"u", "l", "p", "ug", "x" "y" aren't acceptable variable names. Always use the ability's relevant first letters (LH - lament of the highborne) and then the rest of the name of the variable. LH_Caster instead of "u", LH_TempGroup isntead of "ug", for example.
No configuration trigger for range, special effects on the two different cases, maximum number of units picked up, filtering the units from the general unit group condition. I don't see spell damage occuring in any part of the triggers either.
You can use "random N units from unit group" to filter further units after the first filter of all those conditions instead of doing the loop of integer y etc.
LamentDeath trigger doesn't seem to be doing anything at all at the moment, the condition is never true.
The cinematic action is rather unique...some users might not actually want it, but then again, they can remove that I guess.
Needs fix.