So I just tried the map, and I think the terrain definitely needs improvments but it should also be matching the gameplay so: Why is there a "wall" cutting the map in two parts, why is there such large ponds with no way of interracting with it, why is there just one gold mine ?
Also I was checking the gameplay and I think it should be balanced. The research center shouldn't be that expensive, the units hp/damages should be more balanced because for now I think the most dangerous unit is the peasant ^^
The size of the buildings and the colision should be reduced so you can be able to find a settlement site in smaller areas to make it more effective if attacked (once again, the terrain needs huge changes).
so to resume: you have to balance the unit's HP, DAMAGES, COST. You have to change the buildings building order, size, cost. And then you can think about the environment.
I like the idea of picking the region at the beginning tho, you should improve it a bit (describe the regions) and set the camera on your worker once he has been teleported.