I need and Critical damage system for destructible: Example, Gates
For example:
When an Grunt Attacks the Gate_Y he do your normal damage
More when an Tauren Attacks the Gate_Y he do your normal damage + X of damage bonus, understand??
Just same creaturas has this bonus, in geral the greater creatures... Exemples: Taurens, Kobo Beast, Mountain Giant, Ancient Protector, Knight, Frost Wyrn, Chimaera and others....
Understand?? the system.. just an damage bonus + the normal damage of creature when it attacks an destructible, in case the Gates...
Ps: sorry my english error, this don't is my national language :/
For example:
When an Grunt Attacks the Gate_Y he do your normal damage
More when an Tauren Attacks the Gate_Y he do your normal damage + X of damage bonus, understand??
Just same creaturas has this bonus, in geral the greater creatures... Exemples: Taurens, Kobo Beast, Mountain Giant, Ancient Protector, Knight, Frost Wyrn, Chimaera and others....
Understand?? the system.. just an damage bonus + the normal damage of creature when it attacks an destructible, in case the Gates...
Ps: sorry my english error, this don't is my national language :/