Debate about SC2 being the best game ever.

Do you think that SC2 will be one of the best games of all time, or the best?

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Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
1) It's made by Blizzard (now Activision Blizzard but w/e)
2) It's a sequel to Starcraft
3) They have been making some awesome graphical updates recently


The only thing that worries me is Koreans sticking to Starcraft 1 stubbornly, because then I don't get new awesome replays :(
Dreadnought[dA];1163710 said:
1) It's made by Blizzard (now Activision Blizzard but w/e)
2) It's a sequel to Starcraft
3) They have been making some awesome graphical updates recently


1) Blizzard have a bad habit of ruining history and wanting a monthly fee :/
2) Hope its gonna feel that way too...
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Considering that Blizzard has never really made a bad game I got high hopes for Starcraft 2
Level 9
May 10, 2009
In response to Dreadnought...

1) Activision Blizzard is a separate entity from Blizzard.
2) Its a sequel to the most revolutionary RTS of all time.
3) Yes, the graphics look amazing.

And... now, my reasons.

1) Wait? There is a merc campaign, where you do missions and buy upgrades before missions?! There's an RPG campaign? Better then the W3 one with Rexxar in it?

2) Its 30 hours, one campaign.

3) There is...2 expansions...with 60 hours of campaign combined.

4) Graphics. Amazing. The original StarCraft's art style isn't so it was amazing, it was so it would barely age - it doesn't look like an abomination, even now.

5) A even more powerful editor then W3.

6) The ending of Brood War [ more mainstream story for 10 years...hah] was mysterious and compelling [the secret mission...not the secret N64 one, and this is an exception, SeaKing], and this promises to have a compelling storyline.

7) The funny units, and the excellent voice-acting, from the original.

8) Omg, achievements!

And more...soon.

Here's a few negatives:

1) ... bastards, they ditched the Firebat, Guardian, and others.

2) ... is that even Kerrigan? She isn't even voiced by the voicer from the first.

More, soon.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Reasons for not being the best game ever:
1. Definately not enough new things. It's just Starcraft 1 with new graphics, new units and LOL XEL'NAGATOWERZZZZ DESTRUCTAIBLE RAWKS, YALLOW MINREALS ADN LONGASSGRASS! Otherwise it's identical to Starcraft 1. Of course you people are going to argue with "If it's not broken don't fix it."

2. The Starcraft style gameplay is starting to get old and dated. Sure it may not be broken but that doesn't mean that I won't get tired of it.

3. The greatest game of all time has already been made. It's Tetris.

Reasons why Starcraft 2 will still be good.

1. Map Editor: lots of good user made maps.

Now don't get me wrong. I believe that Starcraft 2 is going to be a good game and fun to play. However I don't see it as such an extraordinary game as some of the fans make it out to be. It won't reallly revolutionize the RTS genre either, but it's still going to be fun to play.
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Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
327 will still be free with payable options...I just hope the options aren't some really bad things.

The trilogy makes me nervous about where Blizzard is going and falters my faith in them a little. However if its a good game, and I see that the campaign is worth going farther into I might just save up for all three.

However I also love starcraft and blizzard so I'm getting the first one just for the online play.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
Reasons for not being the best game ever:
1. Definately not enough new things. It's just Starcraft 1 with new graphics, new units and LOL XEL'NAGATOWERZZZZ DESTRUCTAIBLE RAWKS, YALLOW MINREALS ADN LONGASSGRASS! Otherwise it's identical to Starcraft 1. Of course you people are going to argue with "If it's not broken don't fix it."

2. The Starcraft style gameplay is starting to get old and dated. Sure it may not be broken but that doesn't mean that I won't get tired of it.

3. The greatest game of all time has already been made. It's Tetris.

Reasons why Starcraft 2 will still be good.

1. Map Editor: lots of good user made maps.

Now don't get me wrong. I believe that Starcraft 2 is going to be a good game and fun to play. However I don't see it as such an extraordinary game as some of the fans make it out to be. It won't reallly revolutionize the RTS genre either, but it's still going to be fun to play.

1) I won't argue with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", its a bullshit statement. I'd love to see Halo 2 with just different maps and story, but nothing else new.

2) The first StarCraft has only aged 4 months, and its been out for more then 10 years.

3) The greatest game of all time has already been made - I'm not sure, but not Pacman or Tetris, or Ping-pong.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
I'm very sure there will be ZERO, 0, None, Negative, Void, Null, FEES!!!

Blizzard is seeking to crush all other RTS competition (a lot has built up over the 10 years) and by having it free to play, they will utterly dominate all others. Warcraft 3 isn't much of a competitive game since it's rather boring to watch compared to Starcraft.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
Boring to watch, indeed. StarCraft has superior skirmish, and skirmish-match length time, but Warcraft crafts the best campaigns seen in an RTS. RPG campaign [what?! An RTS with an excellent RPG campaign?!!!], stealth-sections [omg, you must be kidding, even Halo Wars minorly ripped them off with their Scarab level, you don't use stealth, but the Scarab beam, well, you'll have to see for yourself], A TD LEVEL?! Heroes that carry over with their xp, abilities and ITEMS [no seriously, items in an rts]?!

Well, anyway, StarCraft has a pretty good campaign too.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Boring to watch, indeed. StarCraft has superior skirmish, and skirmish-match length time, but Warcraft crafts the best campaigns seen in an RTS. RPG campaign [what?! An RTS with an excellent RPG campaign?!!!], stealth-sections [omg, you must be kidding, even Halo Wars minorly ripped them off with their Scarab level, you don't use stealth, but the Scarab beam, well, you'll have to see for yourself], A TD LEVEL?! Heroes that carry over with their xp, abilities and ITEMS [no seriously, items in an rts]?!

Well, anyway, StarCraft has a pretty good campaign too.

I really don't understand what you are getting at...
Level 25
May 11, 2007
More like Half, even 0%-Clarity Level Design 2.

Yeah, I know, physic puzzles and great sequences made in the game engine.. We see those in every game.
I know you're a fanboi of SC, I am aswell, but you don't have to flame all other games for that ^^

And I like HL2 the most because of the mods, there are a lot more to HL2 than to SC and WC3 (EXCEPT for campaigns and maps, but those aint real mods + that melee what was it called?)
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Dreadnought[dA];1169098 said:
2) It has Drugs
3) It has Medics
3) is flawed! Starcraft 2 does NOT have medics! It has dropships with magical healing rays. Medics only for custom maps.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Funny, but what new units will they have? I can see they will have a Reaper, Viking, Thor but that's just the Terran's. I'll get it for Christmas once they release it.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Thanks for correcting that. I just took a quick look, but can't wait for it! Just expecting better graphics, tactics and gameplay (like Warcraft III). Anyways thanks for pointing that out.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
Yeah, I know, physic puzzles and great sequences made in the game engine.. We see those in every game.
I know you're a fanboi of SC, I am aswell, but you don't have to flame all other games for that ^^

And I like HL2 the most because of the mods, there are a lot more to HL2 than to SC and WC3 (EXCEPT for campaigns and maps, but those aint real mods + that melee what was it called?)

I don't flame games... I blame games for flaws. Don't Flame, Blame. Geddit?

pha0001 said:
I'll get it for Christmas once they release it.

It'll be late 2009, and I'll get it on launch. Pre-order the collectors edition.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Thanks for the information when its going to release (proud of it). As what you gave me in the private message for reputation (though it seems unpleasant), I will give you one.

EDIT: Message removed (its a warning; don't do it again)
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Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
I am not in the will of what one says; its not recommended to force one into submissive orders into yours. Just don't do it again; I hope me and the moderator will let you go this time, and it will.

Just don't do it again; it is in the behalf of continued slavery and the condemned around the world.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Its going to be the best game of the year.

Starcraft I gameplay is good, its a 90s game that ppl still play nowadays and make competitions out of it. Surely the II version will be better.

The only bad thing about it is...

You pay the damn campaigns separately!! Its EXPENSIVE
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Its going to be the best game of the year.

Starcraft I gameplay is good, its a 90s game that ppl still play nowadays and make competitions out of it. Surely the II version will be better.

The only bad thing about it is...

You pay the damn campaigns separately!! Its EXPENSIVE

People pay for WoW, the most boring game on earth, and you're complaining about paying for Starcraft 2 campaigns!

It all depends on how good it is. If it's the best game ever then it's worth MINIMUM $150.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Dreadnought[dA];1175014 said:
People pay for WoW, the most boring game on earth, and you're complaining about paying for Starcraft 2 campaigns!

It all depends on how good it is. If it's the best game ever then it's worth MINIMUM $150.

And is WoW the best game ever? I didn't say if game ^ then price is ^. I just said its damn expensive bcuz u have to pay the campaigns separately and I'm saying this relative to Starcraft I and Warcraft III. In Wc3 u buy RoC u get Orcs, Night Elves, Humans, and Undead campaign in one package.

Sc2 you have to buy them separately, not to mention the expansion packs. Oh boy...
Level 9
May 10, 2009
I am not in the will of what one says; its not recommended to force one into submissive orders into yours. Just don't do it again; I hope me and the moderator will let you go this time, and it will.

Just don't do it again; it is in the behalf of continued slavery and the condemned around the world.

1) The moderator broke rules.
2) You broke rules by having a few off-topic words.
3) A begger is asking you for food, you think that begging is slavery so you shoot him. You get arrested. Done.
I'm being off-topic right now so, *OFF TOPIC*.
4) You broke rules...then with off-topic.

Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
the only reason im getting SC2 is because the map editor is going to be 10x more powerful.
Plus this is a modding website in the first place so..
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