// Configurables:
function ID takes nothing returns integer
// Write ID of custom "defend" in your map here, mine was 'A001'
return 'A001'
function BashChance takes nothing returns integer
// This is the chance (%) to bash. For example, if the following line is "return 25", the chance to bash is 25%.
// Note: It is an integer
return 25
function BashDistance takes nothing returns real
// To get an attacking enemy bashed, you have to get close enough, so this is the distance between the defending unit and
// it's attackers, from which it will bash. I choose 150.00 because it's melee range and pretty far so almost melee attackers
// can't avoid it
return 150.00
function ManaCost takes nothing returns real
// Mana cost used here is 10.00, it's the amount of mana you use for blocking each attack
return 10.00
function Angle takes nothing returns real
// This "determine" which direction is the front, from which defending units can block. For Example: if Angle returns 40.00,
// defending units can block attacks come from maximum of 40 degree from it's front to it's side. if it's 180.00, they can
// block attacks come from any directions.
return 40.00
// Spell code:
function Trig_Deactivate_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( GetIssuedOrderId() == String2OrderIdBJ("undefend") ) ) then
return false
if ( not ( GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(), ID()) >= 1 ) ) then
return false
return true
function Trig_Deactivate_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call GroupRemoveUnitSimple( GetOrderedUnit(), udg_Defending )
function Trig_Activate_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( GetIssuedOrderId() == String2OrderIdBJ("defend") ) ) then
return false
if ( not ( GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(), ID()) >= 1 ) ) then
return false
return true
function Trig_Activate_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call GroupAddUnitSimple( GetOrderedUnit(), udg_Defending )
function AddHP takes nothing returns nothing
call SetUnitState( udg_u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, ( GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_LIFE, udg_u) + udg_dam ) )
function Trig_Attack_Block_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return IsUnitInGroup(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit,udg_Defending)
function Trig_Attack_Block_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit dummy
local texttag txt = CreateTextTag()
local real x1 = GetLocationX(GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit))
local real y1 = GetLocationY(GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit))
local real x2 = GetLocationX(GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamageSource))
local real y2 = GetLocationY(GetUnitLoc(udg_GDD_DamageSource))
local real A = bj_RADTODEG*Atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1)
local real maxlife = GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit)
local real life = GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_LIFE, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit)
local real mana = GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit)
local real deltaA = RAbsBJ(GetUnitFacing(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit)-A)
if ((deltaA <= Angle()) or ((360.00-deltaA) <= Angle())) then
set udg_dam = (udg_GDD_Damage - (maxlife - life))
call SetUnitState( udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, (life + udg_GDD_Damage))
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Defend\\DefendCaster.mdl", udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, "origin" ) )
call SetTextTagText( txt, "blocked", 0.01955 )
call SetTextTagPos( txt, x2, y2, 0.00 )
call SetTextTagColor( txt, 255, 25, 25, 255)
call SetTextTagPermanent( txt, false )
call SetTextTagLifespan( txt, 2.00 )
call SetTextTagFadepoint( txt, 0.75 )
call SetTextTagVelocityBJ( txt, 64, 90 )
if (GetBooleanAnd((GetRandomInt(1, 100)<= BashChance()),GetBooleanAnd((SquareRoot((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1))<= BashDistance()),GetBooleanAnd(not (IsUnitType(udg_GDD_DamageSource,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)),GetBooleanOr(IsUnitType(udg_GDD_DamageSource, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND), IsUnitType(udg_GDD_DamageSource, UNIT_TYPE_SNARED)))))) then
call StunUnit(udg_GDD_DamageSource, 1.00, false)
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, udg_GDD_DamageSource, 40, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl", udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, "chest" ) )
if ( GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit) >= ManaCost() ) then
call SetUnitState( udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, ( GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit) - ManaCost() ) )
call SetUnitState( udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, ( GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_LIFE, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit) - ( ( ( ManaCost() - GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA, udg_GDD_DamagedUnit) ) / ManaCost() ) * udg_GDD_Damage ) ) )
call IssueImmediateOrder( udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, "undefend" )
call SetUnitState( udg_GDD_DamagedUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, 0.00 )
if ( udg_dam > 0.00 ) then
set udg_u = udg_GDD_DamagedUnit
call TimerStart(udg_t, 0.01, false, function AddHP )
set deltaA = 0.00
set A = 0.00
set mana = 0
set life = 0
set maxlife = 0
set x1 = 0.00
set y1 = 0.00
set x2 = 0.00
set y2 = 0.00
set txt = null
set dummy = null
function InitTrig_Defend takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Defend = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent( gg_trg_Defend, "udg_GDD_Event", EQUAL, 0 )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Defend, Condition(function Trig_Attack_Block_Conditions))
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Defend, function Trig_Attack_Block_Actions )
set udg_Deactivate = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( udg_Deactivate, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER )
call TriggerAddCondition( udg_Deactivate, Condition( function Trig_Deactivate_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( udg_Deactivate, function Trig_Deactivate_Actions )
set udg_Activate = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( udg_Activate, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER )
call TriggerAddCondition( udg_Activate, Condition( function Trig_Activate_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( udg_Activate, function Trig_Activate_Actions )