
I decided to make another exotic model, a Crypt/Nerubian one. I rly like the Nerubians and Crypt stuff, and i figured out that there aren't all to many airborne units of these 2 races, so i thought "Why not make one more?". The result is this: the Crypt Guard!

Crypt Guards are fast-moving, light-weight air units. They're medium- to light-armored, but therefor they deal a lot of damage to enemy airbornes. Although they're able to fly at different heights, they usually stay high above the ground. Their powerfull barb can easily inflict a life-threatening sting to every organic flying enemy. It injects a pretty potent poison which causes a lot of damage over a quite long period of time and it also slows the victim. Generally, they are flying meele combat units. Their major disadvantage is that they can't attack ground units, but they can spit a sticky substance onto them that immobilizes the target. This fact makes them more suitable for guarding their lairs and scouting rather than assaulting, except if the assault's aim is to wipe out an entire enemy air fleet.
What remains a mystery about them is how exactly they came to life. Some claim they're hybrids between Cryptfiends and Arachnathids. This theory is certainly true up to a certain degree, but what this theory doesn't explain is where the wings and aerial accomodation came from. Neither Crypt Fiends nor Arachnathids can fly or have wings. And another counter argument is the fact that the eggs containing them come from ordinary Crypt Queens.

Feel free to use this model in any imaginable way (incl. editing if desired). I hope you like it. Have fun with it! :wink:

EDIT 1: fixed the issues with the tail, made the wings stiffer and faster moving (more insect-alike) and also removed useless bones and adjusted the hands' attachment points to the right helper objects. Important: the model has intentionally no attachment points for feet, as it has no legs.
Performs much better and more hymenopterian-like. :wink:

EDIT 2: my thanks to Heinvers for pointing out a problem with the model's tail in Stand -2 animation. I fixed that too now. :wink:

EDIT 3: i fixed a few problems that occured during the Stand -2 animation in the head and neck. I also tried out MiniMage's suggestion about using the Cryptlord's wing's animations (the alternate ones) and had terrible results. The main reason why this didn't work well is that the Cryptlord's wings are mainly on the X-Axis, while my model's wings are predominantly at the Y-Axis. IMO, the result looked like a wing-movement-mix from a crippled dragon and a chicken :vw_sad:, so i left it with the previous anims. I also made both models (actual one and portrait) use the same CryptFiend Texture (expansion one). :wink:

Crypt, Nerubian, insect, arachnathid, arachnide, hymenoptera, stinger, air unit, airborne, undead,

CryptGuard (Model)

CryptGuard (Model)

16:30, 17th Apr 2014 MiniMage: I still feel that the wings need a little more work. Look into the Crypt Lord animations. There should be one animation there that has an excellent animation. I would suggest you try and replicate that. I think it would...




16:30, 17th Apr 2014
MiniMage: I still feel that the wings need a little more work. Look into the Crypt Lord animations. There should be one animation there that has an excellent animation. I would suggest you try and replicate that. I think it would look good. The portrait looks nice and the filesize is decent, so this is basically all you need to work on.

16:19, 6th Aug 2014
MiniMage: Guess I should finally approve this. I would've preferred a more bug-like way of flying but I guess this is still worthy of approval as-is.
Interesting body anatomy.
ty :ogre_hurrhurr:

I'm glad you moved on from doing haradrim models :D
Why that? Where the Haradrim so bad? :p JK, JK. I wanted to make something different this time.....the Haradrim have kinda become my signature on the Hive..... :wink: Though i am planning to make a few more Haradrim again, especially cavalry. :wink:

Sweet concept, great execution
thx a lot :ogre_haosis:

Add Dragonfly tag.
:3 he just like a big tail dragonfly
A what? He? :eekani:
mhm.. there is a lot of deformations on that tail, especially on the attack anim.. and.. i'm not sure that dragon or similar type of wing flapping suits a dragonfly-like unit.. could you maybe try to fix/upgrade those?
OK. Will take a look @ the tail the next days. I don't rly see what the problem with the wings is......this model has similarly animated wings and got approved..... :vw_wtf:

I like it, nice combinations have you made :) the Crypt Fiend's face really fixed the model :)
ty :ogre_hurrhurr:

This is pretty cool. It reminds me of the Zerg unit from Heart of the Swarm.
thx :ogre_haosis: though it was not my intention to make a Zerg.....
Level 24
May 15, 2013
What a dangerous insect that thing is, better keep my jets away from it.
A may also found a theory of how its born.

It could be made by experements from
the Forsaken, by taking parts of an arachnids and crypt fiends. Since nerubians are also
like bugs, they can fly. The wings could be made by nerubians webs, nerubian webs are very strong and not easily cut. A perfect part to make it as its wings. And also a last ingredient, LIGHTNING. And it live. The first crypt guard is a female. so it lays its egg and the other crypt guards born.

Thats my theory.
What a dangerous insect that thing is, better keep my jets away from it.
A may also found a theory of how its born.

It could be made by experements from
the Forsaken, by taking parts of an arachnids and crypt fiends. Since nerubians are also
like bugs, they can fly. The wings could be made by nerubians webs, nerubian webs are very strong and not easily cut. A perfect part to make it as its wings. And also a last ingredient, LIGHTNING. And it live. The first crypt guard is a female. so it lays its egg and the other crypt guards born.

Thats my theory.
Nice theory, although i don't think it makes much sense to use webs as wings. A web has many holes and uncovered space, which makes it impractical for a wing. This way the creature would lavish most of its energy and pwoer into moving an ineffective body part. :vw_sad: Nevertheless, the rest of the theory is quite good and makes logical sense. :wink:

This is the best model from you yet. The only thing I'd say would be to make the wings faster. That would make it feel more bug-like rather than a bird. XD
Rly?? :vw_wtf: I thought my Troll Boar and Shark Riders were better..... Yeah, I'll make some changes in the wings, as Misha said, i think they're better in being a bit stiffer rather than elastic. :wink:
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
This isn't too bad, man. I still kinda like Andrew's "Crypt Flyer" better, but this is seriously interesting (like the Dragonfly-themed design).

I also agree with the "good to see something other than Haradrim models" comment... But probably more because I have no use for those, whereas Nerubians (or J.Trolls, or Dwarves, or Naga or Pandaren... :p) I do. :p Keep it up.
This isn't too bad, man. I still kinda like Andrew's "Crypt Flyer" better, but this is seriously interesting (like the Dragonfly-themed design).

I also agree with the "good to see something other than Haradrim models" comment... But probably more because I have no use for those, whereas Nerubians (or J.Trolls, or Dwarves, or Naga or Pandaren... :p) I do. :p Keep it up.
Ty :ogre_hurrhurr: Andrew's is a more compact design, like the Hive Guards from Armies of Exigo.

Hm, IMO both (Haradrim and Nerubian) have the same usefullness. The only places were, i think, this model is more suited than the Haradrim are futuristic, alien and space maps/campaigns.

P.S. to all: the model and the icon have been updated! :wink:
WoW. I like the concept. You never cease to amaze me with your ideas.
Hehe, thx :ogre_hurrhurr: I'm glad you like it. This week i have a bit more spare time than the previous one, spare time which i plan to invest into something special. :wink: Plz don't ask me what it's going to be, coz i won't reveal anything so far. :vw_sad:
Its not about ... what is approved or what is not ... This just doesn´t look good ... because no insect move wings like this ... They are moving way more and more faster ...

How about using your imagination?

I am positive that Uncle Fester did not create this model to resemble anything "real".
What's with the sequence -stand 2? During that the tail abruptly stops high above behind the body. You should fix that if you have time.
Oh. :vw_sad: Missed that one. Will fix it this weekend. :wink:

Its not about ... what is approved or what is not ... This just doesn´t look good ... because no insect move wings like this ... They are moving way more and more faster ...
In reality yes, but this is a game.... :eekani:

How about using your imagination?

I am positive that Uncle Fester did not create this model to resemble anything "real".
Ofc not. In reality we have no Nerubians and Cryptfiend. :wink:

I think .. that In every world of everybodys mind must insects move wings how they are doing in our world ... That´s a fact
Who says it's a fact? The science certainly not. And the philosophists would say: "This can't be answered. From where should i know that everybody is seeing this thing the same way i do?"

I'm not going to discus this.
But that is in no way a fact and never can be.
In my imagination insects with wings flap them horizontally.
Absolutely. Everybody can create custom imagination stuff in each imaginable way. Fantasy is unlimited, as well as creativity. :wink:

I have to agree with you here. Anyway, it's a fictive being, so don't assume it would resemble real-life insects too much Skipper.:wink:
Truely. :wink:
Level 4
Oct 22, 2013
Very creative, looks good, very nice animations, I think it is worth the filesize.

This is very cool, but the lazy dragon animations ruin it. You have to speed up its animations. Its wings need to be flapping a lot more quickly; at least twice a second, preferably faster. All of its animations need to be more sporadic and buglike. If you don't want to bother changing the animations, you could at least just speed them up.

I love the model; if the animations were good, I would give this a 4/5 or perhaps even a 5/5, but because of the lazy dragon animations, I'll only be able to give this a 3/5.
This is very cool, but the lazy dragon animations ruin it. You have to speed up its animations. Its wings need to be flapping a lot more quickly; at least twice a second, preferably faster. All of its animations need to be more sporadic and buglike. If you don't want to bother changing the animations, you could at least just speed them up.

I love the model; if the animations were good, I would give this a 4/5 or perhaps even a 5/5, but because of the lazy dragon animations, I'll only be able to give this a 3/5.
ty :ogre_hurrhurr: it's the wyvern's anim set and skeleton, not the dragon :wink:

Maybe one day i will change them, but currently not. :vw_sad: Have been making so many changes on this model that i got tired of it. :vw_sad: