Call of the Banshee (Mass poss)

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
The first spell I made, thanks to everyone who helped me with the triggers.
Made for a personal map, but feel free to use it.

Requires a clean up follow, since it leaks but may be easily added to campaigns.

Causes 8 enemy units to become charmed and fight for the Banshee for 55 seconds.
If this effect finishes naturally, possessed units will take 200 spell damage.

A big thanks to FlameofChange who has helped me greatly to fix everything wrong with the spell. Please credit him too if you use this spell as well as me for the idea.

Call of the Banshee (Map)

There are a lot of memory leaks waiting to happen with this bundle. Please clean up the memory leaks first. Awaiting Update
"u", "l", "p", "ug", "x" "y" aren't acceptable variable names. Always use the ability's relevant first letters (LH - lament of the highborne) and then the rest of the name of the variable. LH_Caster instead of "u", LH_TempGroup isntead of "ug", for...
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
great idea
not too many easily imported (GUI, etc.) charm spells out there
it always reminds me of the diablo 2 assassins ability xP

this one sounds good too. hopefully one could edit the amount that are possessed/charmed down to even 1 or 2. i like hwo the caster is disciplined for using it too. great idea tbh


Spell Reviewer
Level 28
Nov 18, 2012
"u", "l", "p", "ug", "x" "y" aren't acceptable variable names. Always use the ability's relevant first letters (LH - lament of the highborne) and then the rest of the name of the variable. LH_Caster instead of "u", LH_TempGroup isntead of "ug", for example.
No configuration trigger for range, special effects on the two different cases, maximum number of units picked up, filtering the units from the general unit group condition. I don't see spell damage occuring in any part of the triggers either.
You can use "random N units from unit group" to filter further units after the first filter of all those conditions instead of doing the loop of integer y etc.
LamentDeath trigger doesn't seem to be doing anything at all at the moment, the condition is never true.
The cinematic action is rather unique...some users might not actually want it, but then again, they can remove that I guess.

Needs fix.