Chronicles of the Second War: Tides of Darkness

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.


Chronicles of the Second War:
Tides of Darkness
Relive the events of Warcraft II orc campaign, reimagined in Reforged engine.
Experience rich lore from the events of the Second War, based on classic games and novels.
Enjoy the gameplay that merges best features of WC2 and WC3, through RTS and RPG missions.
Explore mysterious places and conquer mighty cities with beautifully crafted terrain and decorations.


* Installation Guide for Windows OS*
ActionVisual Clue
This campaign is available for those who have purchased a copy of "Warcraft III: Reforged": Warcraft III: Reforged latest version 1.36.1
If you have the Demo version of CSW (circa 2020) installed - delete it and clean up the retail folder from its assets
Make sure your game settings are set HD reforged graphics
Download the campaign file
Put campaign file into C:/User/Documents/Warcraft3/Campaigns/
(Or make that folder yourself, if you never played a campaign before)
Download installer Asset Installer
Put installer into Warcraft 3 folder where Game Launcher.exe is placed
Download asset pack Asset Pack
Run CSW Installer.exe as Administrator
Click button “Load Resource” - pick the Asset Pack
Wait till the archive is unpacked
Reboot your PC
Launch "Wacraft III: Reforged" game
Go to “Single Player” → “Custom Campaign”
Play the game.
Remember that Campaign works only in HD (Reforged graphics) game settings.
The Campaign is not compatible with Quenching mod.

If textures were not applied after installation of asset pack - reinstall assets one more time.


* Installation Guide for MAC OS*
ActionVisual Clue
This campaign is available for those who have purchased a copy of "Warcraft III: Reforged": Warcraft III: Reforged latest version 1.36.1
Make sure your game settings are set HD reforged graphics
Download the campaign file
Put campaign file into folder for campaign in MAC OS
Download asset pack Asset Pack
Right click on the TOD_Campaign_Assets.csw file and open with Archive Utility.
Unzip the Asset Pack as you would a zip file into the retail folder within the Reforged installation directory.
Open the terminal and enter the following exactly:
defaults write "com.blizzard.Warcraft III" "Allow Local Files" -int 1
If texture issues persist after the above steps, try restarting the machine.
Launch "Wacraft III: Reforged" game
Go to “Single Player” → “Custom Campaign”
Play the game.
Remember that Campaign works only in HD (Reforged graphics) game settings.
The Campaign is not compatible with Quenching mod.

If textures were not applied after installation of asset pack - reinstall assets one more time.


* Installation Guide for Linux OS*
ActionVisual Clue
This campaign is available for those who have purchased a copy of "Warcraft III: Reforged": Warcraft III: Reforged latest version 1.36.1
Make sure your game settings are set HD reforged graphics
Download the campaign file
Put campaign file into folder for campaign in Linux OS
Download asset pack Asset Pack
Follow the following guide but for Warcraft 3 Reforged:
This runs Reforged under Steam's emulation layer
Unzip the Asset Pack as you would a zip file into the retail folder within the Reforged installation directory
The tricky part is finding your "home" directory where you put your custom campaigns. In one user's case (agibsonccc) the filepath was the following:
/home/agibsonccc/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2542504305/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Warcraft III/Campaigns
The way proton works is you have steam and then an "appid" followed by a "prefix". The appid is basically a mapping to a "game" you specify in the left side in steam. That's wine's root directory. drive_c is C: then from there the paths should be the same.
If texture issues persist after the above steps, try restarting the machine.
Launch "Wacraft III: Reforged" game
Go to “Single Player” → “Custom Campaign”
Play the game.
Remember that Campaign works only in HD (Reforged graphics) game settings.
The Campaign is not compatible with Quenching mod.

If textures were not applied after installation of asset pack - reinstall assets one more time.


17 Missions packed with captivating gameplay

5 hours of Cinematics capturing and expanding on important lore moments

Lore conveyed through immersing gameplay, bringing you back into WC2 era

Voice Acting for over 1500 lines, from unit quotes to cinematics

Soundtrack recreating original Warcraft II music, made by talented artists

Heroes & Characters introduced through gameplay and cameos

Oil Resource system from classic Warcraft II, for immersive naval experience

Boss Battles with engaging and challenging mechanics inspired by World of Warcraft


Recommended PC Requirements
Operating SystemWindows 10 64-bit (latest version)
ProcessorIntel Core i7
VideoGTX 1080
Storage3GB (for campaign files)


Known Issues
Place - ScopeBugPriority for fix in next patchesComment
1GlobalSometimes Oil UI Warning messages can be played during cinematicsMediumNeed to investigate jass oil script and fix it.
2Chapter Nine: Razing of Tyrs HandEnemy AI doesnt send troops via transports to attack player.Medium
3Chapter Eleven: Quel’ThalasTroll camp AI might work weird. It has to be rewritten to JASS instead of GUI.Medium
4Chapter Ten: StratholmeMounted Gul’dan model has issues with facial animations. Probably need to rework model form scratch.Medium
5Chapter Ten: StratholmeEnemy Naval AI is not attacking playerMediumRequire a lot of effort on investigating AI script and testing.
6GlobalUpon Loading Saved game, the custom wc2 music list is played over like second layer.Medium
7GlobalBuilding and Unit models willbe updated in next pathces (pkb effects)MediumPKB effect were removed cuz it caused a lot of crashes before 1.36.1
8GlobalSome unit animations and models will be fixed and improvedMedium
9Chapter 13: Tomb of SargarasSometimes Rend Visual Aura Effect (BlackRoll and Roll) is not displayed .Medium
10GlobalGul’dan spell “Inferno” - summoned infernal need to be better balanced.Low
11GlobalCho'gall and Ogre-Magi Spell animation sometimes overlap and duplicate.Low
12GlobalFacial Animations are not stable in the maps that have a lot of dialogues.LowThe problem is that faceanim sometimes doesnt work for unknown reasons, and dev need to manually try another faceanim. Change and testing takes a lot of time.
13GlobalItems that need custom models:
  • Mana potion
  • earth elemental summoning token
14GlobalMelee unit can attack enemy unit that is standing on the wall, no matter how big difference in Z axis is.LowMelee Attack in game enginge doesnt take into account Z axis. In order to fix this, the additional pathing blockers has to be palced. Tedious and time consuming work that could delay release for many weeks.
15GlobalSometimes Air units can go through models of high towers.LowThis reuqires tedious rework of pathing blockers in some missions.
16Lost Chapter: DragonqueenThe goblin motor boat damage flames are disappearing when Zuluhed dismounts from it.LowestHard to identify the reason why it happens.
17GlobalCho'gall In-game text transmissions missing line breaks.Lowest
18GlobalFPS drops in some cutscenes that have panorama viewIMPOSSIBLE TO FIXThe team didnt have the knowledge about some limitations, but we wanted to make some beautiful shots.
19GlobalOn the loading screen map can crash because of incorrect texture decompression.
Walkaround - restart the mission.
20GlobalWhen the Peon which carry resourse is switched to another Building Construction set, the resource he carry is lost.IMPOSSIBLE TO FIXThe game engine limitations doesnt allow to fix this bug.
21GlobalUnits that don’t have Facial Animations:
  • Goblin Zeppelin
  • Gangrel
  • Fanatic
  • Twilight Peon
  • Cho'gall
IMPOSSIBLE TO FIXThose units are using soundkits of the beasts and mechanisms, whose sounds were replced in import manager. And they don’t have the needed facefx.



Click here for full credits list.

"Huge thank you to everyone who supported us, helped us, believed in us.
We hope this campaign was fun to play. Stay tuned for upcoming sequel
Chronicles of the Second War - Rise of the Alliance."
- LoreCraft Designs team


Translation / Dubbing



Patch v1.05 7/Sep/2024)

Patch v1.04 25/Apr/2024)

Patch v1.03 29/Jan/2024)

Hotfix v1.02 11/Jan/2024)

Hotfix v1.01 09/Jan/2024)

Previous Version Savegames will not be loadable.
Campaign menu by default has only 1st button visible fro the new playthrough - Act 1.


  • Updated model for Regional Defender.
  • Updated model for Defender of Faith.
  • Fixed Bug with Double music playing after reload savegame in every mission.
  • Fixed Bug with Double music during cinematics in every mission.
  • Removed some memory leaks in every mission.
  • Changed the order of naval units in the selection: Juggernaught > Destroyer > Turtle > Transport > Tanker.
  • Fixed typos in Doomhammer Warbanner Ability Tooltip.
  • Fixed typos in Ward of Ula'Tek item tooltip.
  • Fixed bug when armor and weapon upgrades did not affect Tharbek.
  • Death Knight and Mage attack range increased from 400 to 700.
  • Death Knight and Mage aquisition range increased from 600 to 1000.
  • Fixed bug when buildings and units had same hotkey on the same UI panel.
  • Fixed misleading typo for ship armor upgrades.
  • Updated model for Kurdran Wildhammer.
  • Updated model for Lothar.
  • Fixed name of the item "Shirt of Knowledge".
  • Updated model for Lordaeron Captain.
  • Updated model for Lordaeron Footman.
  • Updated model for Lordaeron Knight.
  • Updated model for Lordaeron Paladin unit.
  • Updated model for Lordaeron Peasant.

Mission 01:
  • Removed wooden fence near gnoll camp.
  • Added counter for Wolves Den quest that indicate amount of remaining Dens.
Mission 02:
  • Fixed typo in Rend Blackhand name when he first met Zuljin dialogue.
Mission 03:
  • Fixed defeat condition (loss of all peons and townhalls).
Mission 04:
  • Fixed defeat condition (loss of all peons and townhalls).
  • Fixed bug with paused gilneas battleships.
Mission 05:
  • Turned dynamic weather on.
  • Fixed bug with mismatching the hero name when hero dies.
Mission 06:
  • Fixed occasional bug when units got stuck on the bridge during Choose Way cinematic.
  • Turned dynamic weather on.
  • Fixed issue when Killrog didn't appear in final cinematic.
Mission 06S:
  • Axe Blade Door is now deactivated after unlocking force wall door in the dungeon.
  • Fixed crash after Alextrasza final cinematic.
  • Alextrasza now is immune to fear and ensnare.
Mission 07:
  • Fixed bug with defeat conditions.
  • Fixed bug when Maim had Dragon Item stuck in his inventory.
  • Added text message in final cinematic that gives enough time for corpses to fully render for the scene.
Mission 08:
  • Turned off wandering for lost turtles, so they could be found easier.
  • Turned off repeating line from Guldan "Build more ships!", now it should play only once.
Mission 08s:
  • Removed "Ancient" Classification from rescuable trolls.
  • Fixed pathing blockers for the map, preventing units walking through the rocks in the eastern part of the map.
Mission 09:
  • Stopped Caranvan spawn when three top shipyards are destroyed.
  • Renamed troll tribe name to Witherbark tribe.
Mission 10:
  • Fixed bug when Captain dialogue launched after captains death.
Mission 11:
  • Fixed Zuljin Portrait in the final cinematic Liressa scene.
Mission 11s:
  • Fixed bug when resurrected units did not resume the attack.
  • Removed trigger that ordered zuljin to go back if player moves his out of temple in phase 3.
Act 4:
  • Fixed typo in word "Library" in Gul'Dans dialogue.
Mission 14:
  • Turned dynamic weather ON.
  • Fixed magus conservatory model bug.

Previous Version Savegames will not be loadable.
Acts now are visible for the first playthrough for the blocked players if they dont want to start from the begining.


  • Updated Death Knight models and death sound.
  • Updated Zul'jin model in Zulaman mission.
  • All Doomhammer lines are revocied.
  • Broadside shot ability for ships - effective distance increased from 400 to 600, cooldown decreased from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. Tooltip added.
  • Voodoo doll item - scaling of item model doubled in object editor to make it more visible on drop.
  • Advanced Buildings Swithcer ability has new icons.
  • Updated Death Knight Voice kit.
  • Updated Forest Troll Voice Kit.
  • Updated Portrait for Chogall.
  • Updated Portrait for Troll Berserkers and Axethrowers.
  • Updated Portrait for Ogre and Ogre Magi.
  • Updated Portrait for DeathKnight.
  • Updated Portrait for Twilight Grunt.
  • Updated Portrait models for Elven Archer adn Elven Ranger.
  • Abilities for Alliance and the Horde - added specific animations that must be played by spellcasters in campaign object editor.
  • Updated Attack Animation for Elven Destroyer ship.
  • Updated Orc UI.

Asset Pack:
  • Team Color 20 (coal) now is more black than gray.
  • Team color 23 (Peanut) now is more yellow than default desaturated yellow.
  • Updated Diffuse and ORM textures for Gryphonrider
Mission 01:
  • Updated the sound for footman dialogue.
Mission 02:
  • Fixed the Mismatch between text and voice for troll village dialogue.
  • Fixed race condition with double launch of Durnholde cinematic.
  • Updated the sound for footman dialogue.
Mission 03:
  • Fixed bug with advanced peon getting +10 instead of +100 resource.
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
Mission 04:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
Mission 05:
  • Fixed water plane doodad under the destroyed bridge in Dun Modr.
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
Mission 06S:
  • Dwarven ring item - scaling increased, tooltip added "Quest Item".
  • Totem of Wind item item - tooltip added "Quest Item".
  • Enchanted Gemstone item - tooltip added "Quest Item".
  • Goblin Key item - tooltip added "Quest Item".
  • Dragon Soul item - tooltips added "Quest Item" and "Requires consuming 3 souls of living creatures to gain charge".
  • Dragon Soul recharge amount bug - fixed.
  • Fixed bug when Alextrasza stucks on the Attack to Camp route.
  • Decreased the amount and level of lava Spawn in bossfight with Firelord on Hard.
  • Increased HP for Orastrasz.
Mission 07:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
  • Fixed bug with swamp walking loop sound in the intro cinematic.
  • Fixed bug with Playing few music tracks in cinematic.
  • Lowered projectile impact Z for shark to 0 value.
  • Fixed silent UI sound "We have no Oil".
Mission 08:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
Mission 08s:
  • Revoiced Kurdran.
  • Revoiced Lothar.
Mission 09:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
Mission 10:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
  • Fixed bug when Optional Quest Alliance base is failed after being completed.
  • Fixed bug with citizens attacking player without being enemy. (Now male citizens are neutral hostile, and player 9 Gray "Citizens" is true neutral to player.)
Mission 11:
  • Enemy Hero Teleport on death turned off, becasue it was braking AI scripts.
Mission 11s:
  • Added Chaos Attack to Zuljin in the last phase.
  • Revoiced Zuljin dialogue lines.
  • Revoiced Isenglof.
  • Decreased Zuljin revive time to 15 seconds.
  • Fixed bug where attack waves got stuck.
Mission 12:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
  • Zuluhed uses new dragonmaw skin.
Mission 13:
  • Fixed Volume for Rakmar Dialogues.
  • Zuluhed uses new dragonmaw skin.
Mission 14:
  • Fixed bug with Oil UI warnings played in the cinematic.
  • Zuluhed uses new dragonmaw skin.

Previous Version Savegames will not be loadable.
Acts now are visible for the first playthrough for the blocked players if they dont want to start from the begining.


  • Chogall cinematic walk fix by Fugrim
  • Deathwing Pre-Wow remodeling by Handclaw (model) and Symphoneum (animations) + fixes by VictorZ (animations)
  • Goblin Zeppelin Portait floppy mouth animation fix by Malmgrev
  • Death Knight Death Coil Ability Drain Effect changed to Red Life Drain
  • Death Knight Armor type changed to Small
  • Death Knight HP increased from 400 to 600
  • Human Mage Armor type changed to Small
  • Human Mage HP increased from 400 to 600
  • Dragon armor increased from 0 to 2
  • Gryphon Rider Armor increased from 0 to 2
  • Goblin rockets item damage doubled
Mission 06S:
  • Fixed Alextrasza landing bug in Lost Chapter I: Dragonqueen
  • Decreased the amount of souls to charge the Dragonsoul from 5 to 3
Mission 10:
  • Teron Gorefiend superunit armor type changed to Small and life increased to 1000
Mission 4:
  • Naval AI upgrade level nerfed to 1 on Hard and training pause increased
Mission 5:
  • Naval AI upgrade level nerfed to 1 on Hard and training pause increased
Mission 7:
  • Removed second ballista from Stromgarde Attack Wave on Hard and Normal

Previous Version Savegames will not be loadable.
Acts now are visible for the first playthrough for the blocked players if they dont want to start from the begining.


  • Zeppelin price increased from 500 to 1000 gold
  • Zeppelin build time increased from 20 to 61
  • Zeppelin food cost increased from 1 to 4
  • Pillage rate nerfed
Mission 09:
  • Hold the line defeat condition changed to be more reliable
  • Autokiling zeppelins that reach cinematic area of Tyrs Hand
Mission 11S:
  • Decreased bounty for killing units

Previous Version Savegames will not be loadable.
Acts now are visible for the first playthrough for the blocked players if they dont want to start from the begining.

Mission 01:

  • Creeps nerfed
  • Fixed bug with signal fire completion after failing
Mission 02:
  • Creeps nerfed
  • Fixed sasquatch flying above the cave
Mission 03
  • Naval AI nerfed
  • Creeps nerfed
Mission 04:
  • Creeps nerfed
  • Fixed skin for Gilneas Battleship
  • Nerfed naval AI difficulty
  • Placed the fountain of health in the camp
Mission 5:
  • Extended beach for building naval buildings in north part
  • Creeps nerfed
  • Changed drop for jungle monster
  • Naval AI difficulty nerfed
  • Turned off Rain for better performance
Mission 6S:
  • Fix Alextrasza stuck when she goes back
  • Creeps nerfed
Mission 7:
  • Creeps nerfed
Mission 8:
  • Creeps nerfed
Misison 8S:
  • Creeps nerfed
  • Fixed instant defeat on the last quest Hold the Line
  • Creeps nerfed
  • Archmage is invulnerable now till he starts freezing the lake
Mission 10:
  • Reworked logic of Death Knight Cinematic launch (now no need to wait till all player units are killed near the cathdral)
  • Creeps nerfed
Mission 12:
  • Fixed Chogall running away in bossfight phase 2 and 3
  • Fixed Rend disappeared from cache (need to be tested starting form mission 9)

CSW campaign Tides of Darkness (Campaign)

We are thrilled to share some news with all of you about Chronicles of the Second War: Tides of Darkness, we are happy to announce that it has been officially granted a prestigious Director's Cut rating! This recognition is a testament to the...
Level 2
Jan 5, 2025
I've just finished the Orc campaign; this was fantastic and congratulations to all involved on a job very well done!
I've also since installed the game on someone else's laptop and offered high praise.
Definitely worthy of a 9/10, if not higher!
Some observations:
  • Since the latest Reforged patch, several character portraits appear to have defaulted to their original Warcraft 3 models e.g., Guldan (Arthas), Cho'gall (Cairne), Teron Gorefiend (Arthas), Orc pirate, Orc hunter, Utok Scratcher (pirate, hunter and Utok Scratcher are the same), Human units in Stratholme (some appear elven), etc. I assume you're aware and currently working to fix?
  • Catapults are very powerful and I appreciate that you're seeking to replicate the Warcraft 2 experience; however, the original Warcraft 2 had significantly higher splash damage on units, thus deterring the player from using them in general combat
  • The Razing of Tyr's Hand was a significant step-up in difficulty from prior levels; units pouring from the keep was a very different experience!
  • Stromgarde did seem a little narrow relative to other city designs; the level was otherwise quality
  • There was never any real risk of running out of gold or lumber; oil was the only resource that occasionally seemed sparse; however, I assume this was intentional with the aim of replicating the original Warcraft 2 experience
  • The boss fights involving Cho'gall and Rakmar Sharpfang were great and required high micromanagement to win
  • The Siege of Zul'Aman was another excellent level that kept the player on their toes throughout
  • The Hinterlands Ploy perhaps could've been made slightly harder towards the end with stronger attacks from the south; for instance, attacks from the west (which included several ballistae) felt much more difficult to fend off
  • It was a good idea to combine the Dalaran (Cross Island) and Lordaeron assaults into 1 level as 2 consecutive sieges and base builds felt somewhat redundant in the original Warcraft 2
Ultimately, this was outstanding and everyone involved should be proud of their efforts.
Looking forward to The Rise of the Alliance and subsequent campaigns!
Last edited:
Level 3
Apr 7, 2021
Hi there. I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet or brought up in the past, but out of curiosity, will the rest of the models ever be released as resource packs? As far as I am aware, The installer does provide the mdx files for the buildings, but not the mdx files for the units.

I am also aware that there are some already available like the Kul Tiras, Lordaeron and Dwarf units as well as the Ironforge and Wildhammer Buildings released in the Resources Thread for CSW, I'm just curious if the rest will ever be released to the public.
Level 2
Jan 6, 2025
Anyone with a Mac experiencing a crash when loading the Lost Chapter III? I, however, was able to load the map with reforged graphics off, then save and load that savegame with reforged graphics on. But Zuljin and the other units are invisible, making it impossible to play. Same happens when I load it with reforged graphics off. I know there are graphical issues with reforged 2.0, but maybe someone has a workaround?
Level 33
May 14, 2021
Anyone with a Mac experiencing a crash when loading the Lost Chapter III? I, however, was able to load the map with reforged graphics off, then save and load that savegame with reforged graphics on. But Zuljin and the other units are invisible, making it impossible to play. Same happens when I load it with reforged graphics off. I know there are graphical issues with reforged 2.0, but maybe someone has a workaround?
The Reforged graphic options won't do me any good. The problem you were encountering here was a result of the new Blizzard patch.
There's no workaround for this problem, unless you played the whole campaign without the save-load things.
Level 33
May 14, 2021
I can't get the game to load textures even though I've followed all the download instructions. I'm on the newest patch.
Are you playing on the Classic SD graphics? This campaign is ONLY playable on Reforged HD.
Be mindful that Reforged 2.0. patch has a problem where some of textures can get corrupted for unknown reason if you load your previous saves.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
Are you playing on the Classic SD graphics? This campaign is ONLY playable on Reforged HD.
Be mindful that Reforged 2.0. patch has a problem where some of textures can get corrupted for unknown reason if you load your previous saves.
Interesting, Reforged has had a "save causes model corruption" problem on the world editor side for mapmakers since 1.32 and now here you are saying a similar problem exists on the players side just for saving their games.

Is this issue tested or replicated ?