I'm kinda stuck at the 4th mission. It it impossible to defend against that army that keeps comin'. Only if I could make some units, but when? Because they're already atacking after I defeat the enemy units that were in the base...
I'll come back with an edit including my review of the campaign, if I can get past that crazy mission... -.-"
EDIT: So, I've got past that mission. Found out that that was the last. The AI kinda broke. I rage-restarted the mission so many times that the AI got so tired that they didn't even atacked me anymore.
Here's my review:
Bad things:
-Found 2 bugs in the first mission: Captured Cindy vanished for no reason (she was losing health all the time, without taking any damage) and suddenly I couldn't control her anymore. Her cage was there, but I couldn't control it.

And the 2nd bug is Gabriella's missing icon. Also, I don't know if that's normal, but in the cage was Illidan, not Cindy, eh I think that's the unit from the official campaign and they/he couldn't edit it.
-It was pretty frustrating to keep Gabriella alive in the first mission, she should've been a hero.
-The raiders seemed pretty retarded in the 2nd mission, avoiding the fight with us, and goin' straight to the circle instead (2 waves).
-At mission 3.... God, that autoatack of the hero was so freakin' frustrating.... And I got atacked twice by wolves while the cinematics were playin', kinda wierd.

-The last mission is kinda impossible. The atacks are too strong and you don't have enough time to make enough units for defense before they launch the first atack. I was lucky that AI broke after restarting the mission infinite times because of failing to defend the base, and they didn't atacked at all after the last restart.
-Not too challenging.
-Too short.
Good things:
-Glad too see Illidan and Malfurion once again
-I was very happy to see that the action in the first chapter was 10.000 years ago, when was the sundering
-The story was interesting
-Many funny quotes/dialogues
-Amazing cinematics.
Pretty interesting overall. Not really my style, but I really liked it. I give it 4/5, what I really liked the most at this campaign is the humor, kinda my style. Now I'm gonna start the next campaign, the 2nd campaign from Joe's Chronicles, the sequel to this one. ^^
Oh... and... what was with the last, let's call it..., cinematic?
For the guys that find this campaign difficult, or they can't get past something, I've made a playthrough with the entire campaign. There is a link with the playlist below: