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Change default attack animation

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Level 3
Nov 5, 2010
Hi :)

I tried a lot of things, but no one works...

What i want to do :

- Remove all alternates attack animations *
- When i want, change the default attack animation with another animation

It is possible ?

Thx, and sorry for my poor english :)

*i tried to remove animations with warcraft model editor but it's bugged
You can use MDLVis to delete animations:

Just go to Modules -> Sequence Editor, and then look on the right sidebar. It should show a list of the animations in a combo box, and then you can click "delete" to delete an animation.

To change an existing animation to the attack animation, you just need to rename it to "Attack" or "Attack - 2", etc. You can also do that in MDLVis. Just click the combo box, and it should allow you to edit the text/name of the animation.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Convert .mdx into .mdl, open with notepad and change attack name(s).

Convert altered .mdl into .mdx and import to map.

Note that if you change the file name and the model have a portrait model you should convert and change [modelname_portrait] into [newmodelname_portrait] and import it aswell.
Level 3
Nov 5, 2010
Thx ! It's ok for

- Remove all alternates attack animations

But not for that :

- When i want, change the default attack animation with another animation in game ..
Exemple : An unit weaponless get a weapon (attachment), then change the default attack animation (fist) to an alternative attack (weapon)

Some help pls ? :)

ps: sorry for my late reply, i was in holiday :)
If it's permanent to the model you can just rename another animation into "Attack"

if it's to be toggle-able during in-game you might need to use animation extension names like make the alternative attack be "attack - alternate", then upon getting the weapon, use triggers to do

  • Animation - Add "Alternate" as required animation name blahblah
Level 3
Nov 5, 2010
Thank you a lot! I did not expect it was simple like that.

But I have a last request to ask you... how add a specific animation like
Alternate Attack - 1 and not all the alternate attack ?

Again, thank you all for your help!
Level 3
Nov 5, 2010
Aple, the model is modified (thanks to you guys)

I'm going reformulate the problem :

I said :

"- When i want, change the default attack animation with another animation in game ..
Exemple : An unit weaponless get a weapon (attachment), then change the default attack animation (fist) to an alternative attack (weapon)"

and Adiktuz replied :

"if it's to be toggle-able during in-game you might need to use animation extension names like make the alternative attack be "attack - alternate", then upon getting the weapon, use triggers to do

Animation - Add "Alternate" as required animation name blahblah"

So, it works well but i ask if it's possible to "choose" which Attack Alternate the model will use in game.

Like :

Sword : Animation - Add "Alternate - 1"
Axe : Animation - Add "Alternate - 2"

I hope you understand what I mean, because i'm not really good in english.
Tell me if you want/need a better explication :)

Thank you for taking your time for me :)
Unfortunately, you'll first have to edit the model again, and rename the Attack Alternate - 2 to something like, "attack slam". Then afterwards, make an ability based off Demolish, but allow it to affect all units. Then change the Art - Animation field to attack,slam, and make it an item ability, and add it to the item that you want to have an alternate effect.
Unfortunately, you'll first have to edit the model again, and rename the Attack Alternate - 2 to something like, "attack slam". Then afterwards, make an ability based off Demolish, but allow it to affect all units. Then change the Art - Animation field to attack,slam, and make it an item ability, and add it to the item that you want to have an alternate effect.

I might misunderstand your phrasing. But a new animation transfer is not necessary.
The animation can simply be renamed without doing anything else.
Okay, if he renames the animation, how is he going to play the specific animation he wants when the unit attacks? He wants the unit to have different attack animations depending on the item the unit is carrying, thus the need for the Object Editor ability, for smooth animations.

Like I wrote. I might have misunderstood your phrasing.
What I meant was renaming an animation in a Model Editor. That is achievable without doing a new animation transfer. A simple renaming will do.
Level 3
Nov 5, 2010
Thanks its works well with Animation Tag trigger. :)

Oh, and no way to select precise animation like :

Animation - Add "Alternate" as required animation name Attack Alternate - 2


Your answer works but it's could be really easier with selecting a precise animation .
Level 3
Nov 5, 2010
Yeah, it's what i do, and it's works!! (thanks you again)

It's could be really easier with selecting a precise animation, I just asking if it's possible :)
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