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Bug Reports

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Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
Before have got any talent point,the red player could not see any show in the bag,and the others could see a cross show like this.




The useable of skull can be used on any non-hero units .As my own mind it shouldn't be used on Merc or Sergeant. It's increase those DPS too much!

Now 1.1m Merc still can take part in carer tranform quest .Is there sth wrong ?~ or,just setting?

Please check the Song of Vigor. It seems could not buff a Druid or Sorceror.
and the second problem about the Songs is when somebody leave bard's sight the bard could not buff the person as the same song again until buffed another song.

As the replay 2013_01_06_23_25_30 show. [at the time point 1:31:00 to the end]
When Crusader add the Talent Virtue Lv2 his HP increased to 687. With such high HP and 58 Ar he often got sudden death with very light damage taken. become sudden low HP even under Divine Protection. We try to make sure what caused this. Preliminary judgment it is connected with Talent. Please check it again.

View attachment 2013_01_06_23_25_30.w3g
[It is important although the replay is so long.]

Please give me answer AFAP ,thankyou


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Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
Another thing Zwieb:

The tentacles from The Ancient One, the zombies from Lord Andrazzar and the doppelgangers from The Shade all no longer despawn as they used too, which makes getting the drops quite frustrating.

agree with Mr.Vestra about this change
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
I have to complain the difficulty in 11m is too low.
When I finish the game in 11L we challenged the limit. I also think it should be more difficult already.
But when 11m comes, I found it is more easier than 11L even. It makes me depressed.
I hope it would be a suitable difficulty for such a perfectly game and more challenging experience for every fans.

This is the limit show replay in 11L we made several month ago.
Just for every body who loves this great game.
and hope Mr.Z would recheck the difficulty in the game.

PS: I love the game more and more. Every changes in 11m is so surprised and delightful except the much lower difficulty. Thanks for the game creator Mr.Z and your team again.

View attachment 2 person pass D3 all with no potion.w3g
Level 3
Jun 7, 2011
Lightning charge's crit supposed to deal double damage, but i found that it deal same as normal critical multiplier. i tried @ ogre its around 180-220dmg and crit only deal 300 damage.
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
I found a bug about the shaman mercenary: If you run through an uncleared dungeon (happened to me in d1) and you or an ally or the mercenary get hit, he wants to heal someone, but he doesn't if you keep running further away. He then just keeps standing there and looks like he is casting heal, but he actually doesn't, he's just making those moves. This goes on until you run back to the shaman or if he gets teleported to you because you are too far away or if he gets killed. In this case, using the retreat command doesn't help, because he just ignores it.

This also happened to me when I ran from Mytargas to the first ogre spot. A bandit hit me and the shaman was bugged again because I didn't stop running. Maybe that was because of the casting distance/range.

I hope I explained it clearly. I can upload a replay if needed.

good post. very true
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
1)you can take a mercenary with you for class change.... is this normal?.. makes quest way too easy

2)when you kill the orcs in arena for class change (with squire) you take exp from them...

3)efreet is buged. doesnt make any damage
Level 4
Oct 2, 2011
I dont really think that this is a bug, but in all my playtime in gaias, i realised something:

Most of the time, The Lieutenant drops 'Drums of war chant', all the other items, but 'leaf coat' drop sometimes, their droprate seems to be okay. But i feel like leaf coat got a lower drop rate and drums of war chant got a higher droprate, because on the previous versions, i made around 50 d3 runs and i still didn't have leaf coat on lvl 39.8 and i never got it due to the codewipe (I even never had to roll for it, i just never seen it in more than 50 runs). Even now, i only seen leaf coat and almost all the other items twice, but i saw drums of the war chant for ~ 5-8 times now. I don't know if im wrong or right, probably im wrong, but the drums drop rly often and leaf coat doesnt (at least it didn't in the last version). the other items seem to be okay.

Maybe i just got really bad luck, but I just wanted to ask if the drop tables of The Lieutenant are even, because in my opinion they should be even (in case they aren't), since the items he drops aren't much better or worse than each other, their quality is kinda equal.

Another thing about bosses: When they finished casting a spell, they sometimes do nothing for 1-2 seconds, they just stand there and after 1-2 sec, they begin to attack again.

About the Lady: Is it intended, that her cooldowns are changed now? Because she doesnt cast inferno,mark of chaos and mark of vampire at the times like she did in previous versions. Is this another bug or is it intended? Anyway I like it, because it made her at least a bit harder to fight.

EDIT: Lady drops mostly monk items, its almost always robe of swiftness or the helmet for monk. Small Vault drops really often too at Andrazzar. Seems like Monk items got a higher dropchance, at least it looks like it.

EDIT#2: We just farmed protector for 10 times, we got 5 times magus right hand, 1 time The Cleaver and 3 spell scrolls and 1 Searing Blood. Magus Right Hand almost always drops at protector, same goes for monk gear in d3... this cant be normal. Normally the cleaver drops kinda often too, but pendant of magic and fishermans hat dont drop often.
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Just to make it clear for everyone:
I did not change anything about the droptables. All drops of equal value from bosses have the same percentage. When I increased the percentages for some crafting items, I took of 1-2% of all other items equally.
Please do not report any "I got the same item 3 times in a row" issues anymore. You might not accept it, but you were just unlucky!

About the bosses being much more easy than before, this is due to a bug of boss AI causing the boss to stand still doing nothing after casting a spell with casting time. This is going to be fixed.
Level 4
Oct 2, 2011
Just to make it clear for everyone:
I did not change anything about the droptables. All drops of equal value from bosses have the same percentage. When I increased the percentages for some crafting items, I took of 1-2% of all other items equally.
Please do not report any "I got the same item 3 times in a row" issues anymore. You might not accept it, but you were just unlucky!

About the bosses being much more easy than before, this is due to a bug of boss AI causing the boss to stand still doing nothing after casting a spell with casting time. This is going to be fixed.

Thanks for the confirmation. I expected the drop tables to be correct, but me and many other people just didn't feel like this was only badluck... Sorry for my post wasting your time, but I think this had to be confirmed for many people.
Level 3
Mar 23, 2011
I believe that Monk's new skill, Mind and Body, upon trigger will cause the Monk player to disconnect instantly (not even 45s countdown). Possibly server split.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
I believe that Monk's new skill, Mind and Body, upon trigger will cause the Monk player to disconnect instantly (not even 45s countdown). Possibly server split.

I lose my Luna lose my seal lose my red ring! just because this! Thanks alot for this report! Hope Mr.Z will check about and debug it ASAP.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
The Bug about box disappeard

After I upgrade my box, if I dead, the box would disappear when revive.
then save, repick and road the code. the box would appear but the items in the box lost forever.

Please take some attention to the Floor 147-149. Thanks!
Level 6
Nov 3, 2011
even if he hacks doesnt matters is good becouse he reporting a bug that would cause trouble for advanced players, i see no problem there if he hacking
Level 3
Feb 23, 2010
you like to hack right? because having a 50k stash + 20mc in 5 days umm...

The beta version allowed you to -test to gain 50k gold and 100 MC's within seconds. Easily possible for him to be playing on the wrong version.

The fact that this bug exists should be more taxing than anything else.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
you like to hack right? because having a 50k stash + 20mc in 5 days umm...

It's actually very possible darkly, I've farmed the shit out of ogres to prep a bunch of d3 ready classes. It just takes hours and it gets extremely boring. If they're d3ing it is a fair number of drops but with wave gold and shit you can make good money each run.
Level 3
Nov 12, 2010
Bug with Squire talent, when I learned talent lv 2 which increase 15% max HP, full Hp and creep in D3 attack only 1 hit with 30 damage and after I just live with 3 hp?, it just happen when I learn this talent.
Seemsly we can just reach max lv 37 in 1.1m, so we can't learn all level talent, limit is 2 level talent, isn't it?
Level 6
Jan 7, 2010
I believe that Monk's new skill, Mind and Body, upon trigger will cause the Monk player to disconnect instantly (not even 45s countdown). Possibly server split.

we had this few minutes ago actually twice. we all think that causes the desync.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
you like to hack right? because having a 50k stash + 20mc in 5 days umm...

I think there must be something made you get me wrong.

I never hack any map except the test one.

I enjoy everything in the game but Hack would made me lost most pleasure only. So I disdain to do that.
To hack the test map is just for searching more bugs quickly and made the official one more perfectly.

As I said I buy the first box with 10K gold & 3MC and found the BUG. Not 50K & 20MC

But I had to say most partner in our team is over Lv 35. most of us taken more than 10MC and spend it on every corner who needs.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
It's actually very possible darkly, I've farmed the shit out of ogres to prep a bunch of d3 ready classes. It just takes hours and it gets extremely boring. If they're d3ing it is a fair number of drops but with wave gold and shit you can make good money each run.

When 1.1m comes we passed D3 all at the second day. Infact pass D3 and kill the shade is very easy to a 5-6 person team. and prep for D3 take us about 8 hours only.

Especially, We found the shade HP is lower at least 5K. and ranger still could annul his shadow indeed. The Blazing Flame is annuled by 100%FR.(under the confidence 25% and 10wis)The Lady is a idiot after cast a spell. All boss is too much easier than before.

And more serious is the res systom. I think the res systom now is unreasonable. lower than 50 res is powerless and when over 70 you will depend on the res because its effect grow up crazily.

On the other hand, higher res made some boss lost all challenging like The Blazing Flame.
And made PK unbalance. eg. guess any mage will hardly to kill a bishop with full con & full wis. mage would lose under bishop‘s standard attack indeed.

Hope Mr.Z could consider to add 20%-30% BOSS HP in D3.
because of killing the boss only by High DPS would made the game meaningless.
Level 6
Nov 3, 2011
I don't know if you are aware but anyways i report the thing about minions spawn on some bosses like Andrazzar and Shade their spawn arent suposed to die after the boss itself dies?

Also Andrazzar's zombies chace the shit out of you after battle they dont reset sometimes and u have to kill them or reset dungeon
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
Efreet' Damage is abnormal. Sometimes take half Dam and sometimes take no Dam. please check it.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
did you test this on 1.1m or 1.1m(2)?

It happened in 1.1m.
Usually the Efreet could create 60+ dam as the skill describe and sometimes it could create 30+ only.
as 48SP Druid

At least 3 druid report about the Efreet's Dam.
My ranger is only 26 so... haven't test it by my self

and in 1.1m(2)
some damage would become '1', I don't know what's up about it. guess contact to cri

ADD:It seems affect magic dam cri only.



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Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
in 1.1m(3) I'm in a game right now leveling a new hero with Xen and some random guy I dunno and it looks like we all managed to hire a merc. I thought it was supposed to max at 2?


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ambush level 2 assassin stealth mode walks slower than normal
It's a bug with the wc3 engine. I can add movespeed as much as I want, it won't go faster than that for some reason. But its a lot faster than without the talent, so i think this is okay.

About the 3 merc problem:
Can you send me a replay? I tested this and couldn't reproduce this the normal way.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I didn't save the replay..Sorry :[ I tried to do it with 5 people in game to reproduce it and it wouldn't work. Wouldn't let me hire any mercs. We had 5 people in the game and two left my guess is it only works with three players in the game or something with the way people left and repicked. Maybe it was some random fluke who knows
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Rejuvenation potions don't have a cooldown. You can just spam them without consequence. I also think potions in general need reworking since const and wisdom affects how much a potion heals for even small potions heal for like full health.

EDIT: I'm in a game with 4 people right now and I had a merc for d3 then ihaz went afk and I loaded on my squire again. i dismissed my old merc and repicked. I grabbed the healer merc and someone else grabbed the troll merc. So we essentally reproduced the bug. 4 players 2 mercs

EDIT2: we were able to get all 4 mercs with 4 people. It has to do with something on repicking a hero and getting a merc when under 5 people or something to do with dismissing a hero then repicking would be my guess
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Rejuvenation potions don't have a cooldown. You can just spam them without consequence. I also think potions in general need reworking since const and wisdom affects how much a potion heals for even small potions heal for like full health.
Well remember that those new potions were just implemented in preparation for 1.2. They weren't meant to be useful for 1.1m already.
You will definitely need those potions on level 50 content, as the HP amount of heroes will increase (thats why I changed CON to grant an exponential bonus).
Level 6
Nov 3, 2011
i dont think so since it takes a while to resurrect if u turn to do tat u would need to stop heal and so probably party dies
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
Soooo we were messing around in the arena today doing some 1v1 pvps and then we decided to run D3. Turns out Xen couldn't access his storage anymore and he recalled seeing it in the arena. For whatever reason going into the arena causes your storage to go in there and now its stuck in it and won't come out

EDIT: Xen won a duel and the storage transferred out of the arena with him as seen in the second photo.


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Soooo we were messing around in the arena today doing some 1v1 pvps and then we decided to run D3. Turns out Xen couldn't access his storage anymore and he recalled seeing it in the arena. For whatever reason going into the arena causes your storage to go in there and now its stuck in it and won't come out

EDIT: Xen won a duel and the storage transferred out of the arena with him as seen in the second photo.
This is a weird but also somewhat funny bug...
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