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Depths Temples

Depths Temples
Map Description:
Today I have been updating my maps description. Also created a new one. Depths Temples is Sunken Ruins tileset using melee map which presents custom constructed bridges and structures. Took me around 3.5 hours to make it. Updated to the last melee map version. Map layout has two way to the enemy base. However you can easily disturb your enemy with your hero because of Kelen's Dagger of Escape's availability. Also in bottom corners you can buy Zeppelin which is a great way of attacking. In the middle of the map lays the great waterfall surrounded by passive nagas. I hope it was worth my effort. Rate and comment.


Bigger size images can be found in my album. Icons by Blizzard.
Change Log
• Uploaded
• Update I

- Replaced pillars.
• Update II
- Increased gold amount of goldmines
- Added 2 Goblin Merchants
- Added 2 creep camps
- Added down archs to the bridges
- Added pillars to Marketplaces archs.
• Update III
- Updated to last version
• Update IV
- Fixed item drops
- Fixed creep mana
- Changed passive mugul units

• Creep Camps
- 6 Green Camps
- 6 Orange Camps
- 4 Red Camp
• Neutral Buildings
- 6 Gold Mines
- 2 Goblin Laboratories
- 2 Goblin Merchants
- 2 Taverns
- 4 Marketplaces

Depths, Sunken, Ruins, Temple, Bridge, Structure, Custom, Remixer, 1v1, Melee

Depths Temples (Map)

» Vengeancekael:[c] 「Profile :: Message :: Hive Staff」 » Date:[c] 「24/Feb/2013 00:03:31」 » Reasons: » Comment: Very pleasing to the eyes, I think the tileset is one of the best in Warcraft. <3 It does not break any of the melee requirements. The...




» Vengeancekael:[c] Profile :: Message :: Hive Staff
» Date:[c] 24/Feb/2013 00:03:31
» Reasons:
» Comment:
Very pleasing to the eyes, I think the tileset is one of the best in Warcraft. <3
It does not break any of the melee requirements.
The layout's cool and it's quite a lot of fun to play.
However the archway placement near the marketplaces is a bit off (they're not quite on par with the pillars)
And the passage overall is very small.
This is quite a big map for 1v1, but still fresh.
Final note: Add some trees to the bonus mines in the center.
» Rules: [c] Map Submission
» Contact: [c] Staff Contact
! 'Reasons' are automated !


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Mhh! I enjoyed it!
The only thing is that.. it's so difficoult moving throught those small bridges >.<
Anyway, they are a feature of the map, aren't they? :)
Good job

Yes, they are part of the map's feeling and theme. I was thinking same when I was making the map so it led me to make the Goblin Laboratory.

Thanks for feedback.
Last edited:
Level 5
Dec 10, 2012
When I first started the game and saw the terrain I thought I was playing diablo 3. It looks like you even edited the texture on the palm trees. One of the best terrain I've seen in awhile. You should make RPG maps with that skill.

This map has perfect symmertrical lining. Which you need this have to a well balanced melee map.

I would like to see two of the market places to be goblin merchants, having 4 marketplaces is kinda imbalanced to begin with.

Another thing is the level 10 dragon turtle at the natural mines is a bit ridiculous hehe. Especially when starting gold amount is only 7500 and the natural is only 5000. :eekani:
I'd suggest removing the level 10 turtles, or making starter gold 10k and the natural mine 7.5k or 12500 start gold and 9500 natural. That way if you do keep the turtles you can actually have some gold left to stay in the keep instead of not being to expand quickly on your natural because it is imba! :xxd:

Other then that I really do like this map, it reminds me alot of RPG games. I like how lively you made the map with netural Naga and Mur'gul spread around the map.

I rate this map 5/5 and [color=green2]+rep[/color]!


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Map Updated!
Map has been updated, due to feedback the amounts of gold in the turtle goldmines has been set to 7500 gold instead of 5000. Also the base goldmines gold amount has been set to 10000. Also added 2 Goblin Merchants, however Market places has not been changed. Also added 2 orange camps to guard the Goblin Merchants. You can also see down archs under the bridges now.

Map Review

Depths Temples
Created by Remixer ; Uploaded by: Remixer

Terrain pathing is horrible, even if we avoid trees, there are still too many errors here.
For example, hero can be spawned and blocked between doodads and tavern.
Conecting whole map with just bridges is bad idea, huge army won't be able to move
easy from once place to another, positioning creeps into right place in fight will be
problem, not to mention huge number of spawned units for example if you play as Undead
and focus on Rise Skeletons (Necromancer) and Spawn Skeletons (Item) abilities.
Expansions in map middle are somehow bad, there is no enough lumber and large bricks
tile will limit build-able area for your structures. Human towers are more suitable here
than Undead ones because of smaller pathing ground for example. Terrain is often plain
and empty, you should add more environment doodads, some lightning doodads and special
effect doodads. The way you used Naga as Neutral Passive is magnificent, really
nice idea, but again you made mistake and placed few Murlock like units near taverns. I
fond this bad idea, because you have almost same units as neutral hostile just few points
away near Goblin Merchant. Item drops are more or less fine. Do not drop level 7 or level
8 artifact by level, drop artifact by class, so there is chance for both levels to drop
equally (Good for Macrura, bad for Turtle). You should drop artifact items so many times,
you have players in your map, it means in your case max 2, this is more or less "rule" for
small sized maps, you don't want to spam 2 many legendary items like this one, melee
map isn't AOS or RPG, there is no need to overpower hero too much. I suggest increasing
playable map area by simple reducing camera borders even more, this will fix lumber resource
supply in map center located expansions. Keep the level of Ruined Pilars and Statues, but
drastically increase number or shrubs, rocks and other such like objects. Add some effects
to naga units. Remove 4 Marketplaces, this neutral building is useless in such small maps.

I think, I covered everything, if not you can always check my melee map tutorial for few
more instructions. Finally I hope, this critics didn't scared you much, keep working.

Note to moderators, suggested map rating: 2/5 Lacking (in current state)
With improvements above and maybe few more unique things like Naga Neutrals and
you can possible score 4/5 Recommended.

Much love, -Kobas-.
This is a pretty solid map. I like the number of goldmines, and the number of creep camps is a good amount. The terrain is also lovely.

The dragon turtle creep camp felt a bit strong, though. Also, the pathways are too narrow.

This is an old map, but I just felt like commenting on it. It was a fun map to play overall. :)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
-not really nice using Murlocs from the same set (Sunken Ruins) as both hostile and passive units
-Amulet of the Wild dropped by the leader of the mob defending the Goblin Laboratory. A powerful unit summoning pillaged from a medium threat hostile group
-the middle looks interesting. Too bad players can't get their land units through there


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
-not really nice using Murlocs from the same set (Sunken Ruins) as both hostile and passive units
-Amulet of the Wild dropped by the leader of the mob defending the Goblin Laboratory. A powerful unit summoning pillaged from a medium threat hostile group
-the middle looks interesting. Too bad players can't get their land units through there

Indeed. I changed the neutral murguls to naga units/murlos and they should have spell immunities (except murlocs).
Also changed item drops. Yes, the middle is a tease =)

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Map Review

Depths Temples
Created by Remixer ; Uploaded by: Remixer

Terrain pathing is horrible, even if we avoid trees, there are still too many errors here.
For example, hero can be spawned and blocked between doodads and tavern.
Conecting whole map with just bridges is bad idea, huge army won't be able to move
easy from once place to another, positioning creeps into right place in fight will be
problem, not to mention huge number of spawned units for example if you play as Undead
and focus on Rise Skeletons (Necromancer) and Spawn Skeletons (Item) abilities.
Expansions in map middle are somehow bad, there is no enough lumber and large bricks
tile will limit build-able area for your structures. Human towers are more suitable here
than Undead ones because of smaller pathing ground for example. Terrain is often plain
and empty, you should add more environment doodads, some lightning doodads and special
effect doodads. The way you used Naga as Neutral Passive is magnificent, really
nice idea, but again you made mistake and placed few Murlock like units near taverns. I
fond this bad idea, because you have almost same units as neutral hostile just few points
away near Goblin Merchant. Item drops are more or less fine. Do not drop level 7 or level
8 artifact by level, drop artifact by class, so there is chance for both levels to drop
equally (Good for Macrura, bad for Turtle). You should drop artifact items so many times,
you have players in your map, it means in your case max 2, this is more or less "rule" for
small sized maps, you don't want to spam 2 many legendary items like this one, melee
map isn't AOS or RPG, there is no need to overpower hero too much. I suggest increasing
playable map area by simple reducing camera borders even more, this will fix lumber resource
supply in map center located expansions. Keep the level of Ruined Pilars and Statues, but
drastically increase number or shrubs, rocks and other such like objects. Add some effects
to naga units. Remove 4 Marketplaces, this neutral building is useless in such small maps.

I think, I covered everything, if not you can always check my melee map tutorial for few
more instructions. Finally I hope, this critics didn't scared you much, keep working.

Note to moderators, suggested map rating: 2/5 Lacking (in current state)
With improvements above and maybe few more unique things like Naga Neutrals and
you can possible score 4/5 Recommended.

Much love, -Kobas-.

This is the best comment written! I wanted to tell the creator the same thing but you already did it! ^_^
Level 5
Dec 12, 2014
Is this map getting a rework anytime soon? Altho it is true that you can see some of its elements getting carried over to Ancient Falls which is in my opinion a much more enjoyable map (gameplay wise), this one has an interior feeling that is just too unique to give up on.

I consider myself bad at aesthetics, so I'd only suggest strategic changes. Ever considered putting a Fountain of Mana in that shrine area populated by neutral Naga? A similar element is seen on the old Blizzard map. (8)The Crucible.


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Is this map getting a rework anytime soon? Altho it is true that you can see some of its elements getting carried over to Ancient Falls which is in my opinion a much more enjoyable map (gameplay wise), this one has an interior feeling that is just too unique to give up on.

I consider myself bad at aesthetics, so I'd only suggest strategic changes. Ever considered putting a Fountain of Mana in that shrine area populated by neutral Naga? A similar element is seen on the old Blizzard map. (8)The Crucible.
For now no revamp for this map is planned


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Alright, then.

What is the map currently undergoing revamp, if you can give a hint??
I'm currently working on a series of 5 brand new melee maps that will together form the Project - [Dusk].

No melee map is currently under revamping, but the three highest priorities are (8) Queen's Garden, (4) Forged Thunder and (2) Blood Shores.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2014
I'm currently working on a series of 5 brand new melee maps that will together form the Project - [Dusk].

No melee map is currently under revamping, but the three highest priorities are (8) Queen's Garden, (4) Forged Thunder and (2) Blood Shores.


The very idea of "Dusk" sound intriguing already. Hope to see your new releases soon.
I agree that the three you listed as high priorities are less exciting than most of your other creations.
But seriouly. Dusk! I can't wait to find what such a project could bring about.


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011

The very idea of "Dusk" sound intriguing already. Hope to see your new releases soon.
I agree that the three you listed as high priorities are less exciting than most of your other creations.
But seriouly. Dusk! I can't wait to find what such a project could bring about.

You need to understand that Project [Dusk] is merely the name of the project, and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the actual maps.

The thread of the project is most likely going up this week so you can read more information there. For now all info that is public of the project is this header:

and whatever conclusions you can make from the name of the album.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2014
You need to understand that Project [Dusk] is merely the name of the project, and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the actual maps.

The thread of the project is most likely going up this week so you can read more information there. For now all info that is public of the project is this header:

and whatever conclusions you can make from the name of the album.

Hmm. This looks to be a theme quite different from your [Ancient] project which is all about tropical beauty and Sunken Ruins
The fact I am way more excited about this than Diablo3's Necromancer DLC means you're doing a damn good job, Remixer