Ash, you're entirely missing my point. X person wants his map on Bnet, he doesn't want it at the Hive. It should be the mapmaker's decision where he wants it posted. This applies to any resource too, not just maps. Dozens upon dozens of resource makers specifically say in their readme's that they do not want the resources uploaded anywhere but X or Y specific site. It really isn't just me that feels this way, it's just I'm the only one saying anything about it.
And yes, the user can request it be taken down, but he shouldn't have to. It should only be up in the first place if he puts it there. Skip the step where the user becomes offended that the site allowed it to happen in the first place.
Not everyone makes maps or resources for them to be popular. Please get that out of your head.
The problem is, you're making your map available to the public domain. Popularity generated because of that is coincidental. When you release your map to, it ends up everywhere. Regardless of your readme asking for it not to be submitted, however; that brings me to my next point:
If X says he doesn't want his map uploaded to any site but Y, then that would count as a request for the map to be taken down. This, I can fully understand; I remember a map maker who'd only submitted his map to his site because he wanted to generate a larger userbase.
Although, if the creator doesn't say anything about which sites he wants his map uploaded to--not that he actually holds rights to say so anyway, no copyright is held on maps as they're creating it after accepting blizzards licence agreement; I don't believe you have rights (in a legal sense, I would whole heartedly back your rights as an author) [1]--then the map would be reviewed as it would if the original author submitted it, and it's cases like this that the 'public resource provider' was created for; nobody gets credit for
your work, and if you ever do turn up, 'rights' are transferred to you.
All in all, if the creator expressly states that he 'does not want the map uploaded to any website excluding that of N' (or something along the lines of that) there doesn't
appear to be any issue.
The site functions as normal; maps get reviewed, people--hopefully--become more literate and the map database grows. It's not just a epicwarbin for maps, as people are actually putting thought into what they write when they download it and, suffice to say, it might actually help the creator when he stumbles upon it.
[1] [Source: Segments from the Licence agreement, quoted ad verbatim] All use of the Editor or any New Materials is subject to this License Agreement.
All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including, but not limited to, any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by Blizzard Entertainment or its licensors.