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Dalanar RPG

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Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
One quick question: Is the Druid's main attribute really supposed to be strenght?

/edit: Gaaargh, these spells. -.-
I seem to have underestimated this challenge, lol.

No offense mjllonir, but why the heck did you put a bunch of spells in the map when you didn't have any idea how to trigger them? -.-
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Level 8
May 31, 2009
Actually Me0me, before you start insulting
my spellmaking skills, they actually all worked on another map I made to create them at first (As I did not directly make them on the map itself) Sadly I deleted the map, so I can't help you much anymore :p. If you have a question on how the spells are supposed to be working, call me, otherwise your on your own ;)
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
I don't want to insult your skills, but I have to admit that I have trouble believing that if you really imported the complete triggers from your other map. Some spells just can't do what they're supposed to the way they are triggered.

Don't worry, I know what they're supposed to do from the tooltips and interpreting your triggers.

But some are really hard to recreate... I remade Wolf Form for example, but the way it is now bugs with the dungeon-loot-system somehow. :/
Level 7
Dec 4, 2009
Hey, I noticed you guys are only 25% done with your items and I was wondering if you wanted me to make you guys any attachments? I would love to help you guys out and although I'm not the best modeler, I'm, pretty good at making attachments.

If not thats fine. I love the map by the way and I am waiting for the final release.:thumbs_up:
I hope you can recreate them to atleast just work. If they isnt exactly like they was before, it doesnt really matter. We just have to create a final product before the project is dead. Then, when the map is playable and good enought to be entertaining, we can start by filling stuff and systems into the map. And it doesnt mean that bugfixing isnt important now. What we have to do is to fix the bugs and complete the spells, systems, items and heroes.

Also, i have made a to-do list for the team. Not all the jobs are taking, so if any of you guys in the team want to take the job, just say me.

We are currently searching a skilled terrainer to recreate our current terrain!


Everybody, please say welcome to our new spellmaker. Im proud to present Pippo.
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Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
But some are really hard to recreate... I remade Wolf Form for example, but the way it is now bugs with the dungeon-loot-system somehow. :/

The reason is because my system records the unit before the Wolf Form* thats why you have this bug.

*Wolf Form probably used Bear Form as a base spell which switches the current hero with another hero, to be transformed into, when the spell is used.
Meaning unit will be changed.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Well, the way I remade the spell, it manually replaces the Druid with the wolf, so there's the error. I didn't use Bear Form or any other morph ability because they're all buggy somehow.
...I'll try to do it with Bear Form... I think the unit should still count as "the same unit" then...

/edit: ok, it's impossible. There's no morph ability that can change a unit into an unit with a different model. Blizzard sucks. <_<

Can you change the dungeon system so that it recognizes the morphed unit?
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
Well, the way I remade the spell, it manually replaces the Druid with the wolf, so there's the error. I didn't use Bear Form or any other morph ability because they're all buggy somehow.
...I'll try to do it with Bear Form... I think the unit should still count as "the same unit" then...

/edit: ok, it's impossible. There's no morph ability that can change a unit into an unit with a different model. Blizzard sucks. <_<

Can you change the dungeon system so that it recognizes the morphed unit?

Sure thing.
I made a mistake for the system to be MUI instead of MPI =.=
Well, the way I remade the spell, it manually replaces the Druid with the wolf, so there's the error. I didn't use Bear Form or any other morph ability because they're all buggy somehow.
...I'll try to do it with Bear Form... I think the unit should still count as "the same unit" then...

/edit: ok, it's impossible. There's no morph ability that can change a unit into an unit with a different model. Blizzard sucks. <_<

Can you change the dungeon system so that it recognizes the morphed unit?

Dont use bear form. It wont work correctly with heroes. Use Metamorphosis.
Also im currently learning indexing, so there will soon enought be some channel spells ;)


@Aesthetics: You make spells? MUI, leakless, bugless and laggless. PM me for more information.
First of all. How experienced are you? Basic? Indexing? Just post in this thread.
Then, i'll give you are hero equalt to your codinglevel.
When you recieved a hero, start making the spell descriptions.
The first one is a simple spell. The second is an easy-coded spell.
The 3rd one is medium. The 4th one is advanced.
When you have made the spell ideas, i'll give you feedback and then you're ready to code.
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
I doubt so lol..
OMG you should probably post the spell description..
Different people learn coding from a different angle..
For e.g
Guy A learns indexing, i guess this is making MPI/MUI, before math logics, circles etc.

And basic..
Doesn't form any description in my head
Well. If you're are able to make indexing, then you can begin working on the priest. Its spells are buffs that increases damage, armor, attackspeed, hitpoints, regeneration, mana and much more. Be creative, and make a few spell ideas. Then if they are good enought, you can start triggering. Why im saying indexing, is that buffs is over time, wich means it then wont be MUI without indexing.
Level 10
Jan 24, 2009
Well. If you're are able to make indexing, then you can begin working on the priest. Its spells are buffs that increases damage, armor, attackspeed, hitpoints, regeneration, mana and much more. Be creative, and make a few spell ideas. Then if they are good enought, you can start triggering. Why im saying indexing, is that buffs is over time, wich means it then wont be MUI without indexing.

well... your wrong there... you can use Hashtables... Then you won't need indexing....
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
I guess I can throw in some ideas for the priest

Redrawal - Active
Increases the targeted unit's attackspeed at the cost of the priest's attackspeed
Level 1 - 10% increase in attackspeed for targeted unit and 10% decrease in attackspeed for self.
Level 2 - 15% increase in attackspeed for targeted unit and 15% decrease in attackspeed for self.
Level 3 - 20%, and so on...

Renew - Active
400 AoE
Allies around the priest will constantly recover health point based on the priest's maximum health point. The priest will lose mana whenever this skill is active.
Level 1 - Recovers 3% based on the priest's health points. The priest loses 11 mana.
Level 2 - Recovers 3.5% based on the priest's health points. The priest loses 12 mana.
Level 3 - Recovers 4% based on the priest's health points. The priest loses 13 mana, and so on...

Since just healing ain't fun, I suggest some damage spells for him.
Probably a spell that teleports units might be nice.
Level 12
May 21, 2009
well X-OMG-X i saw that 1 of your known bugs was that pyro? or hydromancer could jump on unpathable .. Well maybe 270898 could implent a pathablecheck in the spell (if its jass) else you could just convert it and do it. here is a link:
Pathability Check

oh and 270898 for the renew idea maybe u should base it on the priests maximum mana since priests dont get that much life just an idea ;)

Good luck finishing the map!
well X-OMG-X i saw that 1 of your known bugs was that pyro? or hydromancer could jump on unpathable .. Well maybe 270898 could implent a pathablecheck in the spell (if its jass) else you could just convert it and do it. here is a link:
Pathability Check

oh and 270898 for the renew idea maybe u should base it on the priests maximum mana since priests dont get that much life just an idea ;)

Good luck finishing the map!

Thanks for the feedback. Well, its not exactly unpathables. But you can jump out of the level area and you can jump inside a mass of trees, damaging units in the level. Also you can jump down in the shallow water between some levels, to hit the units without taking damage.
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
oh and 270898 for the renew idea maybe u should base it on the priests maximum mana since priests dont get that much life just an idea ;)
Good luck finishing the map!

If it was based on mana...
The allied will be healed very quickly.
This is kinda like a spell that prolongs the life of the allied heroes while battling the bosses. Not an instant heal :)
Level 12
May 21, 2009
If it was based on mana...
The allied will be healed very quickly.
This is kinda like a spell that prolongs the life of the allied heroes while battling the bosses. Not an instant heal :)

Well doesnt need to be like e.g 100 * lvl * hp it could be: 100 * lvl * mp / 3 or something to balance it.. Because a priest will not go for much hp they will go for much mana so it wouldnt be that good if the priest also need alot of hp just for making hes spell better.

Well its just what i think :D
Level 10
Sep 3, 2009
('-('-')-'): Are you any good?

well I did make a system ._.

@neku99: Well. I dont think we need any help atm ;) We are a small group of coders, so i dont think we need any more help. If we someday need some help, i'll send you a VM/PM ;)

hehe kk I was just gettin bored yesterday. but anyway at least you know you got someone who could help you out sometime :D
Hey guys, nice to know some changes are going on around here :). When is the next update coming out?

Pretty soon i think. I've been working hard on learning icons and skinning, and i know spells/systems very well too, so i will probably be able to make much by myself :D


I won't be working much on spells atm, because of a solo mapping contest. But, you guys will see results from me. Soon.
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Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Hi Guys

After some time (due to some laziness on my side... sorry :hohum: ) I can now say that nearly all bugs are gone. :)

The only things still buggy are the vJass-stuff and Wolf Form, all other abilities now work as they should.

If you use Wolf Form inside a dungeon, you can't get to the loot room anymore. I can't figure out what to do against that, maybe it just needs some changes in the vJass part. :hohum:

But apart from that, everything works fine now. Whom should I send the map? :smile:
Level 12
May 21, 2009
maybe i can help you if you give me the code to loot room and the wolf form ability. Might be something wrong with the unit variable. Because if you replace the unit you have to set the wolf bear to the unit variable.
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
Hi Guys
The only things still buggy are the vJass-stuff and Wolf Form, all other abilities now work as they should.

If you use Wolf Form inside a dungeon, you can't get to the loot room anymore. I can't figure out what to do against that, maybe it just needs some changes in the vJass part. :hohum:

But apart from that, everything works fine now. Whom should I send the map? :smile:

I guess you can pass it to Catch_ya for the debugging if OMG agrees.
If not then pass it to me :/..
@meOme, you have to send me the map again, cuz i've screwed it up :p

@Catch ya, im sending you the map when i recieve it.

@mjllonir, the new version is out when i get the map :p

@Everybody, i've been brainstorming and working on my buff engine lately, so when the mapping contest is over, i can start making the spells very easily without thinking of good abillities and one of the heroes is even almost finished because of my latest system. So, i will be making almost every heroes' abillities in no time. And then, when all the heroes is done, i will upload the map to the map section and we will start working on bugfixing and improving the map equalt to the feedback we get.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
@skamigo: It's a multiplayer-map, but you can play it in singleplayer.

@ X-OMG-X: I've sent it to you again. oô
Oh thats sad to hear. I hope it doesnt make big trouble for you.

Anyways, when my buff system finally gets recycling i can do the buff hero in less than 5 minutes. And i've done ½ of the dwarf. Then we need 4 heroes. I've brainstormed 3 of the 4 heroes. Then they'll be easy to make. The last hero will also be done by me as im going to brainstorm it soon too. Then you think "Yea right. He says so many things but arent doing any of them." and i understand you. I've been kinda busy with outher things, but when the solo mapping contest is over, i will work at fullspeed again. I've planned to release the map when we have done all the 12 heroes. This was just a small report from me. Catch ya, i've sent you the map aswell.
Level 4
Jan 27, 2010
Not sure if it's been said before, and I'm not entirely sure they're bugs or whatever... but I played as the assassin... however every time I use the poison dagger ability it lags my computer bad, but only went I use that 1 skill... and the blink attack has a habit of blinking me into places I get stuck in... but aside from those 2 skills I really enjoyed the Beta, cant wait to play the whole game ^^
Not sure if it's been said before, and I'm not entirely sure they're bugs or whatever... but I played as the assassin... however every time I use the poison dagger ability it lags my computer bad, but only went I use that 1 skill... and the blink attack has a habit of blinking me into places I get stuck in... but aside from those 2 skills I really enjoyed the Beta, cant wait to play the whole game ^^

Yea we allready know about the poison dagger. Its something wierd happening with one of our systems when casting that single spell. We've allready fixed it in the next version though. But thanks for your input. We will see what we can do to make the blink not stuck you in the next version ;)
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