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Chat needs more moderators!

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Level 17
May 6, 2008
As many people are in the chat, it needs more chat moderators.

Tonight, it was lots of flaming, calling people hookers and such.

I can name some, and I believe my friend got a screenshot.

No moderators, except Ash was there, as Ash said he has no chat powers it's impossible to do something.

So here I am, requesting for more chat moderators, I'm sure more people than me wants more, to keep the chat friendly and civil.
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
As many people are in the chat, it needs more chat moderators.

Tonight, it was lots of flaming, calling people hookers and such.

I can name some, and I believe my friend got a screenshot.

No moderators, except Ash was there, as Ash said he has no chat powers it's impossible to do something.

So here I am, requesting for more chat moderators, I'm sure more people than me wants more, to keep the chat friendly and civil.

Level 17
May 6, 2008
Frostwhisper, dear friend, if moderators where there, this would never happend, right?



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
It's not *that* bad, the chat is rather well known for insulting each other; thus things often get taken too far. I'm not saying that what happened was right, nor am I saying that I support what happened, but what I'm saying is that what was said is nothing new, and that it was taken seriously by some people.

I don't think that we need 'more moderators', as per say, there's usually one around when you need one. What we do need, though, is for people to listen to mods when they mention that things could be going too far.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Uhm... I did not say that you could not punish me in the CHAT. I said you could not punish me on the FORUMS. The two should not carry over, especially since banishment from chat is for chat offenses, therefore you are abusing your power. But I don't care because I was afk anyways :\
Level 27
May 30, 2007
I think we should have a help channel, for modding help, and a general channel...

...for spamming...

This wouldn't need more moderation, as you would only need to moderate the help channel, and the worst thing that could happen in the spam channel is someone constantly spamming, which is GGPWNT by the ignore command.

Even if the moderation does not improve, /ignore never fails.
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
As many have likewise asserted: Chat doesn't need more moderators...it needs better quality of moderation from the existing moderators.
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
I agree with Samuraid.
It takes me multiple hands to count the people with chat powers.
They just happen to be away a lot or not moderating, and so on....
On a related note,

Ghan_04 gets out his Troll Spray and his ban stick and sets them on the table next to him.
I don't think it's really in the hands of the moderators. More or less the people who are causing these problems. They need to stop trolling, flaming, and spamming themselves. Usually if these situations get out of hand the Troll or Flamer or Spammer, etc, are kicked.

Though, I speak for both LiOneSS and myself here, I (and LiOneSS) have been banned for no reason for an hour before, with no notifcation towards a reason why. I don't recall seeing anyone angry at me in the forums, at that time, to do so. But again this is power-abuse, that is all, and not Chat Moderation Need.
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