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Can't Find an Effect

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Level 2
Sep 9, 2005
I simply can't find the effect used in the 3rd mission of the NE campaign in TFT. The sequence where Maiev finds Illidan in the Tomb of Sargares and he suddenly makes it collapse. All of the sudden dust and rocks fall from the ceiling in that room. Can anyone let me know where i can find that? I need it for a cinematic i'm working on.
Level 3
Nov 17, 2005
When you destroy the destructible support beams, doesn't something to that effect happen? (The Death Animation?)
Also, try just looking in the doodads list, in the underground/dungeon or whatever tile-sets.


Huh. I guess I should have actually read that second post, rather than jumping down to reply to the question right away.
Yes, I checked WEU, it's under cinematics in the Underground tile set.
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