Concept Images for my WC3:TFT Map Project

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Level 2
Jan 3, 2005
So here's a little concept picture I drew up on photoshop with my digital tablet. Some of you who watch anime will recognize this figure, who's an alchemist of a popular anime series.

Though this isn't final, I most likely won't make him 100% alike. I'll change stuff around to make him a bit more unique looking.

I have more characters that I might want to use in my custom map. If my PC permits to load up GMAX it would be heavenly that I can get working and show some actual WIP pictures. No I'm squandering for my old copy of 3DSMax4. :roll: :cry:

Level 2
Jan 3, 2005
not really a fullmetal alchemist campaign.

this might sound crazy :D but i want to make an AoS map, with recognizable characters. some characters from anime like gundam (i was thinking of a hero that will summon a gundam to fight for X seconds as an ultimate, very sketchy), FMA (alphonse), i will NOT include DBZ, battlenet is too saturated with all things DBZ, inu yasha (might drag in more people to play, since it's popular on cartoon network), asian movies (maybe, like the stormriders, if anybody's seen the movie), some american game characters.

if anybody has played the DOTA ALL STARS from guinsoo, there's a unique hero in there named Battle Techies, which is a goblin duo that plants mines and suicides (don't know why they have that skill, very unusual), he's one of my favorite dota heroes to use, i was thinking of reskinning him with a black outfit, three green lights on one of the guy's forehead and a greyish turquoise outfit on the other one with a headband (sound familiar?)

again, this is a very rough sketch of what i'm planning up.
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