[Solved] Changing Positive Buff into Negative

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007

I'm having a problem. I've made an ability, basically a reverse Inner Fire that reduces armor and damage done of a target enemy unit.

The ability itself works well, but the problem comes with the buff. You see, the buff that's yielded by Inner Fire is positive (obviously), while it should be negative.

The problem lies not with the buff of the chosen ability, but with the chosen ability itself, as changing the buff on my Inner Fire ability to a negative one doesn't work.

So basically, the positive buff yielded by Inner Fire should be negative. How do I achieve this?

Thanks in advance.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Well. First of all the color of the buff's name in-game (positive ones are green and negative ones are red). But more importantly, when you want to dispel only positive alternatively negative buffs, you don't want a buff with a negative effect to be considered positive in-game or vice versa.
Level 5
Jul 7, 2010
Well. First of all the color of the buff's name in-game (positive ones are green and negative ones are red). But more importantly, when you want to dispel only positive alternatively negative buffs, you don't want a buff with a negative effect to be considered positive in-game or vice versa.

Ah i see... but... even so.... I think that's still a problem WE still has... when you change a positive value (ie. in a positive buff) and change it to negative "we know its a negative" but the WE reads it from what/where it came from the "positive buff".
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