Demigryph Knight

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
A knight on a demigriff from Warhammer Fantasy.
It is based on the model of a Knight on a Griffin from Hayate. Details of HerrDave models are also used.


Gryphon Knight by Hayate:​

Knight of the Blazing Sun by HerrDave:​

Demigryph Knight (Model)

General Frank
Please update the model according to the things I pointed out last year.
A good model edit, but there is a lot issues with it still.
Please fix these issues:

You should reduce the unused tracks to zero and get rid of the errors too.
You can use this tool to automate the optimization: MDLX Optimizer (just paste the mdx in there and it should give you an mdx back)

There is also some major clipping of geometry in most animation, which you need to take care of too.