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Custom hero morphing need help.

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Level 2
Jul 11, 2018
Can i make a custom morphing spell from tinkers ult that gives one extra passive spell(custom made Barrage) to the hero(in morphed form) without using triggers?
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
You can simply add the ability you want on the morphed unit on the object editor. If you don't want it to display the ability Icon you can put it on a spellbook ability, add the spellbook ability on the morphed unit and disable the spellbook ability on map initialization with a small trigger

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If you don't want it to display the ability Icon you can put it on a spellbook ability, add the spellbook ability on the morphed unit and disable the spellbook ability on map initialization with a small trigger
That method is deprecated. Rather just set the command card button position to one of the many magic numbers that cause the command card button to be automatically hidden. I think -11, -11 was one.
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
Actually there are many such combinations that now officially work. No crashes on mac either.
Cool. What patch did that become possible? I wasn't able to keep up with the recent changes.
And just to clarify you can set this directly in the object editor, right?
Is the a list of coordinates where we can hide icons or just setting everything you want to hide to (0,-11) work?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Cool. What patch did that become possible?
One of the recent ones. It was in the patch notes.
And just to clarify you can set this directly in the object editor, right?
Yes, enter it in the object editor under the ability.
Is the a list of coordinates where we can hide icons or just setting everything you want to hide to (0,-11) work?
It was mentioned in the patch notes. But they are surprisingly hard to find as Blizzard removed the old notes for some reason. Maybe you can look at the news history on Hive to find it. 0,-11 is known to work.
Level 2
Jul 11, 2018
You can simply add the ability you want on the morphed unit on the object editor. If you don't want it to display the ability Icon you can put it on a spellbook ability, add the spellbook ability on the morphed unit and disable the spellbook ability on map initialization with a small trigger
OOOOK i took my custom passive spell gave it to the my custom morphed form(a paladin hero with custom gryphon rider model) gave my test hero(blood mage) tinker morph(i gave the custom morph to the gryphone rider aswell) loaded the map morphed to the blood mage to the gryphone rider(custom hero) it dosent have custom made Barrage.....Maybe im doing something wrong...idk.Il upload the map here can some1 take 5 min to see what did i do wrong?


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