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Cardinians Projects

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Level 6
May 27, 2007
Hey everyone, I'm busy with two things at the moments.

ThinkTanks - Strategy war game. Build over 50 different kinds of tanks, you choose the hull, the weapons system and the engine. Control various regions, sabotage mines and research improved tank schematics. Use tanks armed with Scavenger Modules to reclaim components and parts from wreckages, friend and foe alike! Call in supply drops or bombing runs to support your forces at the front line.

This is about 10% complete.

Weapons System - More of a demonstration. For me to re-learn the ropes of WorldEdit. It's a basic weapon/inventory system.
Features 6 different weapon types: Assault Rifle, Ricochet Rifle, Mortar Cannon, Plasma Shotgun and the Alien Impregnagun.
Features 3 different grenade types: Fragmentation, Smokescreen and Warpfire.
I'm currently building it into some sort of story-line mission, features game play for up to 6 players co-operatively. The difficulty scales depending on how many human players there are; ie, less, weaker monsters when someone valuable leaves the game. And vice versa.

This is sitting on around 40%.

All in all, I'm looking to do some battle.net testing in the near future. So, send me a PM with your b.net name and I'll add you to my friends. [note, if this is against some sort of Hiveworkshop unwritten/written rule, then apologies - I won't put my name here just incase]. I'm on Northrend!

Cheers for your time, and hope to be uploading stuff very soon!
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