I decided to make another exotic model, a Crypt/Nerubian one. I rly like the Nerubians and Crypt stuff, and i figured out that there aren't all to many airborne units of these 2 races, so i thought "Why not make one more?". The result is this: the Crypt Guard!
Crypt Guards are fast-moving, light-weight air units. They're medium- to light-armored, but therefor they deal a lot of damage to enemy airbornes. Although they're able to fly at different heights, they usually stay high above the ground. Their powerfull barb can easily inflict a life-threatening sting to every organic flying enemy. It injects a pretty potent poison which causes a lot of damage over a quite long period of time and it also slows the victim. Generally, they are flying meele combat units. Their major disadvantage is that they can't attack ground units, but they can spit a sticky substance onto them that immobilizes the target. This fact makes them more suitable for guarding their lairs and scouting rather than assaulting, except if the assault's aim is to wipe out an entire enemy air fleet.
What remains a mystery about them is how exactly they came to life. Some claim they're hybrids between Cryptfiends and Arachnathids. This theory is certainly true up to a certain degree, but what this theory doesn't explain is where the wings and aerial accomodation came from. Neither Crypt Fiends nor Arachnathids can fly or have wings. And another counter argument is the fact that the eggs containing them come from ordinary Crypt Queens.
Feel free to use this model in any imaginable way (incl. editing if desired). I hope you like it. Have fun with it!
EDIT 1: fixed the issues with the tail, made the wings stiffer and faster moving (more insect-alike) and also removed useless bones and adjusted the hands' attachment points to the right helper objects.
Important: the model has intentionally no attachment points for feet, as it has no legs.
Performs much better and more hymenopterian-like.
EDIT 2: my thanks to
Heinvers for pointing out a problem with the model's tail in Stand -2 animation. I fixed that too now.
EDIT 3: i fixed a few problems that occured during the Stand -2 animation in the head and neck. I also tried out
MiniMage's suggestion about using the Cryptlord's wing's animations (the alternate ones) and had terrible results. The main reason why this didn't work well is that the Cryptlord's wings are mainly on the X-Axis, while my model's wings are predominantly at the Y-Axis. IMO, the result looked like a wing-movement-mix from a crippled dragon and a chicken
, so i left it with the previous anims. I also made both models (actual one and portrait) use the same CryptFiend Texture (expansion one).
Crypt, Nerubian, insect, arachnathid, arachnide, hymenoptera, stinger, air unit, airborne, undead,