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Demon Hunter

higher quality generic Demon Hunter model. As with all of my recent models, I have no problems whatsoever with model editors using my submissions as base models for new submissions, so long as I get the credit I'm due for the work I've done.

Smoothed hair, knees and hip joints. Will state this here. My generic heroes are intended to be just that. Generic. A rose amidst wallflowers is still one of many roses. If you want to personalize a Demon Hunter based off of mine, go ahead. I have never, nor will I ever, say that you CANNOT edit my models for your own purposes.
Touched up some animations, smoothed vertex weights.
Will state again before more nonsense comes up. THIS. IS NOT. ILLIDAN.

Demon, Hunter, Illidan, Evil, Night Elf, Shadow, Hero

Demon Hunter (Model)

18:20, 22nd Feb 2015 Misha: I'll have to ask you to fix his HP-bar height, it's kinda high.. other than that, it works well, and fits




18:20, 22nd Feb 2015
Misha: I'll have to ask you to fix his HP-bar height, it's kinda high.. other than that, it works well, and fits
Finally it got released :)


Here's what I've noticed about this model, the hair mesh on his back is really, I mean REALLY distorted during animations (you might wanna fiddle with that a bit more).
Ears, yes longer could've been a LOT better but eh it's your call. I expected better hands but they do their job for now, also even a mere symbol on those blades could be enough.

As for the animations well....the main attack ones can be a lil' bit faster, same for movement one...also his butt is quite kicked during walk animation (mesh slightly distorted).

Those are just what poked my eyes, the rest is great as it concerns me. It was about time that a proper Demon Hunter be made :)

Overall I'd say 4.5/5, it gets a 5/5 anyway.
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Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Love the animations. Good work.
Yes. I'm that good.

Ohh dear.. this model might be the first that i'll have to send to await an update.. His hair not only does not have the the proper length, (no problem about the lack of ponytail) but it's rigged kinda funky and twists in funny ways with some anims, instead of being a bit more free-flowing. His head feels too thick, chubby and big-lipped for an elf, making him look more like a war3 villager.. you could try to slim his head-shape down a bit more to a more like the original, but i'm just doing the talking here. I'm actually happy with his ears, because war3 always exaggerates them, but they too could be a tiny bit longer. Next, not too sure about you but i saw some funny clipping between the pants top and pants top fur, so that too could be fixed

His death feels way too generic and it would have been really better if he retained his ritual-seppuku-like anim. or at least if he fell a different way than the rest

Now for the alternate form; it's the horns and wings, man, I really feel that you didn't make those accented enough.. I don't really know why you didn't try making the wing-limb just a bit more shaped like an arm, with a bit gnarlier 'thumb' the rest would have been really fine.. And horns, why wouldn't they also feel gnarlier and curved like they are on normal TFT illidan? they would definitely made a scarier impression.

so.. those are my thoughts, what say thee?
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Very cool your making nice awesome models that is a lot better than the blizzards, but I still respect Blizzard.
Level 33
Jan 1, 2013
I would have awarded director's cut, if I could) Model looks epic. But please do some work on the weapon. It looks blurry. Try to experiment with a different texture to it. I'm sure you can find something better. I would also advise to add any symbols on the round shields.
Level 14
May 22, 2010
Wow, this demon hunter really let himself go. You should try making him lean in more on the attack animations(1 to 3) this will make them have more umpf. Give him a better talk alternate animation, make him shake his head a little, or make some glow appear. Fix the empty void that is his mouth, give the guy some teeth and stuff. Try detaching his hair from his body and animating it(that one is a bit hard). Remake and rewrap the blades, as they are they look thick and dull, they should be slick and sharp and add hero glow to them. Change his feet to hoof when he is in demon form(detach his feet as a separate geoset, add a separate hoof geoset and swap the two out during the morph animations. If you separate the wing segments at the bottom they will look better. Make his body, arms and head move slightly during the walk animation.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

It looks pretty neat as it is imo.