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Hosted Project: W3CSW
Level 32
Mar 5, 2020
From LoreCraft with love:
Huge thank you to everyone who supported us, helped us, believed in us. We hope this campaign was fun to play. Stay tuned for upcoming sequel "Chronicles of the Second War - Rise of the Alliance".

Developers Team

Tamplier777 (Eugene Ivaniushenko) - Plot Writing, Terrain, Triggers, Scripts, Models, Missions, Cinematics
ShadiHD (Shadi Al-Abadi) - Dialogues, Models, Textures, Terrain, Voice Acting, Sound Design, Promotion
Bagysta (Goulven Labat) - Models, Textures
Barorque (Maksims Šimaitis) - Models, Textures, Terrain, Cinematics, Triggers, Promotion
Mr.Goblin (Vincent Turcot) - Icons, Art (Loading Screens), Terrain, Textures
Kam (Ryan Kinports) - Triggers, AI Script, Terrain
Marthen Andeval (Martin H. J.) - World Map (loading Screens), Proofreading, Lorecraft


  • Spooky (Jimmy Haumann) - texts proofreading, dialogue writing, alpha testing.
  • Outsider Xandros Editor - trigger polishing, beta testing, debugging.
  • Retera for his amazing Model Studio. Without it, this project would be impossible.
  • InsaneMonster for his research in Lipsinc and AI scripts. And inspiring technical solutions (both trigger and jass). And for his amazing models.
  • Twilac for help with blender mdx plugin and extending RMS tool.
  • Zorrot and QuenchingTeam for asset installer and technical help.
  • Handclaw for amazing posters and concept art. As well as texturing and modeling help.
  • Trolldaeron for icons, concept art. As well as texturing and modeling help.
  • Spellbound for amazing jass Oil harvest script.
  • Mythic(Vinz) for models of various special effects and especially, Oil Patch.
  • Mr Ogre Man for models and animation support.
  • Antontama for icons and support in early alpha.
  • FugrimTheOne for tweaking models and animations. And for human Guard models and fixing Elven Archer/Ranger models.
  • Dekogon Studios for ancient treasures model pack.
  • Herrdave for his help with English grammar and text/dialogues reivew in early alpha.
  • Abfal for help with triggers.
  • Vulfar for knowledge sharing in modeling and WoW model rips. Also for Alexandros Mograine, Varok Saurfang, and High Elven Knight models.
  • Sunchips for animated grass model.
  • HL_Vortex for his CityScape Doodad Pack.
  • Darious for contribution to Elven Building models.
  • Zenmaster for art and lore support.
  • Fingolfin for wheat field model.
  • Wildone for elven botanist model and for Retera Whoolomancer model.
  • Superfrycook for contribution to Elven Building models.
  • Mayday for help with Abilities implementation.
  • Symphoneum for help with models and animations.
  • BurnedSmackDown for help with models and animations.
  • Mr. Smite for the RPG doodads pack.
  • MWM for RPG items models.
  • ZoomMan for worker troll model.
  • VictorZ for dragon animations pack.
  • Vindorei for his amazing models (Terenas, Halduron).
  • Demetres for his help with animations.
  • Mwas for modeling high elven characters.
  • SavingTheWow - Tweaking the Campaign loading screen render.
  • Will of the Almighty for explosion effect models.
  • Triceron (Ken) - for help with models in early alpha, especially for dwarven doodads and Gnomish Flying Machine model.
  • Liu for WoW Whaleshark model.
  • Tranquil for Anasterian Sunstrtider custom animations.


  • Ramin Djawadi - "Gul'dan" (Warcraft movie OST), "The Horde" (Warcraft movie OST).
  • Agostino Pasqualini - remaster "The Marsh", "Doomhammer", "Invasion of Draenor" and “The Shadowmoon Slayer“ from Warcraft 2 OST (Original Blizzard midi).
  • Shadi Al-Abadi - remaster of Warcraft 2 themes (Orc Win and Orc Lose) (Original Blizzard midi).
  • The Second Narrator - remaster of Warcraft 2 Menu theme.
  • BaDito02 - remaster of Warcraft 2 Menu themes “The Slayer” and “The Dragons” (Original Blizzard midi).
  • VG Music Revisited - - remaster of Warcraft 2 themes “Grunt” and “For the Horde” (Original Blizzard midi).
  • Paleowolf - original tracks "Shaman", "Reign of the Ork", "Hymn to Gor", "Kronn the Conqueror" from Orkforge album.
  • Michae Ghelfi - RPG Audio loop for city battlefield.
  • Vincent Moretto - Metal Remixes of Orc Themes from Warcraft 2.
  • Jason Hayes, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Russell Brower, Matt Uelmen, Neal Acree, David Arkenstone, Glenn Stafford, Clint Bajakian, Sam Cardon, Craig Stuart Garfinkle, Edo Guidotti and Eimear Noone - various music themes from World of Warcraft.

Beta Testers

  • BaronBlackthorn
  • Ehlesgens
  • Flinn
  • Handclaw
  • Jmv_cyber
  • Mr Ogre Man (Smegmastico)
  • Nagax
  • Nsyw
  • Symphoneum
  • Whirlwind
  • Yoti Coyote
  • eaok
  • Avekatten

Voice Acting (English)

  • Shadi - Orgrim Doomhammer | Rend Blackhand | Maim Blackhand | Ogre Juggernaut | Troll Destroyer | Ogre Magi | Orc Spear Thrower | Orc Archer | Twilght’s Hammer Grunt | Twilght’s Hammer Peon | Twilght’s Hammer Archer | Gnomish Submarine | Fire Elemental
  • Nyte - Troll Axe-thrower | Elven Archer | Milan the Scribe | Elven Destroyer | Elven Archmage | Captain Meryn | Samwell | Kobold | Aman’ishi Captain | Black Tomahawk | Loa
  • BaronBlackthorn - Grunt | Utok Scratcher | Peasant | Knight | Paladin | Human Destroyer | Tharbek | Kil’rogg Deadeye | Ner’zhul | Sargeras | Mage | Human Oil Tanker | Uther The Lightbringer | Teron Gorefiend.
  • Jmv_cyber - Zuluhed the Whacked | Gul’dan | Thoras Trollbane | Drak’thul | Bleeding Hollow Grunt
  • Zuelah - Cho
  • Phantasmagoria - Gall
  • Eaok - Captain | Footman | Luric
  • Avekatten - Teron’Gor | Varok Saurfang
  • CreativeJp - Zul'jin
  • Christina Sherman - Garona Halforcen | Ula’tek | Timmy
  • MoxySpunt - Goblin Zeppelin | Orc Oil Tanker | Peon | Eitirgg | Death Knight | Wildhammer Axe Thrower | Samuro | Demolition Squad | Orc Transport | Human Transport
  • Richard (Wtiiwarcraft) - Hillsbrad Magistrate
  • WolfGangHemingway - Nekros Skullcrusher
  • Vox Tenebrae - Gryphon Rider | Demolition Squad – Dwarf A | Kurdran Wildhammer | Reginald Baradin II
  • Haris Tanković (Zytel) - Gnomish Flying Machine | Liam Trollbane | Alonsus Faol | Dalaran Archmage
  • Yoti Coyote - Amani Priests | Rommath | Alexandros Mograine | Human Archer
  • Frozen Death Knight - Rakmar Sharpfang | Deathwing | King Terenas Menethil | Anasterian Sunstrider
  • Aleksandrs Vlasenko - Vincent the Turncoat | Prince Steamwheedle | Anduin Lothar | Saidan Dathrohan | Medivh | Goblin Sappers
  • Veronnis - High Elf Swordman | Halduron Brightwing
  • Retera+AI - Retera the Woolomancer
  • Jeremiah - Lord Mathias Valdelmar | Additional Orc voices (cutscenes)
  • AliceCry - Alexstrasza | Liadrin
  • Jodi Penner - Lireesa Windrunner | Mara Fordragon | Aegywnn
  • Symphoneum - General Isenglof

Localization (French)

  • Whirlwind - Head of project, artistic director, production manager, lead sound operator, adaptation and translation, map editing, bêta testing
  • Akim Belkheir “Shunrik” - Artistic director, production manager, communication
  • Alexandre Faller - Adaptation & translation, bêta testing
  • Embu - Community manager, communication
  • Virginie Le Saux - Communication, adaptation
  • Xavier Le Saux - Assistant sound operator
  • Pti_Piou - Proofreading

Voice Acting (French)

  • Akim Belkheir “Shunrik” - Zul’jin, Samuro, Troll Destroyer, Steamwheedle Prince , Footman, Kobold Supervisor
  • Alexandre Faller - Milan, Elven Archer, Grunt, Akil’zon
  • Alexis Bourtereau - Gerard Isenglof, Fanatic, Orc Archer , Grunt, Troll Amani’shi
  • Alexis Da Costa - Zeppelin Gobelin, Ogre Juggernaut, Ogre, Dwarf
  • Arthur Hennes - Samwell, King Terenas
  • Benny Scetbun - Nekros Skullcrusher, Captain
  • Bran - Footman
  • Cédric Fitoussi "Cedakin" - Medivh, Varok Saurfang, Footman
  • Cctrouille - Alexstrasza
  • Chirka - Fal’Dorei Queen
  • Clément Bissuel - Alonsus Faol, Footman, Forest Troll, Captain Amani’shi
  • Corentin Jacquet - Grunt
  • Dahmane Belghoul - Orastrasz, Cultist, Alexandros Mograine
  • Davyus - Gul’dan, Lothar, Elven Knight, Grunt, Regional Defender, Amani Troll
  • Dorian Outtas - Captain Meryn, Ner’zhul, Grunt, Narrateur, Troll, Garde d’Ironforge, Vincent l'opportuniste, Cultiste
  • Elyot Veillon - Mage Elfe
  • Eric Da Silva - Uther Lightbringer, Kurdran Wildhammer, Hillsbrad’s Magistrat
  • Grégory Lerigab “GregoSensei” - Teron’gor
  • Hiruuu - Angwee, Cultist
  • Humanity Gone - Peon (ghost)
  • Irlywell - Aegwynn
  • Jönetsu - Timmy, Liadrin
  • Joris Georges “Ragnawak” - Teron Gorefiend, Axethrower, Oil Tanker, Kobold, Gobelin, Luric
  • Joris Tielmans - Orgrim Doomhammer, Footman, Troll, Gobelin sapper, Fire Elemental
  • Juliette Gautier “Fenrah” - Mara Fordragon
  • Kenny François - Anasterian Sunstrider, Grunt, Montaineer
  • Kévin Cornu “Cormack” - Maim Blackhand, Elf, Captain, Halduron Brightwing
  • Kevin Maxton - Paesant, Liam Trollbane
  • Loshirenzo - Captain
  • Mathias Lefebvre “Purple BB” - Utok Scratcher, Patrick
  • Mayrig Truchot - Garona
  • Miriam Lang - Lireesa Windrunner, Ula’Tek
  • MrPaul - Rend Blackhand
  • Nathan “Craniumfull” Nouailhac - Archer
  • Ormagodden - Footman
  • Raph “Inquisiteur Octavius” - Zuluhed, Human Archer, Mage
  • Retera - himself(Retera the Woolomancer)
  • Rob Carson - Deathwing, Lor’themar Theron, Black Tomahawk, Grunt, Cleric, Footman, Dwarf, Gangrel
  • Romain Benitez - Lord Baradin II, Grunt, Rommath, Gakle Goldsniffer, Jan’alai
  • Samuel Cohen Devos “StanRenart” - Kilrogg Dead-Eye, Footman, Ogre-Magi
  • Sganarelle - Grunt, Ogre, Footman
  • Slimane Dellaoui - Spearthrower, Death Knight, Rakhmar Sharpfang, Robyr Valdelmar, Ogre-Magi, Gobelin Engineer, Gobelin sapper
  • SirMaskox - Anvilguard
  • Théo Weyland “Nakidoo” - Tharbek, Sargeras, Enthralled, Halazzi
  • Thomas Masquelier - Grunt Traitor, Orc Transport
  • Whirlwind - Gall, Eitrigg, Saidan Dathrohan, Fanatic, Grunt, Gobelin Magistrat , Ironforge Cavalier, Nalorakk
  • Wizzlight - Wildhammer Chronicler, Grunt
  • Zuper_Zauzzice - Cho, Thoras Trollbane, Troll, Berserker, Wildhammer Thane, Grunt

Localization (Chinese)

  • Nsyw(正电子海) - Localization manager、Textual Research nerd
  • LaN(蓝蓝子) - Localization member、Advisor
  • Zorrot(Zorrot_Chen) - Localization member、Technical support
Special Thanks:
  • Thank 曹四爺 for inviting professional VAs for the Chinese dubbing project. Without his full support, the Chinese Dubbing Project would have no hope.
  • Thank W for Wango and QQ discuss group of Warcraft HuiJi wiki for their localization help and suggestions.


(when donating add a note with your preferred name/nickname to credit you, or contact Barorque#5627 on discord)
  1. Kaigar
  2. InsaneMonster
  3. Elliot Yun
  4. KickKing
  5. Moonfury
  6. Nsyw
  7. Nxnja
  8. Outcastt
  9. ThralltheOG
  10. Vvolfen
  11. ZoomMan
  12. Jakob Isebäck
  13. Damaso Rodriguez
  14. Andrew Allen
  15. Alexandre Aubert
  16. Timurmalik Shomatov
  17. Travis Tolsma
  18. Vjaceslavs Sorokoletovs
  19. Leszek Lichowski
  20. Tony Pettersen
  21. Sönke Kalt
  22. Rod Bullock
  23. Ha Thanh
  24. Angela Malcolm
  25. Olivier Handelsman
  26. Timothy Cannon
  27. Daniel Gehrke
  28. Leah Green
  29. Antonio Hermann
  30. Matthew Ebelt
  31. Simone Iannilli
  32. Michael English
  33. Christopher Overington
  34. Ralf Bleymehl
  35. Jesse Williams
  36. Dominic Jurkiewicz
  37. Alex Hansen
  38. Santiago Cereceda Oliver
  39. Tim Pollok
  40. Joshua Meredith
  41. Kyle Sears
  42. Filip Basiak
  43. Steven Neusse
  44. Kyle Delestowicz
  45. Illarionov Romanl
  46. Michael Melnik
  47. David Zelenka
  48. James Hutchinson
  49. Olivier Grosseuvres
  50. Anton Naumenko
  51. Dmytro Stukalskyi
  52. Alessandro Rossi
  53. Victor Bozhok
  54. Andrew Allen
  55. Fernanto Saimkoou
  56. Daniel Soto Moncada
  57. Jan-Nick Eul
  58. Robert Cassidy
  59. Adrián Irache Prades
  60. Joseph Bomberger
  61. Mark Wright
  62. Rich Langley
  63. Alexey Dmiterko
  64. Daniel Atanasov
  65. Iván García Núñez
  66. Cees de Wit
  67. Andrew Becker
  68. Stephen Beare
  69. Rongzhi Wang
  70. Alexandru-Gabriel Rait
  71. Dmitriy Lukianinov
  72. Arthur Lorenz
  73. Daan de Wit
  74. Benyamin Yehudi
  75. Justin Wells
  76. Alexandre Lesage
  77. John Evenwel
  78. Viktor Malmgren
  79. Romain Leaument
  80. Andrew Allen
  81. Eric Theller
  82. Daniel Arday
  83. Aleksandrs Vlasenko
  84. Kamil Ginatulin
  85. Eric Castro
  86. Zhongxian Chen
  87. Joshua Meredith
  88. Vadim Breslavets
  89. Joel Carlberg Torsell
  90. Josef Johansson
  91. Miroslav Sapara
  92. Jesse Maire
  93. Christopher Markis
  94. Diogo António Toste Fortuna
  95. Marco Weller
  96. Edward Char
  97. Mark3Films
  98. Sebastian Hedenborg
  99. Jens Norell
  100. Victor Porubin
  101. Tomáš Straňák
  102. Bryk Fiodar
  103. Kevin Perreaut
  104. Sam Driver
  105. Alecc Costanzi
  106. Rene Ernst
  107. Junxiang Zhao
  108. Arni Solari Potilla
  109. Lex Honecker
  110. Skylar Ross
  111. Anton Proskurin
  112. ziziman
  113. Tipou Wc3
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