23:32, 9th Oct 2012
Expect the challenge review in a couple of days.
EDIT: Review incoming tomorrow. Make sure you spam my PM inbox to review it.
okay, the good points:
~the idea is great, a mage-type unit for the centaur.
~the textures used are brilliant. the centaur body and the orc warlord horse just goes well together. the dragonspawn textures compliment well with the rest of the model.
~face is just awesome. neat use of the skeleton's skull texture for the mouth. i like the chains used as blindfold too.
~the chosen animations fit very well.
~i like how you used the textures for the skulls at his back. i mean, its not the usual skeleton skull mesh.
bad points:
~there are parts that doesn't need too much polygons. an example are the claws and the thing on his back. you could've done it with just a cube.
~the effects could've been done better. wish it had more variation, not just a simple fire.
~the horse body deform in some animations. but its no big deal.
overall its a brilliant model. a great addition to the centaur race. good filesize too.
still, it deserves a 5/5 for the good points mentioned above.
Expect the challenge review in a couple of days.
EDIT: Review incoming tomorrow. Make sure you spam my PM inbox to review it.
okay, the good points:
~the idea is great, a mage-type unit for the centaur.
~the textures used are brilliant. the centaur body and the orc warlord horse just goes well together. the dragonspawn textures compliment well with the rest of the model.
~face is just awesome. neat use of the skeleton's skull texture for the mouth. i like the chains used as blindfold too.
~the chosen animations fit very well.
~i like how you used the textures for the skulls at his back. i mean, its not the usual skeleton skull mesh.
bad points:
~there are parts that doesn't need too much polygons. an example are the claws and the thing on his back. you could've done it with just a cube.
~the effects could've been done better. wish it had more variation, not just a simple fire.
~the horse body deform in some animations. but its no big deal.
overall its a brilliant model. a great addition to the centaur race. good filesize too.
still, it deserves a 5/5 for the good points mentioned above.