Swan Knight & Vile Knight

"...turning, Prince Imrahil gestured behind him and said 'Behold, the pride of Dol Amroth!' "

- Knight of Gondor (Swan Knight)
- Knight of Mordor (Vile Knight)

Keywords: Lord, of, the, rings, war, ring, battle, middle, earth, II, Horse, horseman, heavy, cavalry, medieval, noble, royal, lordaeron

- Hotfixed Portrait
- Removed Attack - 2 Animation (Overhead swing/bludgeon)
- Added Shield
- Added Mordor Variant
- Updated Vile Knight's Helmet
- Added Attack - 2 Animation to Vile Knight (Because Halberd)
- Made capes double-sided, no more flat TC on underside
- Now the capes are double-sided

Swan Knight (Model)

Swan Knight (Icon)

Vile Knight (Model)

Vile Knight (Icon)

Love it! We need more Cavaliers like this in our database. Liking that attack animation.
General Frank
Works in-game, performs appropriately and is a good addition to the model section. Excellent work!
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
Fantastic and stylish knight! Rare to see a mounted knight with a lance..

Also will this spell anim replace the one currently on the Knight of the Blazing Sun? This one would fit perfectly with it.

This is also a perfect Bretonnian Knight!
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Level 12
May 9, 2009
Looks just like those riders from rise of the witch king. Simple but so useful especially for more lore based maps and campaigns with multiple human factions.

The interesting thing about Dol Amroth though is that this whole concept seen in games workshop models and in rise of the witch king is not canonical.

Like many other locations very few details are given about Dol Amroth and its denizens. The few facts given to the reader are: they're a pure-blooded (mostly) numenorean people, they live in a coastal city, Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth came to aid Denethor with a troupe of soldiers and knights, Prince Imrahil is among the greatest warriors in middle earth who 'emerged unscathed' alongside Eomer and Aragorn from the terrors of Pelenor Fields.

Judging by this information the image of late-medieval paladin lancers is quite ill-fitting. Numenorean sea farers, unlike the rohirim, weren't known for their cavalry and the martial prowess of Imrahil and his knights is more of a result of their nobility and of their numenorean blood (see the Grey Company of 30 numenorean Rangers who defeated 3 Corsair armies on their way to Minas Tirith) as opposed to their horseback mastery or their heavy paladin armour. I would imagine a host of Dol Amroth, just like the host that travelled alongside Imrahil, would consist mostly of Infantry with the noble knights being mounted but just as skilled on foot... their army should look quite similar in composition to that of the elves of the North as opposed to that of Rohan.
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Level 10
Jul 13, 2016
I'm thinking about removing it, but I'm unsure if the lack of variety in the animations will get me roasted again or not :<
Well, maybe Instead of the attack 2 - the usual poke with a lance, and the attack 1 can be edited a bit: the knight lowers the spear at a greater angle and kinda... nailing(?) enemy to the ground, and he sharply pull out the jammed lance before returning to its start position.
I doubt the correctness of the translation, and I'm afraid it will be easier to make a picture of this or to remade it by myself, so that it is more clear what I mean
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Level 5
Sep 1, 2014
Nowhere near enough dedicated lancers on the Hive and this one is wonderful.

I actually prefer it shieldless; the only shield that would really make sense with that kind of heavy armour is a heater shield* and it'd look pretty silly, given how small they were, compared to kites or the bigger round shields. It'd probably end up looking like a buckler on a hulking knight like this.

The model is great on its own, but I love it when coupled with CloudWolf's Gondorian skins.


Edit: I love how small the file size is, too. Alas, I have no more stars to give.

* For those interested, it traded in size for thickness, as it was meant as a way to defend against the anti-armour weapons that developed to combat plate; not many arrows could pierce the later period armour. Of course, once guns got good, people started to sacrifice protection for mobility... beware of Saruman, eh?
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
I kept getting too much flak for not sticking a shield on him :\

I stuck an experimental jousting shield on him, but it looked too small and silly compared to the rest of the Warcrafty proportions.

The shield is easily removable as it's polygons are not close to others of the same geoset, so people can just select them in an editor and hit [Delete] and it'll be the same as it was pre-update
Level 6
Oct 19, 2017
Looks Great!
Much better with Shield!
i do not known why so many people disliked him.

the Vile Knight is a Teutonic Knight that follows Sauron's Army.
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Level 3
Jun 3, 2013
Against all odds, this model doesn't seem to be working for me. Any idea why? (checked and there's nothing wrong with geoset anims)
Level 3
Jun 3, 2013
Which one are you testing?
- Vile Knight
- Swan Knight

Is it textureless, invisible, a green cube, what does it look like on your side?
Even after reloading, the Swan Knight doesn't appear properly, but is a green cube. Haven't tested the Vile Knight yet.
It appears correctly on the Model Editor however, and I detect no problems with the model itself.
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
It might be the particles that are breaking it.
Example - Reforged broke all of the WotK tank particles (Dust3x.blp, WeatherCloudx8, etc)
It could be that Reforged has moved/stored Yellow_Star, ShockwaveWater1, Dust3x, and RibbonBlur1 in a different folder - neatly breaking the paths and the model. :(

Which version of the editor are you loading it on, SD or HD?
Level 3
Jun 3, 2013
It might be the particles that are breaking it.
Example - Reforged broke all of the WotK tank particles (Dust3x.blp, WeatherCloudx8, etc)
It could be that Reforged has moved/stored Yellow_Star, ShockwaveWater1, Dust3x, and RibbonBlur1 in a different folder - neatly breaking the paths and the model. :(

Which version of the editor are you loading it on, SD or HD?