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Creating a 'turret' unit.

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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Im trying to make a unit that does not move but can rotate to attack/cast (ie. a turret)
- Current best solution I have is to give it 1 movespeed
- Setting movespeed to 0 or adding the 'turret' ability simply causes the unit to be able to attack regardless of model facing.
Level 9
Jul 30, 2018
Set the move speed to 1 and remember to set the minimum movement speed to 1 on Gameplay Constants as well. This will make the unit able to turn, but move very, very slowly.

Another way or to enhance the previous effect, you can also use something like Is Unit Moving and when the move event becomes 1, order the unit to stop. I've had good results with the combination of these two.
Level 9
Jul 30, 2018
just base the unit on the attack wards of the shadow hunter

That's a different thing. The ward itself doesn't turn, it's just the model. Same way a Cannon Tower "turns" towards the attack direction, but it's just a bone of the model, like you could make custom model and make the head turn towards the enemy, but the unit itself doesn't turn.
That's a different thing. The ward itself doesn't turn, it's just the model. Same way a Cannon Tower "turns" towards the attack direction, but it's just a bone of the model, like you could make custom model and make the head turn towards the enemy, but the unit itself doesn't turn.
I see.

The method I normally use is to disable right click. It allows to change it on the go instead of it being permanent. I'm not sure if any new natives are able to modify the propulsion window in real time, but if so then I guess that's the best way to do it.
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