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Couple of ideas/questions

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Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Just a few things I wanted to go over quickly, if you'd be so kind zwieb

1. Is there any particular reason shield bash is strength based, when the class that will eventually use it, will have a lower strength rating in future. If this is something you feel can be changed, that would be nice, make hateful strike strength based and shield slam ap based, would certainly help crusaders in the long run.

2. The whole, 6 slot game 5 slow dungeon thing, is there any way to put either 6 people into the dungeon, or remove the 6th slot from the game. Having the ability to swap players in and out is neat, but seems a little pointless. If new players manage a group of 6 into the game, they enjoy it and they reach the first dungeon, wouldn't you be frustrated with the restriction?

Neither of these are major issues but something I'd like considered

Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
well guys lets be realistic, in ancient times when warriors were using shields they didnt bash their opponents using their brains but their strength so bash should stay str based skill.

Level 3
Jun 7, 2011
2. The whole, 6 slot game 5 slow dungeon thing, is there any way to put either 6 people into the dungeon, or remove the 6th slot from the game. Having the ability to swap players in and out is neat, but seems a little pointless. If new players manage a group of 6 into the game, they enjoy it and they reach the first dungeon, wouldn't you be frustrated with the restriction?

Maybe the limit for upcoming new dungeons could be 6?
who knows :p
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Spending attributes and chosing spells is always supposed to be a trade. If all spells for crusader are based on th same attribute there is no need to chose anything. it does not mean crusader is weaker with ShieldBash being strength-based, its a matter of balancing.

Other classes have this trade too, in different ways, like Constitution for better life vs. other Attributes, Manapool vs. other Attributes etc.
Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
It is like giving monk agi or cons or int. He is tank so he needs hp but for armor he needs agi, and with new skills he ll get agro with agi too, but he gets agro with int too, and also int gives armor. But without enough hp having this abilities is not usefull. And for some reasons he may need to use mana too.
So if crusader's shield bash is str based, it is not a big deal.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Well that was really the question, if in future crusaders will have skills that work off more than int, then it's fine, leave it. Current it's an underpowered minor disable that will go underused in future versions.
Level 3
Sep 26, 2011
Well that was really the question, if in future crusaders will have skills that work off more than int, then it's fine, leave it. Current it's an underpowered minor disable that will go underused in future versions.

Well dont be so sure about it. currently each str for cruz=1.5 atack (arp acts as atack damage most of the time for him since he dont get high arp boost as zerk does) In the versions that we currently play 550 hp cruz will have enough Hp to easily tank the whole dungeon without causing the bishop to sweat. That leaves you with 6 extra points for int. Lets see what the new version will offer us and than decide on the usefulness of shield bash. + its not a "underpowered minor disable" Its you biggest agro generator now!

6 slots are ok. For example in 1.2 you can make 4 people running d4 2 people running outside bosses for maximization of the drops per game! And even if there are 1000000000 slots does that mean that you have to fill them up always? Cant you make a game with just 3? I mean this slot is useful and i dont see how it can hurt you to have it?

Its all about optimization of your game and organization Make sure that people know what their roles will be and who will stay out on what principle etc. Its not a problem of the creator! He provides you with the posibilities to have 6 people in game but dungeons are best balanced for 5 people. Following your logic should blizzard make their WoW servers for 45 people max just because thats the maximum amount of people able to do a dungeon?
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Crusaders hold bugger all agro anyway compared to zerkers, you're better off running a zerker through. If the future implements only int based moves, then you'll have in based crusaders running around with bugger all str, resulting in a skill that gets used by neither class for its replacement.
Shield bash does bugger all damage, generates a reasonable amount of agro that is easily lost and doesn't disable jack in d3 due to skills being uninterruptable. Seems to me, that's what you'd replace in 1.1j.

It doesn't hurt people and it has nothing to do with my logic comparing it to wow -__- it's the fact that one person is always left out in a team game to do nothing on their own. If it's a 4 man, that's two, but as I already bloody said, a new team of 6, has to leave one out just to run a dungeon, that seems pointless.

Dungeon's don't have to be best balanced for 5 people, nor do outside bosses have to be best balanced for 6, why leave one player out, what's the point?
Level 5
Jul 21, 2011
it's the fact that one person is always left out in a team game to do nothing on their own. If it's a 4 man, that's two, but as I already bloody said, a new team of 6, has to leave one out just to run a dungeon, that seems pointless.

Dungeon's don't have to be best balanced for 5 people, nor do outside bosses have to be best balanced for 6, why leave one player out, what's the point?

Don't you plan what you are going to do before creating the game? If you don't you should. Before the game start you should check wich char ppl are going to load and the 5 that are going and who isn't before starting the game and things like that, what you said seems really pointless, if your going to do a d3 run of course you won't start a game with 6 ppl, at least you shouldn't. If you start a game with 6 ppl knowing someone will have to stay out you are a dumbass.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
like i fucking said, yet a fucking gain


they get to the first dungeon
one ditched

Fortunately the only bot running this game has it's limit set to 5

What im fucking saying, as some people don't seem to get it is that the slot is POINTLESS TO HAVE.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Vestra calm.... and only d3 has the 5 man limit, 've done d2 and d1 with all 6 players, but I think its implemented because of what bofu said, so some people can run whiles others go farm for gold or something. Or, its so that 4 or 5 people can run and still have low levels doing other stuff appropriate to their level and ask advice from the higher levels running d3.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
some, is currently, in most situations, 1
more often than not I see a run of 5 with 1 person playing for 5 minutes and thinking 'this is shit' then leaving.

The slot is pointless, I stand by that, if zwieb has some kind of solid reason to keep it, im all ears.
Level 3
Sep 26, 2011
some, is currently, in most situations, 1
more often than not I see a run of 5 with 1 person playing for 5 minutes and thinking 'this is shit' then leaving.

The slot is pointless, I stand by that, if zwieb has some kind of solid reason to keep it, im all ears.

Well you are the only person that dont like the 6 slot because it can cause someone to feel left behind :D I mean seriously dude i havent seen that much games with 6 people in them dont even understand why should we remove the extra slot that can be used by someone if he wants... Just dont see your point. As i said you can always close this extra slot WARCRAFT GIVES THIS OPTION you know :) so you have 5 slots in game and everyone is happy. And as you said Clan Gaia bot thats currently the only 1 that hosts Gaias games in Warcraft 3 is set to start with 5 people.

I respect your opinion but i think you should respect other people opinions too. I would like to have this extra slot in case i need it and as you saw most of the other posts state the same :) Good reason to have it is for example when you have 6 people but you cant create 2 games because people of your team cant 3 man d3. Or maybe you get 1 spare tank for lady to make it easier or what ever. There is just no benefit in removing this slot and there are several benefits of keeping it!
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
I respect other peoples opinions but how people continue to misread baffles me. I was referring to how the slot is pointless to those earlier on in the game. Who holds a spare tank around for 10 minutes to lady what a waste of time, all you need is one, period, to offtank.

It doesn't need to be removed, just make it have more purpose than an alt that has one or two uses.

You'd see a lot more games with a 6th player if the slot had a use, for fucking example.

It's a trivial damn thing to argue about but the fact that this wasn't even discussed because people just straight forward say 'NO' to change here is starting to piss me off. If someone actually wants to have a proper discussion about the pros and cons of any issues, minor like these or major like various others I'm not going to bother to bring up, feel free to contact me on battlenet, maybe if we approached as a collective opinion things could turn out well.

Otherwise, fuck it.
Level 8
Mar 22, 2008
Someone is angry.

On a side note. 6 slots should always be there. Who cares if the 6th slot can't enter d3 people can level a alt or farm gold. Lets not forget d1 and d2 both use 6 slots as far as i remember. In my opinion it should be kept also arguing that people save it for a off tank for lady invalid i never see it used for that. I use to play with 5 other people we use to take turn. As in we kill FL we reset 1 guy sits out the other guy come in it isn't hard to do and it solved a problem. Stop complaining it's only a game grow up he makes it for "Free".
The sixth slot is just there as a bonus. You'll never know what people want to do with it. I could imagine many useful situations where a sixth slot might help.

For example, you need someone to host your map, but this guy doesn't really want to play and is AFK the whole time. You can just make him host and everything is fine.
Also, maybe there is someone who wants to do some other task while the others wanna venture dungeons? You can do so. Or you just have one guy being afk ... you always have.
Warcraft III is not the most stable game ever. It happens a lot that people simply disconnect during the game and having to rehost everytime that happens is a pain.

Dungeons are balanced for 5 man groups.

About the issue of the "noob party" that plays the map without knowing about the limit: The first dungeon is not limited. You can have all 6 players inside.

Also, you can 6-man world bosses (which is fine, as world bosses are intended to be easier than dungeon bosses) if you wish so.

About the Shield bash issue:
As Muzzel said: This is some kind of trade and depends on what you want to do with your Squire. Shield Bash generates a lot of threat and with all the new Crusader skills coming, you have two options to specc your crusader: Go full strength, grab the additional armor penetration and be superior in single-target tanking and damage or go int, lose some of your damage, some threat on the single target, but have much more survivability and AoE threat capability.
It's about how you want to play your Crusader. That's why the 9 spell limit will be there in the future ... to give players a choice to play the class the way they want it.

Also, remember that Berserkers can use shields too and don't need to rely on Int. For Berserkers trying to offtank, shield slam might be a useful skill. It all depends on what you want to do ...
Level 6
Sep 30, 2011
About the Shield bash issue:
As Muzzel said: This is some kind of trade and depends on what you want to do with your Squire. Shield Bash generates a lot of threat and with all the new Crusader skills coming, you have two options to specc your crusader: Go full strength, grab the additional armor penetration and be superior in single-target tanking and damage or go int, lose some of your damage, some threat on the single target, but have much more survivability and AoE threat capability.
It's about how you want to play your Crusader. That's why the 9 spell limit will be there in the future ... to give players a choice to play the class the way they want it.

Also, remember that Berserkers can use shields too and don't need to rely on Int. For Berserkers trying to offtank, shield slam might be a useful skill. It all depends on what you want to do ...

Crusade, an upcoming skill for Crusaders (whether 1.1j or 1.2) gives +1 dmg per Int, and +30% of spellpower in bonus dmg with every attack (and +1 Int = +1 SP). Meaning that every 10 Int is basically +13 damage, whereas 10 Str is +10 damage. And the Int also goes into his other spells.... The only benefits a Crusader would have of using Strength if Armor Penetration, and Shield Bash.

I can see what Vestra is going for with this. Unless the skill has been drastically changed from the previous description Zwieb gave, Crusaders will not be Str based any longer. So why would they keep Shield Bash that, while dealing bonus aggro (whether it is a multiplier of the standard aggro from damage, or a +amount of aggro is irrelevant), doesn't help versus bosses (since bosses are made to be uninterruptable), and the damage without Strength would be negligible.

As for Zerkers using it... Unless you propose they swap gear mid-fight, they lose their [currently-] best AoE/damage/threat skill (Heaven's Edge) when not using a 2-handed weapon, not to mention the sexy damage output and splash. This seems like a silly option.

I'm not necessarily saying it needs to be changed, but it will become a 95+% useless skill if it stays as is.
Crusade, an upcoming skill for Crusaders (whether 1.1j or 1.2) gives +1 dmg per Int, and +30% of spellpower in bonus dmg with every attack (and +1 Int = +1 SP). Meaning that every 10 Int is basically +13 damage, whereas 10 Str is +10 damage. And the Int also goes into his other spells.... The only benefits a Crusader would have of using Strength if Armor Penetration, and Shield Bash.
The skill is totally different now. A pure Str Crusader will deal more damage than a pure Int Crusader.

I can see what Vestra is going for with this. Unless the skill has been drastically changed from the previous description Zwieb gave, Crusaders will not be Str based any longer. So why would they keep Shield Bash that, while dealing bonus aggro (whether it is a multiplier of the standard aggro from damage, or a +amount of aggro is irrelevant), doesn't help versus bosses (since bosses are made to be uninterruptable), and the damage without Strength would be negligible.
Bosses can be unstunable and uninteruptable. All bosses in D3 have both attributes for balancing reasons. However, the upcoming content will have encounters that are only immune to stun, not interupts. Also, like the Squire class change encounter, there might be exceptional casts that can be interupted, whereas others can not be. Just because interupt doesn't help in D3 it doesn't mean it won't have a purpose later on.

As for Zerkers using it... Unless you propose they swap gear mid-fight, they lose their [currently-] best AoE/damage/threat skill (Heaven's Edge) when not using a 2-handed weapon, not to mention the sexy damage output and splash. This seems like a silly option.
When you desperately need a second tank, the damage aspect of Berserkers might be neglectable. This is where it's good to have a shield in your backpack to benefit of the additional armor.

I'm not necessarily saying it needs to be changed, but it will become a 95+% useless skill if it stays as is.
I wouldn't think so. Even if you go full int, you'd still have your base strength and strength from items. Shield bash won't be useless, it will just be weaker.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
The sixth slot is just there as a bonus. You'll never know what people want to do with it. I could imagine many useful situations where a sixth slot might help.

For example, you need someone to host your map, but this guy doesn't really want to play and is AFK the whole time. You can just make him host and everything is fine.
Also, maybe there is someone who wants to do some other task while the others wanna venture dungeons? You can do so. Or you just have one guy being afk ... you always have.
Warcraft III is not the most stable game ever. It happens a lot that people simply disconnect during the game and having to rehost everytime that happens is a pain.

Dungeons are balanced for 5 man groups.

About the issue of the "noob party" that plays the map without knowing about the limit: The first dungeon is not limited. You can have all 6 players inside.

Also, you can 6-man world bosses (which is fine, as world bosses are intended to be easier than dungeon bosses) if you wish so.

About the Shield bash issue:
As Muzzel said: This is some kind of trade and depends on what you want to do with your Squire. Shield Bash generates a lot of threat and with all the new Crusader skills coming, you have two options to specc your crusader: Go full strength, grab the additional armor penetration and be superior in single-target tanking and damage or go int, lose some of your damage, some threat on the single target, but have much more survivability and AoE threat capability.
It's about how you want to play your Crusader. That's why the 9 spell limit will be there in the future ... to give players a choice to play the class the way they want it.

Also, remember that Berserkers can use shields too and don't need to rely on Int. For Berserkers trying to offtank, shield slam might be a useful skill. It all depends on what you want to do ...

Fair enough, those are some legitimate reasons for the 6th slot instead of the crap I've been reading so far. I still find it an issue for newer players, and disagree with the idea of a single person doing other things ingame, seems pointless. Perhaps in the future, as soul suggested, make world bosses challenging enough to be managed by 6 players, encourage the use of a pool of classes, one from each if possible if the 6th mail gets implemented as an offtank/disable. Currently the fact that its real only bonus is an afk host does seem a bit weak.

I wasn't aware that the first dungeon was a 6 man, see, that rendered that point I made irrelevant, I like that, that helps newer people get into the early game and get used to the system. I'm unsure but is there anything in the F9 area that covers the dungeon limit so people know and understand from an early point (if they bother to read the info) that later dungeons are made for 5 man runs?

Of course I'm bloody angry water, I expect better from this community, being able to discuss and sort out issues with players is a must, If I'm wrong, if they're wrong, if a compromise or an idea can be met and worked with, that's what these forums are useful for, perfecting the game we love, when people are straight up like NO it doesn't help.I get stressed easily when I have to deal with the same crap I've dealt with through previous experiences with online communities, thus are the woes of the internet.

You won't see zerkers with shield bash, highly unlikely they will use it with the number of skills they have that rely on two handed, what's the point. It's like crusaders at the moment going full int for crucify damage and neglecting all other skills and ap, its pointless.

Currently, zerkers have a backpack that is usually either full or close to the limit because of the items that cover their fire res, urn, and I think a few others, I'm not sure I don't run a zerker. Perhaps instead of working a class based off trophies and two handed weapons into an offtanker with a backup shield, try fiddle with this 6th class and see if it can manage a solid offtanking role with a shield, or some kind of bait, something to pull agro, generate it faster or slower depending on skill set ups, things like that.

Unless you'd really like to see zerkers running around with shields for one skill out of their set in dungeons, which again, seems pointless.

I'm also kind of curious as to why a class like a zerker can use two offhanded items where a crusader can only use one, I'm fairly sure the same happens with sins/bards and the like. Is there any way in the future we can work in, if you have your heart set on this shield zerker idea, shields for zerkers that drop from bosses, blues, greens, whatever. Not zerker only shields but a more average shield than a shield that is set for 'Crusader Only'. It doesn't have to be a so called legendary item but I imagine it would have more int or so, a shield that allows the crusader to do what it does best, generate agro, hold the line.

Sorry for the massive wall, just trying to cover as much as I can
I appreciate the calm response zwieb, I'll try and tone down my angry posts.
Of course, Zerker's main purpose is to deal damage. However, there is a reason that berserkers CAN use shields. And this is offtanking, if it is required. Yes a crusader will always be the better tank but that doesn't matter in this case, as sometimes you won't have your "ideal" group for encounters. Zerkers are and will never be a crusader-replacement in dungeons. However, if you wish so, you CAN use a zerker as the main tank in dungeons. You have all the squire threat skills and about the same armor as your crusader (with shield). Just because Zerkers are better damage dealers doesn't mean that you shouldn't carry a shield with you in case you won't find a better tank for your group.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
I'll throw in my 2 cents to the berserker bit.

Berserkers as of now can offtank and even main tank with ease. Without a shield. Also, I do not see myself getting a shield just for shield bash, My backpack at the moment also is 5/6 filled. Urn, Fire Protection Helmet, Harness of Fire Protection, Searing Gloves, and Breastplate of the Beast. So I cannot add a shield to the mix without getting rid of my other items, since I like to have one free space for switching out gear without dropping it (im paranoid someone will destroy it), which I find much more useful. I also do have a Crusader, the threat generated of shield bash is actually pretty minor, compared to what a Berserker can pull from its DPS. So, I say keep them able to use shields but in theory its good, but in practice, I do not see berserkers actually useing a shield, because of our backpacks being filled. To effectivly use shield bash on a berserker I would A. need to get a shield. B. Get a 1 hnded weapon. So I would have to drop a item in my backpack to be able to do this. I use/need all the items in my backpack, Breastplate for offtanking or dps, urn incase someone else dosn't have, fire resists gear for firelord.

And to Vestra about the Zerkers can use two offhands:
Why would a crusader want or need to use a trophy, Crusaders are bad enough dps, that the slight increase won't outweigh that massive decrease in armor. Same with bards, Bards require instrument to use songs, but the instruments also decrease their dps, so they could switch back to the offhand dagger after casting buffs on everyone too maximise the usefulness.

Sorry I have huge blocks but I like to state my opinion then back it up with examples and/or facts.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
I still see the 4 str from breastplate as bloody pointless
But as Ihaz said, backpack room is rough for zerkers as is.

I'm not saying crusaders need a trophy ihaz, im just saying if we're going to have class specific tier 2 items, why not make one for every class.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Well, what would Crusaders get, a different kind of shield?

Think of classes like a tree
Squire: Crusader would be the trunk and berserker the branch
Theif: Assassin would be the trunk and bard would be the branch
Magician: Sorcerer Would be the trunk and Necromancer would be the branch
Ranger: Hunter would be the trunk and Druid the branch
Cleric: Bishop would be the trunk and Monk would be the branch

What im trying to say that the trunk classes are basically the same as base class just stronger, while the branches are different styles of the class, therefor gain different items since it becomes a different class all together.

Making a new class specific item for all the upgraded base classes would be pointless, because they would only get a different kind of the same item. Like just throwing it out, Crusader instead of a shield would get an aegis which is basically the same thing. Why not just put class restriction on newer gear such as a shield that only Crusaders can do.
Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
Why do u see that shield is pointless on zerker? I have shield on my zerk, and it does fine, especially i wouldnt say 'no' for any extra resistance. I can tank fl and his minions so easily + with my agi i can still do enough dmg on bosses, that brutal edge and trophy is not the base dmg source of zerk. When i get that phoenix i ll spawn many meteors. And i really dont mind about that jump it has 2x cd of shield bash (or 2.5x) so shield bash actually do more dmg on bosses. and i ll get the 10% attack speed advantage without using two handed weapon. Really i dont actually lose any dmg output while wearing that shield. Just use it on bosses, even if there is a crusader. In blazing flame fight ur just giving a hard pain to bishop with having 17 armor against minions and taking 2x dmg from fire spells.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
The last thing you said haz, is exactly what I said in an earlier paragraph
tbh I'd really hate if the gaias classes worked like your trunk system.

Why would you drop agro generation that jump offers for a little more defence your average bishop should be able to heal. If you're not holding with jump/cleave then you're losing it to other dps classes, thus, putting more pressure on the bishop due to their squishy armor
Level 6
Sep 30, 2011
Exactly what Vestra said.

If a Zerker goes for Crusader equipment, he has no AoE ability (beyond Demoralizing Shout), and as such has no way to mass aggro.

Minions would rape the squishy damage dealers.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
It does work like the "trunk and branch" system because basically those "trunk" classes are the same as previous class jsut buffed, while the "branch" classes have a different playing style to the base class.

Squire -> Crusader(trunk)

The playing style of squire and Crusaders are exetremely similiar, while Berserker and Squire have completely different feels about them.

Again, I use Squire because I understand this class the most.
Level 3
Sep 26, 2011
Guys you have posibilities to change what ever skill you want in the new version why do you care about bash that much. + This is so much guessing game. What i mean by that is: We dont have a clue about the new items that are coming maybe cruz will get some items that give Int, maybe int will not be that nice for him, crucifiction will loose its power against any non undead creatures so basically you will have 1 less SP based skill. Maybe the new skills will be different than what we expect. Too much maybe's and not enough information to make any arguments valid now. Currently though shield bash is extremely usefull skill and it really is very important to have it or otherwise you will always loose agro on bosses in d3.
Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
If a squire cant get whole agro in a 3 enemy fight, then i would call him imba noob and ban him. Crusaders mostly dont even bother themselves to use crucify to hold agro of minions there. And zerker hits faster so gets agro faster than him. And even an average team can kill that minions in 9 seconds. Why should i bother myself with jumpy dompy actions? Ofc my teammates are not that idiot to attack non-agrooed minion to get himself raped. I just slam 1 minion and it becomes bound to me till it dies. And hitting another one. Also with demoralizing shout and 1 hit maybe? bishop doesnt get agro of unhitted one. And if any dps gets agro of it? cuz of aoe effects then why do u think taunt is there. A dps which can take agro of that one, can also kill it in time that it is taunted. These are all proven things. If u dont like it then dont like it. But dont try to explode this ideas, they are not theories but proven things. I am happy with my cruserker, and my teammates are happy with my cruserker. I dont know with new vers, but with this current vers i only lose that jump which i really dont care for boss fights.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
whatever floats your boat lol.

I see what you mean about the trunk thing now ihaz, clever
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
3kalp, you should come d3 with Vestra, LanderZ and I sometime and show us how well your Cruserker does againt my Berserker with berserker gear and see who does more dps and gets more aggro. =D
Level 6
Sep 30, 2011
3kalp, you should come d3 with Vestra, LanderZ and I sometime and show us how well your Cruserker does againt my Berserker with berserker gear and see who does more dps and gets more aggro. =D

No kidding >.>....

It's basically a squire with a little better stats. A wild 'meh'.
Just remember that - at this point of game - the advanced classes don't really matter.
You currently have only 1 skill per advanced class ... the difference between the classes is neglectable yet.
With the 3 new spells per class coming, you can expect more difference between the advanced classes and even within one advanced class due to the spell limitations. Until then, all balancing discussions and comparisons are a little bit weird, don't you think so?
Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
I think they really think that jump makes berserker 3x stronger. Ofc im losing some dps with getting shield and sword, but shield slam and +attackspeed removes that -damage. There is really not much of a difference only + durability. Which is better for bosses. Btw ihaz i can really get more agro than ur zerk does despite my polt. ( with a bit luck o_O )
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
10% attack speed reduction and massive damage/arp in favour of a bit of armor and the 20 damage a blacksmiths offers?

Best way you guys can settle this is a duel really lol.
Level 5
Feb 6, 2010
Hey, i have an idea for a map, do you think you could add amour sets to the game...like 2 matching amour peices chest and gloves add an extra bonus :p
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