Colony Wars remade

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Level 10
Oct 2, 2014
The failure of a map called Colony Wars (made by me) i wanted to remake. But i suck with terrain, so if anyone could do tile mixing and or making the environment look great that would be greatly appreciated. The map is playable but not ready, and if you have any ideas for it let me know. :wink:
(Map name not final)
P.S i will add models


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Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
So I just tried the map, and I think the terrain definitely needs improvments but it should also be matching the gameplay so: Why is there a "wall" cutting the map in two parts, why is there such large ponds with no way of interracting with it, why is there just one gold mine ?

Also I was checking the gameplay and I think it should be balanced. The research center shouldn't be that expensive, the units hp/damages should be more balanced because for now I think the most dangerous unit is the peasant ^^

The size of the buildings and the colision should be reduced so you can be able to find a settlement site in smaller areas to make it more effective if attacked (once again, the terrain needs huge changes).

so to resume: you have to balance the unit's HP, DAMAGES, COST. You have to change the buildings building order, size, cost. And then you can think about the environment.

I like the idea of picking the region at the beginning tho, you should improve it a bit (describe the regions) and set the camera on your worker once he has been teleported.

Cheers :)
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