Dael'Barun World Defence

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Im publishing this map so that people can modify and do what ever they want to do with it!
As i tried to make a Survival game of it, but didnt succed...
So after some months with asking and more, i just gave up the hope and just layed it be in my maps. Therefor i thinked im just gonna publish it since it got a soul like other maps, and i want to see what people can do with it.
So as i wanted to make it was like:
Its 3 teams where the players gonna survival of huge demon army that gonna attack them.
The players task is to Defend Dael'Barun and Defeat the demon King Sargeras.
The players gonna create a base and train people to defend themselfs and the Templars.
Therefor when they are strong enough they could attack the North-east camp of General Vezax and gain a good enough reward to survive.
The map size of it are Huge and a lot of custom models.

Here are some Pictures:





Updated the terrain, here i got a picture of after the work. I managed some freaking way to delete the ''before'' picture...

You can see a lot more picture here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/227524-albums6510.html

There Will soon be an gameplay map out of this, the reason is simple. It's because that i managed to create a lot of the triggers that i couldnt do for a long time ago. It will be and online game (also 1P if wanted.) The map will soon comme out, the release date is now yet been thinked about, but it might be out the *10.8.2014*

[rainbow]DONT FORGET CREDITS![/rainbow]

Epic, Human, Elf, Night Elf, Defence, Survival, Demon, asermaser, Boss

Dael'Barun World Defence (Map)

17:07, 13th Mar 2014 Orcnet: Seems like a good source for template, can be considered as acceptable.

What do you think about the template?

  • 1: Extremly bad!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2: Bad!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5: Extremly good!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters




17:07, 13th Mar 2014
Orcnet: Seems like a good source for template, can be considered as acceptable.
1. The terrain is nicely done. I like the layout of the stronghold. You have pre-placed units which could be useful for a defense map and you also have critters (I like it when maps have critters in it.)
2. This map can also be used for a cinematic or an RPG or any other map genre excluding altered melee/melee.
3. So, this is just a template. Why don't you just delete those triggers? (Just an opinion).
4. You have so many imports. Who made all these, you? Because I don't see any credit list neither here nor in the map itself. Please, do have it.
A full credits list:
Both in the Hive description & quest log in-game. What needs to be in the list? Name of the authors. (Optional: Name of the resource)
Level 12
Mar 30, 2013
1. The terrain is nicely done. I like the layout of the stronghold. You have pre-placed units which could be useful for a defense map and you also have critters (I like it when maps have critters in it.)
2. This map can also be used for a cinematic or an RPG or any other map genre excluding altered melee/melee.
3. So, this is just a template. Why don't you just delete those triggers? (Just an opinion).
4. You have so many imports. Who made all these, you? Because I don't see any credit list neither here nor in the map itself. Please, do have it.

1. The terrain is nicely done. I like the layout of the stronghold. You have pre-placed units which could be useful for a defense map and you also have critters (I like it when maps have critters in it.)
Thanks! And yeah Critters got a big worth in some games.

2. This map can also be used for a cinematic or an RPG or any other map genre excluding altered melee/melee. Im not sure if it could be a Cinematic map, but i dont know. And its mostly like and RPG map.

3. So, this is just a template. Why don't you just delete those triggers? (Just an opinion).
I tried to make a map out of it, but i didnt understand the triggering i should do for the map. So i just tok my project down for a while. And after some moments of thinking i could publish it as a Template. And yeah i could delete the triggers, i forgot!

4. You have so many imports. Who made all these, you? Because I don't see any credit list neither here nor in the map itself. Please, do have it. Yeah i love Custom things, but it wasnt i who created them. And i mostly forgot those Credits things, but i will look up everyone and give them Credits. Just will take some time!

And thanks for the review! I really appreciate it!