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Can Anyone help me update warcraft lll from 1.28 to 1.29 or newer..?

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Level 7
Nov 13, 2018
Hi, I am a Korean and I cannot speak nor read English very well..
So, it's really hard to get information about maps, needless to say "new version, or whatever"
I was guided to download the link for 1.29 version, but it was really tricky...
I was just led to Reforged Warcraft again where I cannot really play custom mission (f*ckT_T.. I bought expensive reforged and deprived of cumstom campaign mode..?)
Of course, the thread specified that "you need a CD key otherwise it will be reforged".. but I couldn't get a chance to put CD-key..
It just became reforged with no any option....

Can any one save me from this Hell??T_T...
I don't even know where to put my thread...
Thank you...
Level 29
May 14, 2021
You'll have to download any versions of Warcraft III before Reforged here.
For the CD-Key, if you have already backed up the "w3k" files for Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne, you can place them in "ProgramData/Blizzard/Warcraft III".
Level 29
May 14, 2021
This truly works???
To clarify, once you downloaded one versions of non-Reforged WC3, either install ROC + TFT + any patches through installer (1.27b) or just extract the content to anywhere else (1.28-1.31). You can get the CD-keys here, but some of them might not work for you.
Remember to not allow the game to be updated through Battle.net so you don't end up getting Reforged, which the current version was 1.33.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
I always start my game from "Warcraft III\x86_64\Warcraft III.exe"-file, I.E. NOT the .exe directly in "Warcraft III\Warcraft III.exe" or the Launcher (for 1.31) to prevent updates. I'm unsure when the Launcher was introduced...
There is no longer too much reason to blacklist Warcraft III.exe as it stopped popping up the update prompt, but you could Blacklist the launcher exe if you want to be sure - or just delete it so you can never accidentally start the wrong one again
Another possible solution to prevent auto-update was to either blacklist the "Warcraft III.exe" using Firewall or just delete the Launcher.
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