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Death Dragon Rider Reforged

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Model of a powerful undead mage rides Frost Wyrm

My first plan of this model was Death Knight ride frost wyrm( like in classic version ) - I thought about a death knight ride both ground and flying frost wyrm with attack animation is slashing,cast spell,... I idecided to use an original scale of frost wyrm in Reforged then import the rider and made/time scaling slashing animation but my friend told me both scale of model look unreal and unsuitable, the dragon need a bigger size. And it lead to another problem was the rider can't have slashing animation like death knight or he need to hold a really BIG sword that why my friend suggested me another way was let the rider order dragon to attack and he can casting spell for bonus, it will be more realistic than my idea

5/6/2023: Upload Death Dragon Rider model, Frost Wyrm Reforged with Wow animation and Icons
Video showcase how I use the model ingame:

Death Rider Dragon will make world editor crash when open- ingame work normally. Frost Wyrm Reforged with Wow animation don't have this issue
Feel free to use and edit anything if you want. just give me credit.

Model now can see in "View in 3D", special thanks to @Retera for helping

Death Dragon Rider (Model)

Death Dragon Rider Icon (Icon)

Death Rider Dragon Portrait (Model)

Frost Wyrm Reforged with Wow animation (Model)

Frost Wyrm Reforged with Wow animation portrait (Model)

Morph Alternate Icon (Icon)

Morph Icon (Icon)

The model is fine, the problem is Hive's "view in 3D" button. Some versions of Retera Model Studio recently were saving in a way that isn't supported by the "view in 3d" button. But the model is fine and works ingame.

If you open the model and then save it again on Retera Model Studio 4.5f with the new setting unchecked in the checkbox:

Then this model can reformat instantly to "View in 3D" button format and will preview again OK. Because the model is fine, it is only "View in 3D" software that is broken.
The model is fine, the problem is Hive's "view in 3D" button. Some versions of Retera Model Studio recently were saving in a way that isn't supported by the "view in 3d" button. But the model is fine and works ingame.

If you open the model and then save it again on Retera Model Studio 4.5f with the new setting unchecked in the checkbox:
View attachment 436238

Then this model can reformat instantly to "View in 3D" button format and will preview again OK. Because the model is fine, it is only "View in 3D" software that is broken.
Now I understand, thanks, this is useful for people to get acquainted with this!
Looks interesting, but I think it will be better to put rider on dragon's back instead of neck.
I thought about that but wing animation make rider clipping too much so I scrap this idea. Recently, I also play skyrim and main character sit on neck so I follow that:gg:

Does anyone know why the model appears like this on retera? in-game, the model appears as a green cubeView attachment 436341
Model is too big, you must zoom in to see a model
Level 2
Jul 14, 2020
Yeah in particular, the Retera Model Studio is doing the same thing as World Editor where you can CTRL+ZOOM to change the cutoff distance to the background, so you can also CTRL+ZOOM to make the model show up without zooming in if you want

When I import it into the game it appears to me as a green cube, in addition to the fact that it appears to me as a model that only has "stand 1" as the only animation, it also happened to me with other models for example onyxia