Why won't my unit morph?

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Level 4
Feb 9, 2009
I have a morphing unit called the Archdruid. I made it so this unit can morph into 5 different forms, but when i click on one of them it morphs into a form that isn't even part of the spell.

How do i make it so it can morph to a specific custom unit?
Level 5
May 31, 2009
Take a spell like the druid of the claw's bear form, then under "data", change the unit type you want him to change to. Also change the order activation string to something different, and if you're going to have 5 different morphs, make sure they're all different.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2009
Take a spell like the druid of the claw's bear form, then under "data", change the unit type you want him to change to. Also change the order activation string to something different, and if you're going to have 5 different morphs, make sure they're all different.

Yes i did that. Under data i specified the unit i want it to morph to. But i still can't have it morph properly.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
hmm i think. why not try basing the spell off something else and trigger it? like basing it off an instant cast spell (e.g. Warstomp, Berserk), and use the trigger Unit - Replace, so you can really change that unit to a specific one.

if you place an expiration timer to the morphed unit (using the trigger Unit - Add Expiration Timer) you can also create a timer that ends before the expiration timer and replace it again with the original unit, removing the expiration timer upon replacing.
Level 17
Jul 15, 2009
hmm i think. why not try basing the spell off something else and trigger it? like basing it off an instant cast spell (e.g. Warstomp, Berserk), and use the trigger Unit - Replace, so you can really change that unit to a specific one.

if you place an expiration timer to the morphed unit (using the trigger Unit - Add Expiration Timer) you can also create a timer that ends before the expiration timer and replace it again with the original unit, removing the expiration timer upon replacing.

I wouldn't use replace really..

I made a morphing unit once, that kinda worked like Invoker, but stat allocation determined what morph you got when you 'invoke'.. it works pretty well.

Just jabbering off topic stuff :) sorry
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
I wouldn't use replace really

i just thought of using replace, because he said he can't make the unit morph properly using the bear form ability. but then again i thought maybe there is something with the OrderIDs like what Just_Spectating said.

i guess he can use it as a last resort. i don't why, but some computers lag (even crashes) when using replace thing. (that makes my suggestion the last resort XD)
Level 4
Feb 9, 2009
ugh! God dangit! I can't seem to find a way to do this! I tried using different deactivate and activate strings but that didn't work. The stupid thing just kept on switching the the other forms.

If i upload this map to filefront will someone fix this for me? I can't understand triggers as much, but i try my best.
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