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Crashing to desktop... getting too much now

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Level 10
Jun 7, 2008

I keep getting this terrible error message and crashing to desktop when I'm playing with my map. Please assist. :cry:


  • Error.PNG
    27.4 KB · Views: 87
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
I had that a couple of times when I experimented with triggers, and it can also happen when a overflow occurs or when it seems too much.

Agreed, listen to Sabelion. Update your game to the latest patch so that it might be able to read it, try that; when does it occur anyway?
Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
I'll put up my map here, please download and take a look. I don't know since I'm reworking someone else's map. Lots of big changes and I'm sure I broke lots of things. Also, I noticed it may be something to do with hero revives, since it always happens at the end when there are many dead heroes.

<attachment removed>
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Level 6
Jun 4, 2009
This leaks a lot, that's a first thing you can work on. Watching a bit deeper now.

  • HeroDeath
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit owned by Player 2 (blue) dead
    • Unit - A unit owned by Player 3 (teal) dead
    • Unit - A unit owned by Player 4 (Purple) dead
    • Unit - A unit owned by Player 5 (Yellow) dead
    • Unit - A unit owned by Player 6 (Orange) dead
    • Unit - A unit owned by Player 11 (Dark Green) dead
  • Conditions
    • (Triggering unit) is A heros) Equal TRUE
  • Actions
    • Custom script - local location loc = GetRectCenter(gg_rct_A_Spawn_5_WP1)
    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • (Level of (Triggering unit)) upper or equal to 6
      • Then - Actions
        • Custom script - call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), 0, 0, "Your hero...")
        • Wait 10.00 seconds
        • Hero - Set (Triggering unit) Hero-level to ((Hero level of (Triggering unit)) - 2), Hide level-up graphics
      • Else - Actions
        • Custom script - call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), 0, 0, "Your hero...")
    • Custom script - call ReviveHeroLoc( GetTriggerUnit(), loc, false )
    • Custom script - call RemoveLocation(loc)
    • Custom script - set loc = null
You will maybe more likely use globals instead of locals.
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Level 8
Aug 1, 2008
Many MANY leaks. Leaks in pretty much every trigger. Where are the variables!?

The leaks is what could be causing the crashes..

Your gonna have 1 hell of a job cleaning them up
Level 2
Apr 2, 2009
i had the same problem too..
dude you got an not-working trigger ,it will only crash when the not-working trigger activate .
not-working trigger is an trigger witch cant work you need to fix ...
:D gl
Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
Thank you. And I don't use variables... need training in that area.
I'm hitting everything I know about triggering in this map, its training for a bigger project later on.

Once again, thank you. Now... any way to take it down? Else every hacker in town is going to make a hacked version with cheats within 2 houts :D
Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
It was a scrap severely broken when I did my heavy editing. I didn't make the triggers under 'old triggers'. I would give credit but I think the template had already passed through many authors and the original was not listed. No idea what it does, my best guess is the secret entrance, which I removed.
Did some major cleaning around the old triggers, cut off all those I'm not using now.
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