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[General] Campaign Button won't load map

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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
This is a new one for me...

I've added a new map to my campaign after much playtesting. I made a new button, assigned that button to the map, saved, and started Warcraft to test it.

When I click on the button, the screen goes black like it's about to load a loading screen, but instead the cursor reappears and I'm back at the campaign screen waiting to pick the next map.


I deleted all my imported files and now the map opens. I have about 160 files though, so it'll be hard to find them. Also, the map (before I embedded it in the campaign) worked fine. So the files aren't corrupt.

Is it a problem if I have both a campaign and a map file that are ovewriting the same file? In other words, if I upload a campaign file to:


and a map file imported as:


That's the only thing I can think of.


I've isolated the file. It's a large (6 MB) sound file. It works in the regular map; but apparently the campaign won't work with that file. Is there some problem with large sound files? I plan on having some high quality sound files for campaigns later... that would be a problem.


I've shrunk the .wav file to 1MB, but it still won't work. I tried converting it to an .mp3 as well, but that also doesn't work.
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Campaign uses the Campaign Import path but if you change a resource path within a map inside a campaign that may be a problem, perhaps this is the cause.

And no, sound works for both Map and Campaign Import Editot.
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I'm quite sure it was the sound file. I deleted it and grabbed a similar sound file (it was a .wav of people clapping). It works now. I don't know why a corrupted sound file would mess with a campaign but not a map, but it works so I'll stop complaining.
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