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01 - Bulbasaur


Preview by Zerox

To make the Walk animation look better, it is recommended to raise the scaling value (the model is small). Its default movespeed is 150. Also remove the shadow texture.

This model is squished. The model itself has 16KB after imported to the map, although that doesn't show properly.

WARNING: The freehand texture named emotion.blp contains many types of textures that all pokémon models will share. If you download another pokemon model, be sure you overwrite the last emotion.blp you had with this one. If your pokemon models aren't showing properly, download it again and overwrite emotion.blp.

If you use it in your map give me credits for it. Check this thread's first post for more information.

Do not distribute this model anywhere without my explicit permission.

pokemon, bulbasaur, grass, dinosaur, plant

Bulbasaur (Model)

14:21, 19th Apr 2009 Cavman: Love it. Really. A rilliant use of ingame skins, and a good custom mesh and animations. Only thing it really needs is a few attachment points. Atleast just origin, chest, and overhead so as that most effects will show up...




14:21, 19th Apr 2009
Cavman: Love it. Really. A rilliant use of ingame skins, and a good custom mesh and animations. Only thing it really needs is a few attachment points. Atleast just origin, chest, and overhead so as that most effects will show up on it properly ingame. If you need help putting some of them on, I am willing to help.

DonDustin: added rating

Changes made, model approved.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Time to judge!! Tested, and here's my review:

[+] - Pros

- The good use of the in game textures, I was surprised that the Ashenvale Mushroom texture was used.

- The size is insanely low, and the quality is amazing for an model of this size.

- Almost all the animations are well made and fluid.

[-] - Cons

- The model needs at least 2 attack animations, just with 1 is boring.

- The Death animation is a bit weird.

HFR's suggestion:

Add one more attack animation, like an headbutt one, and change the death animation to something like he opening the legs and falling.

Overall, a good model, with extremely low size and good appearance. It certainly be a sucess in our project. I rate it 4/5. Good Job!
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
OMG! It is great! you really did a good job! again ^^,, though HFR is right, the death seems strange but WHATEVER! =P
I saw that the blink of his eyes was an other animation, totaly apart from the others? That really made the model alive! Great job! +rep!
I must say I adore this model HappyCockroach. Can you tell me though? How on earth did you get his eye's to blink like that?
you have to blow life into its lungs. :wink:

lol kidding, you can use global sequences. These are constantly playing, no matter what the model is doing.

Can you make a vulvasaur too plz? 8=D
thats interesting! \o/

low size, low polygon and yet great looking mesh and anim as well as very clever use of ingame texture
well done. cant wait till you catch, oops i mean, finish them all.

and yeah. how do you mkae your models? what programs and such if you dont mind me asking. i have been meaning to use gloabl sequence and yet never figured out how to
3dsmax5. Out-Of-Range-Types under Track View - Dope Sheet

Damn, HappyTauren has taught you well! I think our Pokemon RPG is becoming a great starting point for a talented young modeller! Thank god you were interested in us, you are truly a god send for modders around the world :D
the biggest heirloom that HappyTauren gave me is the happiness :cute: lol
actually he helped a lot in the filesize

and thanks for the praising :grin:
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
you have to blow life into its lungs. :wink:
lol kidding, you can use global sequences. These are constantly playing, no matter what the model is doing.

Okay global sequences at least I got an idea now. Cept I have no idea where to start with them. Can you tell me where you learned it so I could learn too?

Also how the crap did you get 3dsmax5? I have searched for ages and can't find it anywhere. I'd even like just a trial version of it. XD

could you post a video showing the animations please. Iwould really like to rate this model :]

Um why not just download the model and use Magos's Model Editor to view the animations.
Okay global sequences at least I got an idea now. Cept I have no idea where to start with them. Can you tell me where you learned it so I could learn too?

Also how the crap did you get 3dsmax5? I have searched for ages and can't find it anywhere. I'd even like just a trial version of it. XD
I can send you the trial version if you want.
my email is [email protected]
Level 5
Jun 7, 2008
Yehey! More Pokemon Models. Though, i can't find the Cyndaquil, Typhlosion, Ghasly, Haunter, and Quilava model anywhere here on Hive >.<

Anyways, Any plans on making Jigglypuff :p Hahaha
Level 3
Aug 21, 2009
pokèmon in WC3? -.- yes yes now have i seen that tho though xD. nice model good made, but as they say you need more than 1 attack animation it makes it more fun.