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challenging spell request

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Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
hey all :D

now ive got a challenge request for you ;D

the following 2 spells i requested at Mr_Bean987's Spell Workshop but the complicated math needed he wasnt able to make it so i request it here and hope someone is able and willing to make them :D

here the spells :

- Spell Name: Wolf Spirits
- Coded In: vJASS
- Levels: 10
- Target Type: unit
- Cast Type: active
- Detailed Description: from the raging shapeshifter (wolf form) 2 spirit wolves (using units\creeps\WhiteWolf\WhiteWolf.mdl with 35% transparency) rush in an waving arc (one right way moving in something like an S-shape and one left way in an mirror-inverted S-shape (means they hit the target from the sides); these S-shapes should be irregular if possible but the spirit wolves should hit the target at the same time) towards the targeted unit. When reaching it the spirit wolves disappear (using Abilities\Weapons\Bolt\BoltImpact.mdl) dealing 2 times AGI damage to the target. every enemy hit on the way get knocked back dealing 0.1 x AGI x abilitylevel damage.
- Cooldown: 300
- Mana Cost: 500

picture to explain the s-shapes :


- Spell Name: Nightmare Swords
- Coded In: vJASS
- Levels: 10
- Target Type: instant
- Cast Type: active
- Detailed Description: When the spell is casted 12 nightmare swords 'jump' out of the caster to points in regular distance between each other with offset of 400. when the swords meet their destination points they start moving in circles like you can see in this spell. When a sword hits an enemy it drags the enemy with it. after 10 spins of the swords they move straight forward instead of continue circling(means they move to their destination point in the last circle round but instead of continue circling they move forward shortly before they finish the last circle ; if you dont get what i mean i can make a picture^^ or just think of a 6). after 200 range from the point from where they left the circle they disappear releasing the enemy they dragged with (if they have one dragged) dealing 0.2 x STR x abilitylevel damage and with a 25% chance applying a buff for 5 seconds dealing 0.1 x STR damage per second.
- Cooldown: 300
- Mana Cost: 500

thanks for everyone whos is at least trying to make them :D

thanks in advance
greetz clapto
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Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
i need them MPI....also i will add a link for the spell which gave me the idea for the second spell.

EDIT: added the link to the spell to see the basic movement.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
if its working and performs good (laggless, leakless and smooth) i dont mind whether GUI or vJass. i just requested vJass because its easier to implement and performs better.

and the link to the spell is in the description.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Well for these spells, which appear to be ultimates, I wouldn't be too worried about minor leaks.

Currently working on the Wolf Spirits.

EDIT: Got the proof on concept down (+ MPI), now to make it smoother, use variables, and deal damage.
- For movement, I'm using the units' actual movement. Or would you prefer a movement system (will have smoother positions, but animation will be hard to pin down)?
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Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
The spells are quite challenging and cool idea :p
If I would be able to code this, can I add it to Spells Section ?
Credits goes to you for the idea of course.

But note this, I'm a GUI Triggerer.


Wolf Spirits
- You want those 2 wolves to hit the target at the same time, right ? How can they both hit the target at the same time if the target is moving ? The target can move either left or right, and this would affect the time for those wolves to reach the target's location. For example, you are from the South and you target a unit from the North. After you cast the spell, the target is moving towards the East. This will make the wolf at the East side of the Caster (right) will reach the Target first leaving the wolf at the West side (right) a small delay before it can reach the target.

- Here's my suggestion, those wolves do not need to wait for each other to arrive at target location, whichever wolf arrive first, they will deal damage, sounds fair ?

- OR if you still want those wolves to hit the target at the same time, make the unit to be stunned/pause for the duration of the spell. This way, the target is not moving, therefore it would be a perfect timing for those wolves to arrive the Target's location.

Whichever sounds good to you.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
The spells are quite challenging and cool idea :p

thanks ^^

If I would be able to code this, can I add it to Spells Section ?
Credits goes to you for the idea of course.

sure its your work ^^ its just my idea xD

But note this, I'm a GUI Triggerer.

no problem i just requested vJass because its easier to implement and smoother.

- You want those 2 wolves to hit the target at the same time, right ? How can they both hit the target at the same time if the target is moving ? The target can move either left or right, and this would affect the time for those wolves to reach the target's location. For example, you are from the South and you target a unit from the North. After you cast the spell, the target is moving towards the East. This will make the wolf at the East side of the Caster (right) will reach the Target first leaving the wolf at the West side (right) a small delay before it can reach the target.

- Here's my suggestion, those wolves do not need to wait for each other to arrive at target location, whichever wolf arrive first, they will deal damage, sounds fair ?

- OR if you still want those wolves to hit the target at the same time, make the unit to be stunned/pause for the duration of the spell. This way, the target is not moving, therefore it would be a perfect timing for those wolves to arrive the Target's location.

Whichever sounds good to you.

either youre able to calculate the speed of the wolves whenever the target moves so one wolve gets slower when the targets gets nearer and the other one gets faster or you just stun it. i want them both to hit the target at the same time.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
defskull will probably end up doing a better job than me, but I'm continuing anyway since it's quite a cool spell to trigger.

Progress: wolves run in a fairly smooth and somewhat variable S-curve, currently converting it to a unit-target. I'll rectify the wolves' positions by adjusting their movement speeds based on which one is closer. For the movement position itself, I'm doing it in a case-by-case basis for 4 "phases" during movement.

The proper way, however, would be to generate two sin waves, transform them about the line between the caster and the target, and make minor randomised adjustments for irregularity.
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Extremely easy spells to code, but it appears that people are already on the challenge, not that I want to code it anyways ^)^. The title led me to believe that it would be something extremely difficult and I was almost wanting to code it for the challenge, but the description left me quite disappointed :\.

Here is my hint to you all.. the math is not hard >.>.

an S is essentially 2 halves of a circle, one on top of the other. Do your simple rotation about the circle from 0 to 90 and then 270 to 90 and you got your S (that's the right side). Reverse it for the left side. Divide the total time you want it to take by the distance you want it to go to determine the interval and or translation you want to set it at.

The wolves should be sent like regular projectiles with blurred movement as if they are moving extremely fast. Using regular unit movement is not recommended for this.

At the end, the wolves can do regular movement. One challenge will be if the target is moving. This will cause the shape of the spell to skew, but this shouldn't be a problem. You'll also have to determine how to rotate the S's and how to modify the translation by recalculating the angle between the target and the spell cast point. Use the change in the angle to determine where your current rotation in the S as well as the new translation speed (dx/dy and rotation) =).
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
sorry for disappointing you Netharus ^^

if you want something really challenging i can think of something if you want ^^ i still need triggered boss spells, some systems maybe & i wanna change several of the standard hero spells in my map so if youd like to have something thats challenging (although i really cant think of something that is challenging for you^^) i can think of something....maybe ill get a good idea^^
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