20:09, 31st Jul 2011
Maker: Approved. Does what it is supposed to, and does it well.
Maker: Approved. Does what it is supposed to, and does it well.
(11 ratings)
function IsUnitMovementTracked takes integer i returns boolean
return udg_UMovPrev[i] != 0 or udg_UMovNext[0] == i
function UnitMovementRegister takes nothing returns boolean
local integer i = udg_UDex
if not IsUnitMovementTracked(i) and TriggerEvaluate(gg_trg_Is_Unit_Moving_Config) then
set udg_UMovPrev[udg_UMovNext[0]] = i
set udg_UMovNext[i] = udg_UMovNext[0]
set udg_UMovNext[0] = i
set udg_UnitMovingX[i] = GetUnitX(udg_UDexUnits[i])
set udg_UnitMovingY[i] = GetUnitY(udg_UDexUnits[i])
return false
function UnitMovementUnregister takes nothing returns boolean
local integer i = udg_UDex
if IsUnitMovementTracked(i) then
set udg_UnitMoving[i] = false
set udg_UMovNext[udg_UMovPrev[i]] = udg_UMovNext[i]
set udg_UMovPrev[udg_UMovNext[i]] = udg_UMovPrev[i]
set udg_UMovPrev[i] = 0
return false
function RunUnitMovementEvent takes integer i, real e returns nothing
local integer pdex = udg_UDex
if e == 1.00 then
set udg_UnitMoving[i] = true
set udg_UnitMoving[i] = false
set udg_UDex = i
set udg_UnitMovingEvent = e
set udg_UnitMovingEvent = 0.00
set udg_UDex = pdex
// This function runs periodically to check if units are actually moving.
function UnitMovementTracker takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer n
local real x
local real y
set i = udg_UMovNext[i]
exitwhen i == 0
set x = GetUnitX(udg_UDexUnits[i])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_UDexUnits[i])
if x != udg_UnitMovingX[i] or y != udg_UnitMovingY[i] then
set udg_UnitMovingX[i] = x
set udg_UnitMovingY[i] = y
if not udg_UnitMoving[i] then
if GetUnitTypeId(udg_UDexUnits[i]) != 0 then
call RunUnitMovementEvent(i, 1.00)
set n = udg_UDex
set udg_UDex = i
set i = udg_UMovPrev[i] //avoid skipping checks
call UnitMovementUnregister()
set udg_UDex = n
elseif udg_UnitMoving[i] then
call RunUnitMovementEvent(i, 2.00)
function InitTrig_Is_Unit_Moving takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(t, "udg_UnitIndexEvent", EQUAL, 1.00)
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(function UnitMovementRegister))
set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(t, "udg_UnitIndexEvent", EQUAL, 2.00)
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(function UnitMovementUnregister))
if gg_trg_Is_Unit_Moving_Config != null then
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Is_Unit_Moving_Config)
call ExecuteFunc("Trig_Is_Unit_Moving_Config_Actions")
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), udg_UnitMovementInterval, true, function UnitMovementTracker)
Well I'm pretty sure I can speak for the entire GUI community when I say that having powerful resources like these available for GUI usage is amazing. I'm just getting ready for the tidal wave of spells when people realize how easy spellmaking is with your two new GUI resources
Amazing job sir. Well done
You should warn GUIers that they can't use Vexorian's optimizer though :/
and why? reason?
I'm not going to require mention of Vex's fail optimizer when these are working, native properties of World Editor that are only "broken" because of his fail design. I will not "apologize" for his mistakes.
Simple system, could be useful though. Aww this uses the custom value of a unit? Lame =s
Simple system, could be useful though. Aww this uses the custom value of a unit? Lame =s
Yes, but quilnez is right.That will be much worse. A unit could still have an order and not be moving, or a unit could be moving and not have an order.
@Bribe UDexUnits is a unit array, can't have it as an index of UnitMoving (and others). You probably meant UnitMoving[UDex].Purpose
Detect if a unit is moving or stopped. This works for any
type of movement (natural, through triggers, etc.)
Just use the boolean:
UnitMoving[UDexUnits[UDex]] Equal to true![]()
Real, actual attack indexing has been achieved integrates - or tries to - integrate that per-attack.Do you think this is translateable into "is-unit-attacking"?
I am pretty sure the Lua Damage Engine demo map has a functional IsUnitMoving bundled with itHey, any chance you could add a Lua version of this? It would be much appreciated.