixes, and maybe a new race or two. If you have any question/comments please submit them below or PM me.

Model Credits:
Kofi_Banan ChevronSeven
Elunes-Guardian Ham Ham
Illidan(Evil)X Kitabatake
Callahan Pyramidhe@d
HappyTauren Dan van Ohllus
Cavman General Frank
killst4r Burning_Dragoon5
RightField DonDustin
BlackSebastian jigrael

Yes, this map does have too many custom models.

space, galactic, domination, alien, conquest, are, win

Different Worlds v0.5b (Map)

20:24, 29th Oct 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected Quality is too low




20:24, 29th Oct 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

Quality is too low
Level 3
Jan 21, 2009
My rating

I would really like to test your map because it looks very interesting but I can´t......
If i want to host map it says map isn´t found.
This could be a problem caused by your map protection system.
I would recommend you to use a lower protection level because people who really want to deprotect your map can do anyway if they know the right programs and don´t use the old Deprotect.
I mean I deprotected your map in 1 min obviously I can also deprotect dota in 2 mins.
Anyway it seemed your program damaged the map file too much.
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Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
You do not need to upload an unprotected version.
Your map is yours alone, and you can do anything want with it.

This is a reasonably interesting map, but it lacks polish and effort.

Minor Issues
There seemed to be a bit too many creeps around my starting base, they severely limited my building-space
Button positions should be fix, a lot are randomly scattered D:
Dont use Passive buttons as technology upgrades, use ones with borders.
The Orc Commando's attack looks awful...
Why is it that Rebel Champions cant attack air, while Rebel Orcs can?
The mutation researches fail, fix the tooltips.
Why does the Centauri Tank have Barrage?
You really should cut down on the models, or at least compress them. For example, you could easily use a tinted Gargoyle instead of the Mephit.
A lot of the icons seemed very out of place/unchanged, for example, the Spare Puppet one.

Major Issues
This really needs some variation. There are not enough units and buildings and, from what I saw, very limited tech trees.
They map and terrain are very plain. You should put in some texture variation, doodads, height variation and more planets. You should also make the existing planets bigger and increase the map size.
Many of the units seemed to be direct copies of others...

I liked the starting sequence.
You shouldn't use the Glacial Destroyer model, it is glitchy. Whenever I try to select units near it, it gets selected as well.

This could come to be a good map, but right now it is a bit flawed...
1.5/5 Voted for Rejection
Last edited:
Level 3
Jan 21, 2009
My rating


+ A big variety of cool models
+ Working, creative terrain


- Terrain is unbalanced
- No own loading screen ( at least an own map preview would be nice)

Solution to improve game:

5 players=unbalanced because there are only unbalanced ally solutions: 1v2v2, 3v2

The big island in the south increases income too much. Spiders everywhere on this island just blocking the way. I would make them to enemies and decrease size of the island!


Game is unbalanced. Furthermore I think adding 6 players with new models and all that stuff would increase map size to a critical level.

Level 3
May 17, 2008

Im not trying to to put uou down or anything but... Were you even having fun while making this map?

I am working on a map right now that is this basic idea taken way futher. and mate if you wanna compite with me well need some work......ALOT.....

1.) your saying YES THIS MAP DOES HAVE TO MANNY CUSTOM SKINS well i dont think that matters as long as
A. its playable on warcraft B-net
B. If its a Fun game that you want to repy several times.
C. If you update patches are less friquent But with more in them.

2.) I Think players in this kind of map will wanna be able to choose ingame there race with a crap load of detail of the races Abilitys and why you would choose that race over another.

3.) UGG ALL YOU DID WAS MAKE ONE RACE AND IT SEEMS LIKE YOU COPY AND PASTED IT FOR ALL RACES THATS A NO! NO! There are not manny units per race AT ALL like 2 infanty 1 Ground based vehicel 1 land fighter. And 1 space ship????????? per race another NO! NO! All races are exacly the same with VERY few exceptions...

4.) Make every race fun and unique AKA BE CREATIVE with a Shit load of diferent units.

5.) Yup you guessed it TEC TREES MUCH????????? U NEED A FRIKEN TEC TREE FOR EVERY RACE....

6.) and i think that making the terrain THE planet is a little old school.... Get with the times you know making planets webgates...To the building Zone....

Man i could go on for a long time but thats a start

1/5 :sad: