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Damage Team Survival

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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Greetings members of the Hive Workshop.

I would like to present to you the first public release of my map, made from scratch, entirely by myself, called "Damage Team Survival".

The premise of the game is simple: You must survive and work as a team to overcome waves of enemies, get loot, acquire money, earn achievements and ultimately come out with the highest possible score you can.:smile:

Each "Round" of the game is themed based on a different race.
Round 1: Human Forces
Round 2: Orcish Horde
Round 3: Night Elven Forces
Round 4: The Scourge
Round 5: Bladescale Naga
Round 6: Burning Legion
Round 7: The Finale

Each Round consists of 5 different "waves" of enemies, and then a boss wave.
Once the bosses are defeated, the players are taken to a shop area, where they can buy/sell items.

The end game score is based on how much gold you manage to save up right at the end of the game.

Link to file Attachment: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-team-survival-142603/index2.html#post1335495

Other information:
- Map is protected and reduced in file size by Vexorian's Map Optimizer.

- The Game is harder with more players, and easier with less players. However, the highest scores are only attainable when playing at a higher difficulty. The game was designed to work best with around 6 people.

- There are some (but not many) memory leaks. For the most part, there isn't enough memory leaks to cause a game crash as the game itself is too short to allow it to stack up enough.

- The heroes are single instance - there can only be one of each type at a time. This is for game balance but also because I suck at multi-instance triggering.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could play this game in solo or online with multiple people so as to test it out. I have played it quite a few times over its production and believe that I have ironed out (most of) the bugs - however I can never be truly sure unless some other people can give it a try. Please remember the game plays best with around 6 people, so solo play is not a true reflection of the game experience.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can give.

EDIT: Updated the link for the new version.
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Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
I tested it and it was really good! I really like the skills of the heroes and the waves were rather cool. The achievements made the game more interesting.
I don't really know what to say, except that its awesome, check out this replay of me beating the game Single Player on my first try. I used Warlock who was, IMO rigged. His Ultimate is insane, as I demonstrated in the Lady Vash Level by controlling the elemental 0_o

Good luck!


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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
The warlock is an exceptionally good class to play in Solo, mostly due to his personal mini-tank pets :cool:

Thanks for the replay also, I'll watch it and see how you did - see if I can detect how well you grasped the mechanics without being told prior except for the post above. One of the main things I'm aiming for afterall is that the game plays easily without requiring a mountain of explaining to do. Hence why Round 1 is so easy and they slowly get more complicated.
Level 6
Mar 8, 2007
I played for some minutes but then it became boring... probably because the E hotkey of the warlock didnt worked.
And the terrain was really lame.

But looks like an ok map :thumbs up:
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
As for hotkeys there is the possibility a very few of them may be not working, simply because I never use hotkeys myself, so I rarely remember to test them.

I'll work to fix that though of course.

Could you provide more detail as to what made it boring exactly? The pace of the game, the difficulty or something else?

With regards to the Terrain, it is meant to appear artificial, and is only there to give a sense of the theme of the zone you're playing in. After all you are limited in the texture space you can use for a tileset, so I had to keep the details to a bare minimum and simply use as many tileset specific doodads to add detail as the floor textures simply wouldn't cut it. I also had to be minimalistic with regards to cliffs and walls as:
1) I can use Dirt Cliff or that Dalaran Wall cliff texture, which would not fit well with say, the Night Elf Zone.
2) Due to my poor understanding of knock-back style spells, I limited the shape of the zones to be roughly square type shapes, so I can more easily define what is and isn't out of bounds, so that should my spells knock something into a strange area, triggers can move the unit to a more appropriate place.

Edit: In response to Zack's replay, I've got to agree: Hysteria does indeed own :p The ability is hideously powerful in solo play because of there being so few units, causing the berserked unit to practically oneshot all the mobs nearby, and the boss's healths are quite low, meaning that the berserk unit does a tremendous amount of damage compared to what you're capable of yourself. Also, you seemed to have quite an easy time playing, but do remember that the game is significantly harder with more players, so I do hope you can test multiplayer and possibly provide a replay of that :)

Also, can I ask why you decided to keep that Healing Sliver all the way to the end? It's a pretty poor item after all, so I wondered why you decided to keep it so long :?
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Level 6
Mar 8, 2007
Well lets see, the terrain could be made with raising and pathing blockers.
Maybe some types of paths, maybe there was some? I dunno.
This village idea was just stupid. Make it look more like an arena or something.

The gameplay was well rather one sided, you dont move and just tank the creeps. Till your spell was done and you could own them.
The eyecandy of the spells was nice though and the spells werent that bad, though i disgust stat based spells but thats just my opinion.
Since it was so onesided, kinda like an TD i tryed to look at the terrain which was really small and iam honest, ugly. But i sayd that already.

Since i quit at lvl 4 or 5 after the first boss i dunno about items. I think i prefer a larger amount of creeps that you need to hold together to pwn them with an aoe spell. Slow a half of them and kill the rest and so on.
Iam kinda missing the tactic element in this map.
Level 5
Jul 31, 2005
I played as the Naga Deeplord hero and I honestly didn't feel challenged till the last round and the final boss I felt was easier than the 3 bosses before him, I also didn't realize the 3 bosses dropped legendaries but oneshotted the final boss. Maybe make the orbs invulnerable from everything and reduce the length they're up or increase the time between each spawn since the arena is sort of small to kite them around for a good bit. Other than the earlier stuff possibly needing a small buff I really liked it. The scaling spells in my opinion was a good choice. As for the terrain its much better than most hero defense maps and I didn't pay much attention to it. I might of forgotten something but meh.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
While I do respect your opinion, I seem to think you probably should try playing the entire game first before passing judgement on especially the terrain , and the number of enemies. Round 1 after all is the training round, specifically designed to be easy, with simple enemies that require little thinking. The terrain also vastly improves once you get to Round 2 (Orc), and I do think I honestly did a good job with the terrain of Round5 (Naga) particularly.

Tactics do come into play but not very much at Round 1 and 2. From Round 3 (Night Elf) onwards, you will specifically have to fight enemies in certain orders, such as Round 3's druids can heal the other units and Round 4 has necromancers that keep sending skeletons at you unless you kill them.

Remember also the number of enemies and their health and damage is increased with more players (for example, where you got 2 enemies, it's actually 2 per player, some of the bigger enemies [such as Knights] come in the format of [(Players / 2) + 1] to make it a little more tolerable), so you're likely to get a better and more challenging experience through that.

Playing as a high-health tanking class in single player does net you a pretty easy run through. Though, if you play with about 3 or 4 more players, you'll soon find yourself not feeling quite so invincible :wink:. I will also add some form of notification that the Council drops those 3 legendaries so that you actually notice them more easily.

Additionally, the last boss is also pretty simple to defeat as a tanking class while in solo, as the majority of his damage is from his normal attack, which is lowered drastically by your armour. Try playing as a caster or ranged hero and you'll find it a lot more tactical as you have to employ hit-and-run type attacks. Additionally, the Orbs in final boss fight can be killed. Originally I had them as unkillable, and in some early tests players just completely didn't react to them at all and simply got blown to pieces by them. However, I'll take your suggestion on board and see how I can change that aspect of the fight.

Thanks for the kind words on the spell scaling. I was thinking of adding a command that you can type and it would display the calculated damage of the spell to you via text. However, given the numbers actually come off the enemy, I figured that that information was more or less covered.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
I'm in the process of reworking the Flamewaker at the moment, so with regards to that hero specifically, please note that some of his mechanics and spells are going to be changed quite a lot, and he'll have some new spell effects as currently his Pyroclasm and Living Bomb explosions look a little crappy at the moment.
In addition, I've fixed the hotkey for the warlock, and slightly nerfed his Felguards' health as they were quite simply too good at tanking, practically all the way through to Round 6.
Level 5
Jul 31, 2005
Also you could improve a little more on the terrain maybe remove the Blizzard cliffs and use Plateau tool with some rocks on the slopes and such. Maybe a little better use of tile variation with the current tileset you have? Also the Tinker hero feels like it needs a buff it seems a little weak.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Um, you get taken to it as soon as you defeat a boss. Every time you complete a round you are taken right to them.

The tinker is specifically designated as a synergy only type hero. I have however, buffed him very recently, so at least that should address that issue.
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
That was pretty fun!

Played with the paladin, he was interesting, nice spells, as with what everyone is saying though, the single player is WAY to easy. I didn't play multiplayer, but if it was a little harder, then I can see this being VERY fun.
Level 5
Jul 31, 2005
Multiplayer is a good bit harder than single player, I think single player is more designed for you to get a feel for the heroes than to actually be challenging. Also, its much harder to do with a non str hero as he said try one of the casters or agility heroes.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
In response to your response, I have no idea why I kept Healing Silver. Must have been blind or something.

I did try it in Multi-player, and my brother and I came to a conclusion- Mushroom Cloud is impossible. It seems rather impossible to complete, unless you have a whole team of AoE damaging heroes. I haven't been able to complete it, in Single Player or Multi-Player.
I never really tried all the heroes yet, but the Dreadlord was insanely powerful against King Damage. I was low on health and decided to hide. His orbs of destruction and the Super Soldiers blocked him, making me safe to recover my health and kill him afterwards. Although it was quite a challenge to play the Dreadlord in Multiplayer, with the creeps unkillable with 1 Graveyard Spike.

The Multiplayer difficulty scaling is rather good IMO. Its scales quite nicely and makes the gameplay more interesting.

Somehow, I found Anubarak's attacks must more powerful than King Damages'. With the exception of his Green Energy Orb thing, I feel that the Crypt Lord (together with the other two) are greater a challenge than King Damage himself.

I haven't been able to play-test this recently, but I remember one more issue. The Ultimate Abilities can be used twice if the round lasts long enough. I have a feeling its a bug with Blizzard's cooldown system thing. You should try Disabling the Spell after it is cast (disabling a spell hides it, but allows casting if the hero is already casting it). This way, it may work better :D

PS: I did realise non-strength heroes die really easily against the Coucil/King Damage. They don't really stand out too much Early game either, except for Warlock (as far as I know).
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
As regards to the Ultimates, it does appear to be a bug with blizzard's cooldown system.
The cooldown is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour) which is the maximum it will allow me to put in the field... but yeah, sometimes you can cast it again for some reason.

Mushroom Cloud is very possible, you just have to co-ordinate your AoEs a bit. Me and a friend completed it using the Naga Deeplord's Sinkhole to round them all up, before hand I weakened them all using some AoE from the Flamewaker, and then as they started reaching the center, used Living Bomb. It pretty much wiped out the entire wave instantly, earning us the achievement:wink:. It takes some effort, but that's why you're rewarded. Sure, it's very hard to do with some non-AoE heroes, but that's because the game is designed for 6ish players, in which case you would always have 2 or 3 AoErs at the same time. Another solution is to use the Assassin's Blade Rain ultimate, as that also does utterly silly amounts of damage - though I'm going to be weakening this ability, as well... it's a bit too powerful at the moment, even for an ultimate.

The Council boss probably does need toning down a little bit, and King Damage making a bit stronger. The thing I'll probably do is make the final boss move slowly with less players, and move faster with more players. That basically solves the problem of him being too powerful that a caster would be insta-killed by him. As an extra note, the Crypt Lord Council member (The Deathbringer) does move slowly, so you can outrun him to avoid his damage - I'll reduce his movement further to emphasise the way to beat him.

I think you perfectly summed up one of the main ideas of the game with a simple sentence:
Multiplayer is a good bit harder than single player, I think single player is more designed for you to get a feel for the heroes than to actually be challenging.

I will be releasing a revised version of the map today, with all the changes previously discussed in this topic. Again, thanks everyone for helping me test this and get it to where I feel like I've made a really good map that people can enjoy. I am really appreciative for it:grin:
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Apologies in advance for the double post, but I'd just like to mention that I've added the changes as discussed above to the new version of the map:

- The Council is slightly easier now. The Quickstriker hits for less and has less health, and the Deathbringer is considerably slower moving. The Chaos Caster also uses a normal ranged attack in addition to his Flamestrikes, but he will also cast them less often.
- Tinker has been buffed. His dispensers can now explode, and the healing/mana provided by them have been increased a great deal.
- The health of enemies has slightly increased. For early rounds, there will hardly be a difference (perhaps +10 health at most), however later rounds have been boosted by around 250 health each, or for more players, sometimes thousands of extra health.
- I *think* I've fixed the cooldown bug, though I'm not entirely sure on this one.

Other changes that were not discussed in this topic:
- Flamewaker has been reworked:
* Ignite is now only caused by Auto-attacks and Corona.
* Corona now heals regardless of who it hits, for 15% of the Flamewaker's max health. Each rank will reduce cooldown as before.
* As Lava Spawns can no longer ignite, they can now cast a spell which deals instant AoE damage. This ability scales with the Flamewaker's Intelligence, and is automatically cast.
* Pyroclasm no longer ignites, but creates fire on the ground which deals additional burn damage over time to units stood them in. Funky new spell graphic also. (Thanks to WILLTHEALMIGHTY)
* Living Bomb no longer ignites, but also creates ground fire, dealing damage based on the rank of your Pyroclasm. Awesome new spell graphic (Thanks to WILLTHEALMIGHTY).
- Lightning Harbinger's Capacitance passive ability is now two and a half times more effective, and also recovers his health in addition to mana. This should alleviate (some) of his weakness in solo/low player number games.

New Known Issues:
* The Rank of the Lava Spawn's new spell doesn't update, but the damage does. This is therefore just a cosmetic problem, and not a functional one.

You can download the new version here:
--Old Version, Link Removed!--
--Attachment Removed also!--

Thanks in advance for all your continued help in this map's development :thumbs_up:
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Level 5
Jul 31, 2005
Just played the new version everything seems fine so far but haven't played with all the heroes yet. I played once as the Disciple of the Moon or whatever and the paladin seemed like a pretty long fight put up the replay of that (I got really lucky on the drops and just owned). One question though is the Dethr0wned achievement working or broken, because I am assuming it means killing him in one attempt which I did but didn't give.

Edit: Just played as Lich and his ultimate seems a bit overpowered.


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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Dethr0wned requires you to defeat the last boss in a single attempt and without anybody dying in the entire Finale - which includes the Council Boss as well.
However, if you did that, it could be that it's bugged and I need to rework it or something, I'll look into it if so.

Thanks for the Replays also, they're a good tool for me to see any improvements that may be needed.

And yes, Hailstorm is ridiculously overpowered at the moment, so I'll put it in line for the next version.
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Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
it's awesome, I've played with crusader.

it came simple at single player but it was real fun anyway, and I am sure it would be far harder if I had played it on battlenet.

I had at last two orange, two purple and two blue items at the final of the game.

But you should make more powerful yourself at the end of the game, you scared me but I kinda defeated you more easily with two orange items, you should at least make other two disappear when one of the orange items get taken. final level is cool though, but most fearsome boss was that burning legion boss brutal, only he could take half of my life. and that cypt lord is mustn't get underestimated lol

overall: amazing, keep it super improved, I am expecting a few more cool levels..
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Hey everyone, just giving you all a heads-up on what I'm changing coming in the next versions:

Dreadlord Changes:
- Blood Strike now costs more health, does more damage and a has 9 second cooldown. Additionally, casting a Blood Strike now gives you the "Withdrawal" buff, which causes your Life Drain ability to tick its damage every 0.33 seconds instead of every 1 second (effectively giving a 200% damage increase).
- The "Blood Rush" effect has been reduced to 25% bonus damage to Blood Strike, down from 35%.

Lich Changes
- The thing everyone saw coming, Hailstorm no longers improves its damage with each rank, and summons (5*Rank) skeletons (Down from 5 + (5*Rank)), with each explosion dealing exactly the same as the first Rank.

Round 1 Changes
- The Paladin should heal himself for a lot less now in low-player games, as he simply wont have the mana to continually cast it.

Round 2 Changes
-Shaman's Lightning Ball will hit for less damage now at higher player levels, as it was hitting for ludicrous amounts at around 10-12 players, particularly when you factor in how many of them there are.

Round 3 Changes
- The Achievement "Spawn Camping" is now set to 60 seconds, up from 30 seconds, as it was almost impossible to achieve at some difficulty levels.

Round 4 Changes
- Baron Rivendare's Black Guards can now heal him without killing themselves, instead losing 20% of their health when they do so, significantly increasing the difficulty of this boss fight.

Round 5 Changes
-Lady Venomtongue has learned to live up to her name and will now sometimes viciously poison a member of the team (will not be cast in single player). However, she can no longer strike multiple targets with her bow.

Round 6 Changes
- The duration of the stun cast by Doomguards is now shorter on higher-player games.
- Brutallus, sick of being humiliated by high armour targets, has learned to hit for multiple millions of damage on his swings, forcing those unscrupulous individuals to play by his rules. In addition, every kill he makes will cause him to be healed to full, and triples his movement speed.

- While in single player, "dif+" can be typed to increase the difficulty of the game to act as though there was an additional player. Typing this repeatedly will increase the difficulty further to a maximum of acting as though 12 players were present. Typing "dif-" will reduce the difficulty, to a minimum of 1. These commands can only be entered during the Hero Selection time and only during single player.
- Flask of Eternal Life now only grants 200 health/mana when used, down from 450.
- KingZeus added to list of Prime Testers.

Hopefully this addresses some issues described above and some of the things that my friends have said about the map also.

Again, thanks for all your testing and support.

EDIT: For changes to the previous version, click here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-team-survival-142603/index2.html#post1309044
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Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
I've tested it now. I chose crusader in single player and tried most difficult mode. I let at 4th wave :) if I had more time, I would try to play longer. Ofcourse I died a lot and restarted at first round too :)

here's the most defensible spot. 2nd skill, that shield skill, ultimate, an unlimited heal item and hold position option are the best friends in this round. just get there and balance your position (footman at behind may attack you too, if you stay too close to that side) and start to fight with footmen 2-3 in a row. Others will not be able to reach you until you kill your current opponents. You may get killed once or twice because of your yet-weak abilities, but taking some footmen, leveling up, and you'll be as fine as a person sleeping in his bed.
just wipe out all the footmen in front of you, and exactly some rest in your same point to regenerate hp, and kill other easy group of footmen back there..

2nd wave.. this is more painful than 3rd wave (in single player) I think. those riflemen will keep shooting and you must to heal yourself continueously with your skills. here's the strategy: now leave your defensive point and go over that place where the 2nd group of footmen where standing behind you in 1st wave. once, make footmen follow you there and run back to the same side to defending. riflemen will make a ring around you, just continuesly send all of them the 2nd skill one by one. and clear the footmen. you may get killed a lot too in this level. use your skills helpfully and cleverly. use ultimate when you are close to death, it will help a lot. and you may bring the position to this at the last of this:

and at the 3rd level, there are 7 kinghts and 12 footmen. don't be afraid. knights are just more powerful version of footmen, and their number are lesser now. how nice, the job will take shorter time :)

it should be better if you throw your 2nd skill only to knights. very same tactic with 1st wave.. try to waste knights once.

and.. 4th wave. well this is the wave where I stopped. damn, 7 knights and 24! riflemen. 24 riflemen really are the deal right now. but if you die a few more times and improve your level and skills, going and doing the same strategy as 2nd wave, you should survive this wave too and desire to see 5th wave and after that, maybe even the boss wave...

and a little bug, I could use the ultimate twice at a round. every wave takes a lot of time ofcourse...

damn, it is not showing the pictures, I have put them in hide tag because of their scale.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Hey guys, I'm thinking of adding a Reward for getting a high score at the end of the game.

The Reward is that your Heroes all get buffed to level 100 and you fight a new, more complicated and difficult boss. If anyone has ever seen the bosses Yogg'Saron or C'Thun from World of Warcraft then that is the kind of theme I am aiming for: Evil tentacles bursting out of the ground and causing havoc.

Also, I have created a new version of the map recently and I'll attach that to this post.

The changes are:

Bug Fixes
- Dethr0wned and Master Survivor achievements are fixed and work properly now. (Damn, my coding was really flawed, can't believe I messed it up that badly :p)
- Disciple of the Forest's Innervation is now Hotkeyed to D, instead of S (which is the Stop Hotkey)
-Lady Venomtongue has actually learned how to use her poison now.

Hero Changes
- The Ranger's ultimate has been completely redesigned. The ability is now called "Empowered Arrow" and causes your next Frost Arrow Barrage, Explosive Shot or Paralytic Poison to do massively increased damage and adds an additional effect to the shot.

Round Changes:
- Some waves have been slightly altered to be more consistent with the idea that the first wave is an introduction and the last wave is the hardest.
- The damage of a Tauren's Slam has been reduced, and the Stun Duration of the Doomguard's Diabolical Fireball has been reduced.
- There is a very obvious notification now when the Legendary Items are spawned so that new players notice them more easily.

So yeah, all in all a very small handful of changes in this version, but as I say, I've got in plan a new "final final" boss for those players who manage to get a good end-game score.
Additionally, I will be re-working the Naga Deeplord Hero as I feel he's far too clunky and relies waaay too much on Flowing Strikes for mana and his Tidal Shield is way too overpowered for the short time it lasts.

Once I have the final boss in place, I will likely call this map finished, then I suppose I can submit it for reviewing/criticism from the big guys from there on.

My plan is that once this map is finished to a level I consider acceptable, I will export all the unit data / triggers etc. into a new map and create a PvP-Orientated game with the same heroes. Of course, abilities would need changing a fair bit, but you'll also be fighting along side allied units that come straight from the Hero Survival map, so it adds a little PvE to it at least. Let me know if this interests you in some way:wink:

Anyways, attachment below of the slightly newer version:
- Attachment Removed! See the following link for latest version: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-team-survival-142603/index3.html#post1367057
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Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
hmm wow, your workings are going good I guess Damage,

sorry, I couldn't explain my test above because of the pictures, they were too big, and I don't know how to make them as thumbnails :(

and how do we get that reward? with achieving master survivor achievement? and I hope that boss is enough good as you said :thumbs_up:

can't wait to try
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
In reply to Luffy:
The way to get the "reward" extra boss battle is to earn a large number of points at the end of the game. To do this, you'd need to save up your gold and earn as many achievements as possible to bump up your score.

The score your team is required to earn is: 500*x^2 points, where X is the number of players (in the case of single player, the difficulty).

If you achieve this score, you are put to level 100 and given the opportunity to fight a Forgotten One, with various abilities.
I'll outline some below:

Phase 1 - The boss has mana, and is invulnerable.
Boss - Yogg'Thun
- All Seeing: Can see invisible units.
- Black Shield - Immune to all damage while the boss has mana.
- Aura of Despair - Drains 50 mana per second from all enemies. (Removed)
- Crusher - Summons a Crusher Tentacle
- Constrictor - Summons a Constrictor Tentacle
- Corruptor - Summons a Corrupter Tentacle
- Flesh Link - The Death of a Tentacle causes Yogg'Thun to lose 10% of his total mana.

Crusher Tentacle:
- Extremely heavy hitting melee tentacle. High health.
- Crush: Targets hit by this creature have their armour reduced by 40 for 10 seconds.
- Mind Rot Aura: Drains 0.25% of enemy mana every second. Stacks when multiple Crushers are alive.

Constrictor Tentacle:
- Weak melee, with low health, but with a Constriction ability.
- Constrict: Stuns and grabs an enemy unit for up to (X*3) seconds, dealing 200 damage per second.

Corruptor Tentacle
- Weak ranged attack, medium health, multiple abilities.
- Dread Poison: Deals weak initial damage and medium damage over time, while also draining 1% of the target's mana every second for 15 seconds.
- Cripple: Massively lowers movement speed and attack rate of a target for 15 seconds.
- Mind Malady: Causes an enemy to run around in fear for up to 5 seconds.

Phase 2 - Boss is out of mana.
Once enough tentacles have been killed to reduce the Boss' mana down to 0, his Black Shield will be removed, he will be unable to spawn additional tentacles (but any still alive will not disappear) but gains 3 new abilities:

- Dark Lightning: Cast rapidly on random targets. Deals (150 + (X*80)) damage to a target, jumping up to 16 times.
- Summon Guardian: Summons a Faceless Guardian.
- Deafening Howl: Silences all enemies for 5 seconds and drains 10% of the enemy's current health. (Removed)
Faceless Guardian:
- Heavy melee damage, high health, slow moving. Spawn with 75% health.
Crush - Units hit by this creature have their armour reduced by 40 for 10 seconds.
Life Drain - Drains 1000 health per second from an enemy unit, healing the Guardian.
Dark Sacrifice - The Guardian loses 80% of its maximum health, healing Yogg'Thun for 5000 health. Can only be cast while at >90% max health.

I'm not going to tell you the best method for defeating this boss, but as you can see, the 2 different phases are very different from each other, and judging on how well you kill the tentacles in the first phase can make a world of difference to your performance in the 2nd phase: Afterall, you don't want to be fighting a bunch of guardians while being poisoned/feared/constricted/mana drained now do you?
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Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
wow, shi*.... this may be the hardest boss battle ever I have seen in my life, it really seems will be really hard. I can't wait to challenge it :grin:

do you take name ideas for your this boss?

(meanwhile, you really should make Lord Damage even more harder at the final level)
Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
hmm, I've thought "Eternal Despair" as a name for him.. For all those mana draining stuff and extreme power. Or "Black Hole Of Darkness" would be some good too..
But if you want to put that kind of names that you are mentioning, how's Seiaxray?
Level 5
Jul 31, 2005
You should also add something similar to Lunatic Gaze, with the having to not face the boss at certain times that would make the boss a good bit more challenging. (Yes I actually think the fight will be easy, but hey I have already done all the fights in WoW)
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
I was considering adding something like that, but then I realised just how much harder it is to not turn a certain direction while in Warcraft 3 compared to WoW.

Even if you go on Hold Position, your hero is likely to turn around to attack something nearby.

At the moment, the encounter is more or less functional, except that you can't really cast anything at the tentacles at the moment due to them being classed as wards (lolfail). Even more fail is that I forgot to give most of the tentacles mana, so they're not even able to cast their spells, heh.
I also had some kind of mega fail where the Despair Aura caused you to basically go to 0 mana instantaneously. I'm not sure how to fix this either so:
Does anyone know how to make a standard ability reduce mana regeneration by a percentage of the unit's normal mana regeneration? Using Brilliance Aura with a negative percentage based regeneration doesn't appear to work, as the percentage is based on the maximum mana and not the mana regeneraiton. Perhaps giving all the heros an Item-like ability that has a negative regeneration bonus? Maybe that'd work.

So once that is fixed up, I'll need to fiddle with the spawn rate / health of mobs / damage etc. to get a good balance and we'll have a pretty decent bonus boss encounter.

Once this boss encounter is completed, I'll release that version here, and play it online with people as usual, then I'll add one final balance change to get the map as close as to complete as possible, and then I'll call this one done.

Also, as I'm kind of new here, where would I go to submit a finished map for review?
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Ok guys, this is more or less the final version of the map. Notice also that the file size has quite greatly increased? Well, you'll find out why when you get the Bonus Boss.

Naga Deeplord:
The cleave ability of the Deeplord is now automatically cast when attacking, and costs no mana. Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, down from 4, the cone of attack has widened by about 60degrees, and the range increased by 50.

The Pierce ability of the Assassin is now automatically cast when attacking, and costs no mana. Cooldown increased to 8 seconds, up from 3.

Piercing Arrow's cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds, down from 6.

Bonus Round:
When a team completes the game with a score that is higher or equal to 500x(Number of Players)^2, they are rewarded with a Bonus Boss encounter: Yogg'Thun, The Forgotten God.
Yogg'Thun is a much more complicated and dangerous than any other boss in the game, and has 2 different phases to his fight. Reading the in-game hints and tips as well as checking out tooltip information will give you the help you need to take down this insidiously difficult boss. Not recommended for the individual! Best bring some friends!
You have only 1 attempt to defeat this boss, and your reward is simply the right to brag!

And I can't stress this enough: The Bonus boss is VERY VERY hard - near enough impossible when fought in Single-Player, mostly due to all the annoying slow downs/fears/travelling that you are going to have to put up with in his arena. As such you really do have to play with some more people to get this guy down (or whosyourdaddy, heh).

Here's hoping you like this new version, and again, I'd like you to hit me with all the feedback/replays that you can.

The Bonus is untested in terms of difficulty. He should be very hard from what I can calculate in terms of expected player damage output and the rate of spawns etc, but please take into account that I haven't got enough exact data on this boss yet.

Attachment below:
-Attachment Removed, please go the official upload page to get a download of the latest version: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/damage-team-survival-v1-62-a-149616/
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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009

I'll go look through the code and see what's up.

Originally, it was spawning loads of them all the time, and it got pretty insane. Can't think how I've gone to the other extreme now = /

EDIT: I submitted the map anyway (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/damages-team-survival-149616/) with the Note for the last boss.

In the mean time, hopefully it can marked on its primary content (Rounds 1 - 7) rather than the extra little bonus bit at the end.
Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
hmm, good luck fixing the bug. just one of them was not seeming so powerful, but a bunch of them would really be a great trick which is draining mana and endlessly scaring the heroes. Scare system is okay, it really was pushing the hero enough good.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
On one particular play through of the map with 2 friends (v1.60) the initiate trigger was broken for the boss and ran 3 times, instead of once.

It caused 3 tentacle spawns at the same time, and it was pretty crazy the amount of chaos that were caused. One guy was being constricted and unable to move, another hero was running around all over the place feared, while also poisoned, and the last person was being crippled and constricted right next to a Crusher - and so he got smashed in no time.

Now, it won't quite be that crazy in the actual thing, but if you don't act quickly enough and kill the tentacles, the constrictions and fears/cripples will really start to weigh you down, particularly when the Guardians show up. Also, if you really want you can ignore the crushers, provided you have good mana regeneration. Though, you'd have do something by the time 4 of them are alive, 'cause then you'd be losing 1% mana per second.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
I found the cause of the "one tentacle spawn" bug and it was being caused by Wiping. If you wiped, it turned off the trigger (so that it didn't keep spawning when you all failed to kill him) regardless of when you actually wiped. And with the trigger logic I was using, that made it only spawn 1, instead of re-running the trigger later on.

Also guys, I'm considering doing a big overhaul of my Knockback style abilities.

The knockbacks currently in the game are:
Geyser, Corona, Ball Lightning Barrage, Winds of Change.

Each one doesn't really knock units back, it more or less "teleports" them to the spot they would end up at. This method is functionally ok, but aesthetically poor. It also has the bug of knocking units into trees, onto cliffs etc and causing them to get stuck.

To fix all of these problems at once, I'll be using: Paladon's GUI Knockback System. If you download the map and play about with skills, you'll see it has support for multiple skill levels (eg. Corona gets a larger radius per rank) and the units don't slide through trees etc.
The system is also leakless and MUI, plus very simple to use.

I'll apply this major update along with some Naga Deeplord Changes, which are listed below:

Naga Deeplord Major Changes:
- The Cleave ability now knocks enemies back slightly.
- Tidal Shield has been redesigned. While this shield is active 1% of the Hero's health is recovered every second. Additionally, when melee attackers hit the Shielded hero, they have a 10% chance to be blasted with icy waters, knocking them away and slowing them and their nearby allies' movement speed by 40% for 8 seconds. The damage of Tidal Shield's knockback effect is determined by the Strength of the Deeplord. And here's the best bit: It can now be cast on other heroes. The cooldown of the ability is also being reduced down to a flat 10 seconds, while the duration is being increased to 50 seconds, for all ranks.
- Flowing Strikes will cause your cleave attacks to do more damage if Flowing Strikes is active. The bonus damage will increase with each rank of Flowing Strikes.
- Sinkhole will only last for 10 seconds, down from 15.

Looks to be that the Deeplord is quickly becoming the knockback-defender hero of the map: knocking enemy units away from the casters and saving them from being surrounded or it by dangerous enemies. I like this, as before his abilities didn't seem to have any sort of 'theme' them.

I should have these changes done, along with the new knockback system implemented, around mid next week.

So, until then, stay tuned.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
I don't plan to. I've already totally ran out of buffs, so I cannot use any kind of buffs for any new heroes.

Plus, I like the balance of 4 agility, 4 intelligence and 4 strength heroes.

As such, to keep the balance, I'd have to add 3 new heroes all at the same time, and I'm not exactly prepared to do that.
And so I'll only be polishing the existing heroes from now on to make them as perfect as can be.
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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
I'm actively hosting the map on the European (Northrend) servers on most nights.

Just add Lord_Damage to your friends and join in any games I have up.

I hosted a game today with 2 other people.
Our setup was: Assassin, Warlock and Flamewaker(Me).

We managed to get a score of 40982, though mostly due to the Warlock being retarded and hardly spending any gold at all (he had 6000 when we got the last boss).
After defeating King Damage in 2 attempts, we moved onto the Forgotten God. We actually were doing pretty well and killing the tentacles at a good speed. I said very clearly "DO NOT GET HIT BY CRUSHERS, THEY HIT VERY HARD" and as such, the Assassin kept her distance. At one point, she got hit and lost some 20% of her health, so she thought "Oh, I can take this easy".... and then the next hit did about another 60%, the next killed her (Their Crush ability caused that). Suffice to say, we managed just barely to get to Phase 2, but died to the Guardians.

Lesson to be learned here:
If I tell you not to stand near Crushers - Don't. Seriously. NO.

I have yet to defeat the Forgotten God without using cheats, so I'd love to get a game together of some people who know what they are doing and take advice where it's due: I made this boss for a reason, he's there to be challenging and to be defeated.
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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Yogg'thun got a bit of a nerf, with his tentacles hitting less hard, and the Guardians having less health.

Everything you kill also drop Fragments now (Tomes) that give your hero a permanent +5 to all stats and 300 extra max health.

Just wondering: Is there anything that people would like to see added to the game in terms of features (i.e Not "more rounds" or "more heroes" etc)?
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