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Christianity vs. homosexuality

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Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
So you still remember the old thread where you got angry to me when I said I don't accept homosexuality? Brad Dude I said I would look up from the Bible and here it is from old testament:

Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

This is everything I have found so far of homosexuality in Bible. I guess I was right. Clearly Bible does not accept homosexuality.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
A bible is a simple book, not the word of god at all or a "word" to live by (in a way you are doing) or to be used to prove a point. Its just a book that has been re-written many times by HUMANS, not god.

EDIT: The bible is full of bs anyway, its not a set of rules but rather a guide (which i dislike), so don't treat the bible like rules or be a bible thumper. This thread is stupid.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
Bible IS the word of God. I can find proofs for that too if needed. Prove if you can that it is no the word of God. All Christians know that the Bible is the word of God.

This thread is about warning of sins and saving people so that they regret their sins and can one day be with God and what could be more important than that? Nothing.
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
A bible is a simple book, not the word of god at all or a "word" to live by (in a way you are doing) or to be used to prove a point. Its just a book that has been re-written many times by HUMANS, not god.

EDIT: The bible is full of bs anyway, its not a set of rules but rather a guide (which i dislike), so don't treat the bible like rules or be a bible thumper. This thread is stupid.

Your ignorance is astounding. All that you've ever heard that has led you to this, your conclusion, you probably don't even remember. So please, tell us why it is so simple. Tell us how many times it's been rewritten, by whom and for what reasons. Point out what-where has been rewritten.
Show us the BS.. Point out that which makes it a guide. For instance, is the first line in Genesis a part of this "guide"? Where does the guide start and where does it end?

It's ironic that you dislike it more for being a guide than a clear set of rules.
I'd like to hear your words on why a set of rules is not as bad as a guide.

Is your education in a public school not a guide to 'what to know' and 'how to think'? It is, actually, very much so. So what is the difference between your history book and the Bible?
Do you not follow the laws of your man-made government? Are not your government's laws a guide, or even a set of rules?
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Your ignorance is astounding. All that you've ever heard that has led you to this, your conclusion, you probably don't even remember. So please, tell us why it is so simple. Tell us how many times it's been rewritten, by whom and for what reasons. Point out what-where has been rewritten.
Show us the BS.. Point out that which makes it a guide. For instance, is the first line in Genesis a part of this "guide"? Where does the guide start and where does it end?

It's ironic that you dislike it more for being a guide than a clear set of rules.
I'd like to hear your words on why a set of rules is not as bad as a guide.

Is your education in a public school not a guide to 'what to know' and 'how to think'? It is, actually, very much so. So what is the difference between your history book and the Bible?
Do you not follow the laws of your man-made government? Are not your government's laws a guide, or even a set of rules?

You have clearly missed my point.
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
Jaakko said:
Bible IS the word of God. I can find proofs for that too if needed. Prove if you can that it is no the word of God. All Christians know that the Bible is the word of God.

I personally would not agree with this. There are man-made contradictions in the Bible, and not in places anyone is thinking about right now.

It is the word of man, OF God, but not the "word of God". I actually don't know what the "word of God" is. I know of his laws, i know that religion was passed down in great detail by word of mouth for many generations before being written, even before the OT. I know God has interviened many times, even still. I know man has misconstrued God's interventions to fit their own ideas. I know man has, without-knowing, made a mockery of religion.. But logic states that if God was going to do something himself it will be done without error. Man's history of religion is almost in complete error, from a human's stand-point, but then God is still in error by man's interpretation of ancient texts. So did he intend for the proceeding course of events to happen after his intervention or not? Why would he have created a division among people?

Opinion: He interviened when needed, and had done what was supposed to be done. The following actions of man were not of his own.

Werewulf said:
You have clearly missed my point.

What IS your point? It sounds more like opinion than anything else..

"It's been rewritten many times and it tries to explain human nature to me as a means to live a better life.. So i don't like it or accept it to be anything more than lies."

You know what. The Guiness Book of World Records has also been rewritten many times.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
Okay I just wanted to say that the theme is Christianity in this thread so you can say anything about it. My first post was just an answer to Brad Dude about our discussion. There are a lot of other sins too of course.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Christianity will beat up homosexuality. homosexuality is clearly a pansy who doesnt have the experience or attack power of Christianity.

also one thing i didnt realise is that the anti-homo reference in the bible only talks about killing homosexuals. there is nothing about prison time or anything like that. i mean murder might not get you the death penalty in many countries, but geing gay would?
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
Okay I just wanted to say that the theme is Christianity in this thread so you can say anything about it. My first post was just an answer to Brad Dude about our discussion. There are a lot of other sins too of course.

Yeah, good investigating.

But uhhh.. I'd say this statement,
"They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
Is the work of man, whereas
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable."
Is complete in itself. Nothing further needs to be said about that. It states simply that anomaly of human nature and what is naturally felt from it. And what should be felt from it is what is stated, not a death-sentence.

GST_Nemisis said:
Christianity will beat up homosexuality. homosexuality is clearly a pansy who doesnt have the experience or attack power of Christianity.

also one thing i didnt realise is that the anti-homo reference in the bible only talks about killing homosexuals. there is nothing about prison time or anything like that. i mean murder might not get you the death penalty in many countries, but geing gay would?

Err, as to your first paragraph, not true, and what sense does the second part make?

As to your second, you speak as if there is nothing wrong with (y)our own government. I mean, we are beyond their way of rule, even modern Christians, so it's useless to speak of what they thought of as penalty back then.; in the future we will be seen as the ignorant fools of our time.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
1.I was simply saying the bible wasn't written by god himself, it was written down by typical humans and passed down, it wasn't written by 1 sole entity to speak for everyone (Christianity or whatever).

2.I'm saying its a guideline, not a set of rules to follow (I don't use the bible as a guide as I dislike it for my own personal reasons which i don't want to discuss) Which is why one mustn't wave it around like it is a set of rules or a form of evidence to close an argument, because thats just....being.....tsk tsk...

3. I'm obviously am not a Christian but I was, and im glad im not one anymore as "god's words" is as delusional, hateful and spunkered up as anything you can find in a free for all drug store. But trying to bring around an argument as if god is on your side, arguing along your side or using him to back you up is retarded.
Im also sure not everyone here is religious, so stop making this into some debate which would involve such a subject (im talking to everyone)

4. Who removed the religious discussion rules? Becuase this is why it needs to be back.

5. There is no need for this thread at all Jaakko, seriously. Just because a certain religion dislikes a particular group of people doesn't mean that particular group of people are "sinful" or "bad" or whatever the hell you are on about. I'm sick of religious people and their hate words on certain people just because THEIR religion states its of the ill, dislike or "sin". Hell, I may be partially homophobic but for idiotic reasons I can clearly see but at times wont accept, which doesn't really make sense if you got to know me even more.

EDIT: In other words, i dont care what the bibles says if used against me (as in, used like how jaako is using it not the bible itself". I dont care about all the people that made the bible, im simply stated it was not made by 1 single entity to speak for all and that the bible is not a set of rules and should not be used as "evidence" or "proof" or whatever in such arguments.

As i said, this thread is retarded and should be locked, Jaakko learn to chat or pm.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
"They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
Is the work of man, whereas
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable."
Is complete in itself.
In Finnish translationI could find only the second part and I'm not 100% sure is it that way but I read it in one place. Somebody could check that if needed.

Last time I talked with brad in a public talk and I wanted to talk in public now too. This is off topic anyway so I don't understand how you get so angry Werewulf.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Alright, topic over

Jaako fell into the most stupid trap for anyone who randomly quotes the bible

So you still remember the old thread where you got angry to me when I said I don't accept homosexuality? Brad Dude I said I would look up from the Bible and here it is from old testament:

Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

This is everything I have found so far of homosexuality in Bible. I guess I was right. Clearly Bible does not accept homosexuality.

Now by the way Jaako, you owe me, because you made me get my Bible down from the shelf, turn to Leviticus, and look up all of the rules here

So, lets see exactly how much faith or care we should put in Leviticus, shall we?

Leviticus 7:22

The Lord said to Moses "Say to the Israelites: 'Do not eat the fate of cattle, sheep or goats"

Welp, bet you're regretting eating McDonalds, aren't you?

Leviticus 19:28

"Do not cut your bodies for the dead, or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord"

So tattoos are against the Bible too, huh? Who'da thought?

Leviticus 19:19

"Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material"

Huh, guess cotton and synthetic fibre clothing is against the Bible as well

Leviticus 19:27

"Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard"

There you have it folks, the Bible is against haircuts

After this, I believe we can safely say that Leviticus is a bunch of crap

EDIT: Yaknow what? I haven't even BEGUN to tear into you people

So what is the difference between your history book and the Bible?
Do you not follow the laws of your man-made government? Are not your government's laws a guide, or even a set of rules?

My history books had sources

The Bible, well, they didn't even decide that Jesus was the son of God until 200 years after his death anyway, so yeah, I can't see that part being all too accurate

Yes, the Government's laws are a guide. However, unlike the laws of a religion, they're typically made to be fair to all people. They're also not around 2000 years old and based on 2000 year old values which grew out of style around 1000 years ago
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
The Bible is a Holy Book in which man has written the words of God, and the stories of the prophets, and Jesus. But the Bible WAS written by God, because God is within us all. That's what they teach in Christian religions. It's not just a guide or book of rules.

Please.. all religions are kind of copied from eachother.. christianity and islam both have prophets a bookie and some crap about saying he really exists.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Christianity is a bunch of conformist shit nowadays, in my opinion. It always has been. And today it's all about "are you saved or not?" Jaakko, it doesn't matter what that little book says. It's a bunch of lies put together by some ancient drunks who smoked too much and had too much shrooms that day. After all, drugs were related to prophecy. Homosexuality isn't bad, and people don't deserve to die for it. Why don't you just go murder someone who is homosexual? It's what "God" tells you to do. As a matter of fact, "God" also tells you to decapitate yourself. Cut of the hand you sin with. That's not some expression, like people today preach., they meant it. Nero probably had more sense then those bunches of pig heads. If God does exist, he's on mean-ass person.
Level 6
Nov 11, 2007
i don't rly believe in god, and i don't have anything against homosexual ppl, they are ppl after all. Plus the bible is bull crap
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Err, as to your first paragraph, not true, and what sense does the second part make?

As to your second, you speak as if there is nothing wrong with (y)our own government. I mean, we are beyond their way of rule, even modern Christians, so it's useless to speak of what they thought of as penalty back then.; in the future we will be seen as the ignorant fools of our time.

are you stupid or something? my first paragraph was clearly a joke and my second wasnt meant to be taken seriously! how can you determin how i speak if its written. i mean "Chirstianity would beat up homosexuality" ffs, does that sound serious to you!?!?
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