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[Altered Melee] Desolation

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Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Created by Ujimasa Hojo


Race Changes:
  • Horde of Azeroth (Orc)
  • Undead Scourge (Undead)
  • Nazjatar Empire (Night Elf)
  • Grand Crusade (Human)

Each race has 6 heroes. There is one additional neutral Hero.

Neutral Units:
  • Archeologist - Sells various Artifacts
  • Collector - Sells various Unique items
  • Exchanger - Exchanges gold for lumber and vice versa
  • Innkeeper - Allows you to hire various Heroes and resurrect them instantly
  • Merchant - Sells various magic items
  • Oracle - Allows you to reveal an area of the map and detect invisible units
  • Priestess - Regenerates the health and mana of all non-mechanical units nearby
  • Trainer - Helps your Heroes become more powerful


Despite the valiant efforts Lordaeron's defenders, the capital fell and King Terenas Menethil died along with most of his subjects. Upon hearing the news, Anduin Lothar had to think of a plan to divert the Horde's attention elsewhere to give survivors enough time to evacuate. He sent messenger ravens to other surviving commanders of his plan to make a last stand in Stromgarde while survivors flee to either Dalaran, Gilneas, Kul'Tiras, or Quel'Thalas.

The Kirin Tor were already making preparations to raise their city into the sky while under the protection of an impenetrable force field. Under orders of King Genn Greymane, masons also began constructing a wall to separate Gilneas from the rest of the continent. Meanwhile, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore ordered evacuation ships to rescue as many refugees as possible from the shores of Hillsbrad. He also ordered some of his navy to ensure the safe journey of these ships while the rest of the navy form a blockade around his island nation.

On the other hand, King Anasterian Sunstrider ordered an evacuation of Silvermoon City and had his subjects along with refugees relocated to Quel'Danas Isle as the Forest Trolls led by Zul'jin besiege the ancient city. As they fled, swaths of High Elven citizens were massacred by the invading Trolls. Fortunately for them, fleeing Wildhammer Dwarves attacked the Zul'jin's army from behind and together routed them for the time being. In the Aftermath, Wildhammer citizens joined the other refugees at Quel'Danas Isle while their troops remained with Silvermoon's defenders. With a huge portion of their population dead, the High Elves rename themselves as the Blood Elves in honor of their fallen and have resorted to the darker side of the arcane.

In Alterac City, King Thoras Trollbane received news of Lordaeron's fall and of Lothar's plan. Before setting forth towards Stromgarde, he personally executed King Aiden Perenolde and had the rest of the nobility put to the sword. He then told the citizens to flee while he added Alterac's troops to his own.

Eventually, Anduin Lothar was able to amass a huge host in Stromgarde. Together with numerous charismatic figures such as Turalyon, King Thoras, and Uther the Lightbringer, he rallied the troops to make the ultimate sacrifice as the Horde converged on the city. They cut down multiple bands Orcs, Forest Trolls, Goblins, and Ogres who poured into the city. For every one of them who fell, many more died on the side of the Horde. Unfortunately, the Horde's superior numbers took its toll on them and they all died fighting down to the last man. Thanks to their efforts though, the Kirin Tor, the Gilneans, and the Tirassians were able to put up the defenses in their respective kingdoms on time.

Despite their massive losses together with the deaths of some of their leaders, remnants of the Alliance continue to have hope. Heirs of the fallen kingdoms together with some of their subjects were safely evacuated. Thanks to their ingenuity, Gnomes and Dwarves were able to build a complex network of tunnels connecting Gnomeregan, Ironforge, Silvermoon, and Gilneas to each other. This allowed the remaining leaders to coordinate their efforts in rebuilding their forces albeit with some bickering. As the next powerful Human kingdom after Stormwind and Lordaeron, Gilneas became the new backbone of the Alliance supplying it with fresh troops and equipment. By this time, they had renamed themselves as the Grand Crusade who prepare for the fight of their lives not only to fend off the Horde from their remaining land but hopefully to reclaim those that they have lost.

Pandaren Empire:

A couple of adventurous Pandaren ended up getting caught in the war. Some of them join different factions hoping to end the war as soon as possible.

7 Kingdoms:

Clash from the Past:

Conquest of Northrend:

Rumble in Outland:

Struggle for Azeroth:

Author's notes:

  • This story follows the Orcish Victory of the Second Warcraft game.
  • Don't expect anything completely new here. I simply shuffled units and abilities.
  • As of the moment, I'm not into the project yet and I'm still not sure if I would be able to push it through.
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Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Created by Ujimasa Hojo


Race Changes:
  • Horde of Azeroth (Orc)
  • Undead Scourge (Undead)
  • Nazjatar Empire (Night Elf)
  • Grand Crusade (Human)

Each race has 6 heroes. There is one additional neutral Hero.

Neutral Units:
  • Archeologist - Sells various Artifacts
  • Collector - Sells various Unique items
  • Exchanger - Exchanges gold for lumber and vice versa
  • Innkeeper - Allows you to hire various Heroes and resurrect them instantly
  • Merchant - Sells various magic items
  • Oracle - Allows you to reveal an area of the map and detect invisible units
  • Priestess - Regenerates the health and mana of all non-mechanical units nearby
  • Trainer - Helps your Heroes become more powerful


Pandaren Empire:

A couple of adventurous Pandaren ended up getting caught in the war. Some of them join different factions hoping to end the war as soon as possible.

7 Kingdoms:

Clash from the Past:

Conquest of Northrend:

Rumble in Outland:

Struggle for Azeroth:

Author's notes:

  • This story follows the Orcish Victory of the Second Warcraft game.
  • Don't expect anything completely new here. I simply shuffled units and abilities.
  • As of the moment, I'm not into the project yet and I'm still not sure if I would be able to push it through.

That's really nice; another addition to your altered melee. I hope there are better skills this time.. I'm looking forward to playing it.

By the way, I remember a map made by you 'RiO: The Black Temple'. It's not on the list, so what does that mean?

What is grand crusade is it Silver Hand.A question what map u make with forsaken race.
Is the Silver Hand composed of all humans?
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
And here I am thinking for my melee map, I had the same idea of the Orcish victory. I'm going to try my best so our projects won't collide or some crap like that. :D

Anyway, I really like the idea. We needed more altered melee out to date! I'll be peeking this project from time to time. Good luck man!
Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
Bored bored bored bored bored

Ujimasa Hojo
In what part of the map list will this map be placed? Clash of the Past? Rumble in Outland?

You can't force people to add things you want to a map.
If you want to have those kind of map, instead of using caps and shout + forcing the author, wouldn't it be better for you to make the map yourself and stop forcing people?
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
I love your maps. In my opinion, this is the way blizzard should have go. It feels like C&C where you also have 3-4 factions but with many subfactions where maybe only one unit is different.

Nevertheless the races you made feel unique and the simpleness of your modding makes it easy to understand them.

But for your new project I would like you to go bigger. You don't have to make tons of new spells but more specialized for a race maybe.

Also the choice of races should be a little bit more creative. Nagas and Fel Orcs are the most overused races in warcraft imo.

For example what people want to see at the moment are the Forsaken. You could do an undead race without blight.
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
I see, I hope this one is more interesting than the rest.

I love your maps. In my opinion, this is the way blizzard should have go. It feels like C&C where you also have 3-4 factions but with many subfactions where maybe only one unit is different.

Nevertheless the races you made feel unique and the simpleness of your modding makes it easy to understand them.

But for your new project I would like you to go bigger. You don't have to make tons of new spells but more specialized for a race maybe.

Also the choice of races should be a little bit more creative. Nagas and Fel Orcs are the most overused races in warcraft imo.

For example what people want to see at the moment are the Forsaken. You could do an undead race without blight.

Don't want to disappoint you or anything but this one is going to be like the others. If I ever make a map series which is radically different (and also include the Forsaken so I can use my buildings), I would like to do it with a team. I can even work on another series if I can assemble a team.
Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
Does anybody know a rpg that you can build buildings and be anything you want (not talking about loap here) anyway WHERE IS YOUR WORGEN MAP AND WHAT HAPPENED TO BLACK TEMPLE
Don't want to disappoint you or anything but this one is going to be like the others. If I ever make a map series which is radically different (and also include the Forsaken so I can use my buildings), I would like to do it with a team. I can even work on another series if I can assemble a team.

I would like to help in any trigger relevant issues.

Does anybody know a rpg that you can build buildings and be anything you want (not talking about loap here) anyway WHERE IS YOUR WORGEN MAP AND WHAT HAPPENED TO BLACK TEMPLE

The first part is irrelevant [go to Warcraft Discussion Forum] and the second one is demanding.
Seriously, get a life and stop demanding people to do your stuffs as Wraithon said!
Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
Hello this is matt5556 i am sorry for complaining im just like that because i haev a disorder that causes me to get angry really quikly and i am just from my hospital the latest comments that i made in the other maps are made by my brother and i am from an operation it was sucessful but there are a few kinks to be made because they found out i have sparks in my head and pls i want to be kind as i want to be I AM REALLY SORRY PLS FORGIVE ME and i would like to be a suggestor here are my races that i would like to see goblins,ogres,tauren(yes tauren only race) and well satyrs Sorry for my emotions and being angry all the time i hope you forgive me Sorry too daffa the mage
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
I'm not really a fan of races going solo. A "Race" should have various races like the original "Races".

Anyways, map is out already. I admit, it's kinda like the others but I wanted to finish this one ASAP so I can finally join a collaboration with veterans if one ever comes up. There's also the Forsaken buildings. Might add another map to allow naval units and that's it.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I'm not really a fan of races going solo. A "Race" should have various races like the original "Races".
Ah yes. You are neatly sidestepping one of the bigger issues of my line of work. Basically, it's the difference between "Races" and "Factions". In reality, while we call it the "Humans/Orcs/Undead/Night Elf", and call them "Races", they are more correctly termed "Factions"; the Human Alliance, Orcish Horde, Undead Scourge Night Elven Sentinels.

This has more implications than you might think. Something as simple as the Heroes becomes difficult (each Faction has 4 Heroes; normally 2 from the "main Race" of the faction (Paladin/Archmage, Blademaster/Far Seer, Death Knight/Lich, PotM/Warden/sorta) with 1 each from the "secondary Races" of the faction*)

Further, when considering a custom race, one has to ensure that each unit has a distinct silhouette and design that allows players (allies & enemies) to tell them apart a glance. Well, when every unit is a blue dude with wooden armor, one has to find ways around that. :D

So I totally understand/respect what you're doing. Won't stop me, but it makes sense why you'd avoid it. :p

This is complicated a bit with Undead and Night Elf; however, the Undead... Well technically they are a variety of "Races", but all Undead; however I draw distinctions between "Undead", "Damned Living", "Demons", "Constructs", and "Nerubians". Mainly "Undead/Damned Living", "Demons" and "Nerubians" for the heroes.
The Night Elves are a little different; they're all basically one "race". However, the class distinctions and cultural/sexual dimorphism are such that the "Sentinels" (NE women; warriors, jailers & guards) and the "Druids" (NE men; mystics, wizards, and nature-dudes) can nearly be considered separate "Sub-Races" to the "Faction"; further, because of their intense "nature-connection", the sub-Race of "Magical Fauna" can be considered part of Faction (Dryad, Faerie Dragon, Hippogryph, Chimaera, Mountain Giant, etc)
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
@Kyrbi0 Wc3c.net is down again as I am writing this. I am afraid more will get deleted. How about transferring your stuff here in Hive.
Dang, just noticed that... Well we'll see about that. I have saved almost everything I need from that site (resources, archives of my important topics), although there's still more to get. I have a couple strong reasons not to upload here, but we'll see how everything turns out. We have a guy on the inside who'll be saving back-ups and such, so not all is lost. : )
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