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Boundless Star Prophecy - Sci-fi Mecha RP

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
NOTE: Takes place on Terraneos, but has absolutely no connection to my previous RP.


"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind..."
~2 Timothy 1:7


Year: 2666.
Location: Planet Terraneos. Earth completely abandoned in 2150.
Population: 30 billion.
Capital City:

In the year 2134, humans, now extremely advanced in technology, have colonized a planet suitable for life, two times bigger than Jupiter. Humans slowly started to leave Earth, searching for a better life at "Terraneos", how the planet was called, which meant "New Earth".
Life on Terraneos was good - there was plenty of plants, animals and of course, drinkable water. It seemed that Terraneos' expansive terrain would settle territory wars of power-hungry humans, wars that wage from the beginning of time. And yes, for full 400 years, it has been so; although, noone expected that a mere scientific discovery could shift complete piece into brutal warfare in just a matter of days.
At the year of 2564, an unknown new power source was discovered in the deep unknown waters of Terraneos. It appeared that this glowing, rock-hard objects are actually extinguished pieces of meteors that flew over Terraneos a long time ago. One single rock had enough energy to power an entire state for years, but they were extremely rare, and nations of Terraneos were desperate for them because there was never enough power to hold the energy of the entire state all of the time. These rocks were given the name Statuams (sacred stone in Latin). Expected, a war for Statuams broke out. Three sides were created...

The Librarians - A side dedicated to stop the war by destroying its source. Librarians are sworn to destroy every Statuam that exists. The Librarians are the first ones that developed huge battle armors for use in the war, naming them Mecha. Librarians will avoid battle if they can, but in a need of fight, they won't hesitate to kill.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Heavy mecha vehicles, loaded with guns, spy tactics
Side cons: Weak mecha armor, easily breachable city

Current Librarians: -Peper-, HolyFireX

The Marauders - The "evil" side, dedicated simply to taking away Statuams and killing everyone that stands in their way. Not only they scavenge each small Statuam piece they find - they also use them for battle purposes. By fusing the pieces, they implant them in their own mechas, severely increasing their battle capabilities.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Fastest mechas, able to fly, strong morale
Side cons: Most of the Marauder mechas don't use weapons, but hands and powers, weak city defense

Current Marauders: dead-man-walking, Dr Wigglz, Jagex

The Liberators - The best of the best, a side dedicated to defending its people and purging the adversaries. With what would be called "lawful good" alignment, The Liberators are sworn to make piece between the nations. Finding Statuams is just a secondary objective for them. Their mechas are equipped with the strongest armor, and their offense powers are nothing to be underestimated.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Incredibly strong attack and defense, most firepower, huge city
Side cons: Slow mechas that can't even jump, particularly weak morale

Current Liberators: Narrat0r, TheKurt009

~Character creation~

~Mecha creation~


Once you leave the city, you are surrounded by lush wildlife of Terraneos.




Once you enter the wilds, you'll choose your own path and creat encounters. You can meet up with other players if they are in the same location.

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Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Shorten the banner, srsly. :p
~Character creation~
Name: Klein Oswald (Klein = Small in German)
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Side: Marauders

Physical Appearance (YES NARRAT0R YOU FORGOT PHYSICAL APPEARANCE): Blonde guy with white clothing. Imagine a WSS member with white clothing instead of black. Tone down the jacket a bit, though. He just wore a heavy coat. Not a fuzzy overcoat like the WSS members wore.

Bio: Younger brother of General Fiedler Oswald (Fiedler = Elder in German YEAH I KNOW I'M NOT CREATIVE). Living in the shadow of his older brother always makes him uncomfortable and insecure. This led him to an endless quest for respect from his peers, which also drives him to a point of entry-level insanity.

Despite being not that known in the military, Klein is quite the prodigy on utilizing his custom-made, souped-up Mech. Although, again, being overshadowed by his brother's fame, he finds it hard to rise in ranks.

His soft spot for ladies (and innocent children) often led him to near-defeat situation, where he just say "fuck it" to his morals and gun down the opposing Mech. When faced with hard choices like this, he usually utilizes the EMP wave generator and targets the Mech's joints.

Pros: Merciless; Prodigious level of expertise at piloting humanoid Mecha; Always have a gun ready
Cons: Sort of insane; Soft spot for ladies; Looked down on by peers who thought that he's nothing more than General Fiedler's younger brother.

~Mecha creation~
Height: 24.3 M
Weight: 10 Tons
Description: A slim jet-black mecha with two generators on its back. These generators creates EMP waves that can render the foe's mechas into a useless heap of metal. On the other hand, it can be used to create a magnetic field which is as deadly as the EMP waves. Also jet-engine wings.
Powers: EMP waves, Magnet-field generation, Flight, Wings can be used as a makeshift flamethrower
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Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
Name Kurt
Gender Male
Age 17
Side The Liberators
Phys. Appearance 5'7, Slim with Lean muscles, Red Hair, and Grey eyes.
Bio always taught by his family, friends and teachers that he should serve his people first. a rather silent type, but when in war, puts out his animal rage.
Pros: great at close quarter combats, gets out from his mecha to assault the enemy pilot with a knife.
Cons: somewhat shy with the ladies when it comes to romance.
Mecha Creation
Height 40M
Weight 20 Tons
Description A juggernaut like mecha that dissipates, pulverize and disintegrates buildings, enemy mechas and sometimes the environment with 4 miniguns attached from his back, a proto cannon on it's chest, a plasma sword attached from it's elbows, and an energy assault rifle. After it shoots out all of it's guns, a fog of blood, iron fillings and sands fills the air. a slow mecha, counterpart to it's pilot.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Did you forgot the rules and systems lol?
~Character creation~
Name: Peper Schmitz
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Side: The LIbrarians
Phys. Appearance: Spiky silver hair, short and small body. Green eyes and sharp teeth.
Bio: Little bit unknown. He is one of several people trying to stop the war, he trained to act cold anywhere and in the war.
Pros: React fast to almost anything, very good on persuading.
Cons: He is foul-mouthed, his saying can pierce through anyone's feeling.
~Mecha creation~
Height: 20 M
Weight: 8 tons
Description: Small and light sky-colored blue mecha, agile and fast in the combat (but not much fast as the marauders). It got two tracking-missile on the shoulders, with blades on left hand and laser on the right hand. Does have a booster behind it's back.
Powers: Got boosters, tracking-missile, semi-auto laser. Can jump (or hover for a short time) high.
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
Name: Glen
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Physical Appearance: Brown hair. 5"7 in height. Not a very strong build. Relies more on his footwork to take out people. Blue eyes. Carries a small blade with him at almost all times.
Side: Marauders
Bio: Glen has never truly had anyone to care for him,or for him to care about. He,unlike most evil people,does feel guilty from time to time about the people he kills, however he will stop at nothing to gain the power he needs to be respected by all.
Pros: Fast on his feet, decent mech fighter
Cons: Has a tendency to insult the wrong people(people that start fights with him), and can easily be persuaded by money to eliminate certain people.

~Mecha creation~
Height: 15m
Weight: Lightweight,only 4 tonnes.
Description: A small Mecha. Light on armour,but a very fast mecha. Uses the metallic arms,which have been strengthened alot more than the average mecha, to deal devestating close quarter combat. Capable of using objects in the battlefield as weapons. A purely offensive mecha.
Powers: Able to fly for short amounts of time. Has small boosters on the "legs" that allow it to gain a short speed boost.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
@-Peper- It's a free exploration RP... With lots of fighting.

Now for me:

Name: Matthew Lester
Gender: Male
Age: 15 (yeah, I know. Still, Gundam style)
Side: Liberators
Bio: Matthew comes from a family of mech engineers. After his father died in the war, Matthew and his sister Vanya were left to take care of the mech their father left to them. Vanya wasn't that fond of mechs, and usually didn't care much about Matthew. Unfortunately, her recklessness got her kidnapped by the Marauders. Her brother is now sworn to find her, no matter the cost.
Pros: Great pilot, excellent mechanic, light-hearted
Cons: Shy, weak-minded, naive

Mecha creation
Height: 20M
Weight: 17T
Description: A light-looking, but still a very heavy white mecha. Holds two laser swords, which can be switched to pistols. Has a jetpack on the back, allowing him to hover for about 10 seconds. If we are to compare it to something, resembles this.
Powers: Short hover, relatively fast sword attacks, strong armor.

Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
@-Peper- It's a free exploration RP... With lots of fighting.

Now for me:

Name: Matthew Lester
Gender: Male
Age: 15 (yeah, I know. Still, Gundam style)
Side: Liberators
Bio: Matthew comes from a family of mech engineers. After his father died in the war, Matthew and his sister Vanya were left to take care of the mech their father left to them. Vanya wasn't that fond of mechs, and usually didn't care much about Matthew. Unfortunately, her recklessness got her kidnapped by the Marauders. Her brother is now sworn to find her, no matter the cost.
Pros: Great pilot, excellent mechanic, light-hearted
Cons: Shy, weak-minded, naive

Mecha creation
Height: 20M
Weight: 17T
Description: A light-looking, but still a very heavy white mecha. Holds two laser swords, which can be switched to pistols. Has a jetpack on the back, allowing him to hover for about 10 seconds. If we are to compare it to something, resembles this.
Powers: Short hover, relatively fast sword attacks, strong armor.


cool! yeehaaw!! so, you play xteel? that's the game where you got the picture from right?
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
You know i would LOVE!! to join it but would it be okay if i only post a few time every week? Bz with school.

By the way Happy Chinese New Year!!
Level 4
Jan 28, 2011
~Character creation~
Name: Paul
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Side: Marauders
Bio: A guy who designed mechs based on the jagex game 'steel sentinels'. He's just a normal guy who defected to the marauders. Lived in his mecha because houses, even the 1-bed flats, are too expensive.
Pros: Perfect pilot.
Cons: Fragile body, live in the mecha.

~Mecha creation~
Height: 14m
Weight: 90kg
Description: Called 'JaGeX' from the game company. Some kind of aquilla from steel sentinels :p. Can be destroyed easily because of its very light weight. Streamlined. Seat can be turned into a bed for sleeping and doing usual business. Have leeched Air-con when parked. Contains toolbox, waste paper basket and toilet.
Powers: Can fly forever, have 2 rifled sniper guns, have scanner, 3 heavy reactors, air stablizers. Identical to the ones in steel sentinels in www.funorb.com.
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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
~Character creation~
Name: Paul
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Side: Marauders
Bio: A guy who designed mechs based on the jagex game 'steel sentinels'
Pros: smart programmer
Cons: weak

~Mecha creation~
Height: tall for a mech.
Weight: light for a mech.
Description: Called 'JaGeX' from the game company. Some kind of aquila from steel sentinels :p
Powers: Can fly forever, have 2 rifled sniper guns, have scanner, identical to the ones in steel sentinels in www.funorb.com.

Errrmm... I'm afraid that's waaay too little of an information. You can't just say "light" or "tall for a mech", also, the info is severely lacking, work on it.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
Here goes.....

~Character creation~
Name: Joe
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Side: Librarians
Bio: Joe is a Librarian Mech pilot. He is part of the 31st Mech Division. He is 22 years old and despite being one of the top students in the Acsholds Mech Training School he has yet to prove himself in combat.
Pros: Calm mind Good tactician Star Student at Acsholds Mech Training School.
Cons: No combat experince

I've decided to add some details to mecha creation.

~Mecha creation~
Model: BM-7
Armor: Main: 100mm Side: 100mm Rear 50mm
Height: 12 Meters (39 feet 37 inches)
Weight: 14 tons
Powerpack : Liberty J7X Ion Plasma Core
Weapons : 2 shoulder mounted 155mm L891c Rifled anti Mecha gun.
x2 .50cal chain gun on each wrist.
x2 Plasma gun on each arm
8 missile pylon.
2 Plasma Blade 1 on each arm
Speed: Max: Mach 21 (Flying)
Max: Mach 4 (Hover mode)
Max: 160 Km/h ( 100 Mph )( Walking)

Description: A medium size Mecha with tons of fire power. It could fly or hover or even walk. Nonetheless, don't mess with this guy, even if it has paper thin armor (max 100mm),cuz it could dish out more then it could take.
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Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
Here goes.....

~Character creation~
Name: Joe
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Side: Librarians
Bio: Joe is a Librarian Mech pilot. He is part of the 31st Mech Division. He is 22 years old and despite being one of the top students in the Acsholds Mech Training School he has yet to prove himself in combat.
Pros: Calm mind Good tactician Star Student at Acsholds Mech Training School.
Cons: No combat experince

I've decided to add some details to mecha creation.

~Mecha creation~
Model: BM-7
Armor: Main: 100mm Side: 100mm Rear 50mm
Height: 12 Meters (39 feet 37 inches)
Weight: 14 tons
Powerpack : Liberty J7X Ion Plasma Core
Weapons : 2 shoulder mounted 155mm L891c Rifled anti Mecha gun.
x2 .50cal chain gun on each wrist.
x2 Plasma gun on each arm
8 missile pylon.
2 Plasma Blade 1 on each arm
Speed: Max: Mach 21 (Flying)
Max: Mach 4 (Hover mode)
Max: 160 Km/h ( 100 Mph )( Walking)

Description: A medium size Mecha with tons of fire power. It could fly or hover or even walk. Nonetheless, don't mess with this guy, even if it has paper thin armor (max 100mm),cuz it could dish out more then it could take.

now that's too detailed! hahaha!:ogre_haosis: now there's two on each faction!!!
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Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
I was thinking.... why don't we players design some NPC mech? I mean that would be great. Of course it will need more details like cost roles and blah blah blah. And like some prototype, it dosen't need to enter service. I mean design it for fun. As well as use it.
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
Name: Harkis Emphafisk
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Side: The Liberators
Date of Birth - 2643.
Job - Scientist
Info: At a young age of 15, Harkis was the top student in Physics, but later soon went insane when he lost a part of his brain to a fatal tumor that was removed. He was admitted to a mental asylum a few months later. A scientist found a cure to Harkis' problem. When released, he was completely normal, he then got a job in the field to Electro Magnetic Control Systems. Soon when war was brought out, Harkis joined the Liberators, he now researches advanced weapon systems and the capabilities of Statuam.
Pros: Thinks of out-of-the-box solutions. Is a scientist. Likes Coffee :)
Cons: Can go insane under pressure. Not as good in combat as other people.

/~ Comment ~/ He has his own custom Mecha V

Height: 15m
Weight: 7T
Description: Harkis' custom Mecha that is equiped with some strange functions (some useless).
Weapons: Electro Pulse Rifle (Info: A devastating weapon capable of disabling a mecha's electronic systems if a good hit.)
3m Long Electric Lash (Whip).
Powers: Has a proto-type shield. An Integrated Targeting Attack AI System(Buggy and can error).
Cons: Due to most energy type weapons, Harkis' Mecha loses it shield after he fires the Pulse Rifle more than three times. The shield has to re-power and stabilize before it does any real protection.
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
Imma make a mecha for like Guards of a city. Its for fun so i dont expect it to be put in.
Name: Liberator Eagle
Height: 17.5m
Weight: 8T
Description: Medium weight mecha, has heavy reinforced armor, and is is the standard mecha for the Liberators.
Weapons: Dual Synchronized Chainguns (10mm armor piercing bullets).
Side XCannon (Fires 100mm shock bullets).
Cons: Chainguns can overheat. XCannon fires at a slow rate
Powers: Ram Shield (Giant 20mm Think Hardened Steel Shield with titanium spikes. Used for Ramming and defence.) Power Hooks (Can Fire Hooks into wrecked mechas that have powercores that are not severely damaged and drain them for boost)

Construction Thread? Make actual Roleplay Thread?
Physical Appearance:Fresh White haired not too tall but not too short either, wears white combat suit and black combat legs, not fat not thin, if you see someone that always carries a green laser powered saber it's arciell :)D)
Bio:Arciell is a decent mecha fighter for his current age, known as the Green Swordsman at his school and neighbors.His bestfriend died in a war around year 2665 leaving Mecha Rogue,making Arciell sworn that he will find the killer and put him behind the bars.
Pros:Good at dodging bullets, can pilot his mecha that wields 2 green sabers with ease.
Cons:Bad at using fire-arms(never give him fire arms, or it will explode), too soft hearted to enemies, easily distracted.
(mecha Rogue)!
Weight:4.321 Tons
Description:Very small light weight mecha that is specialized in melee attacks and dodging bullets, also has jet boots that allows him to run at mid air and hover for 10 seconds.

Powers:Fast attacks using dual sabers, moves fast also the mecha is small, short duration hovering and mid air running.
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Level 2
Nov 8, 2010
~Character creation~
Name:Matthew Cordova
Physical Appearance: 5'7,White lol,Black hair,green eyes, his armor is like the armor in halo lol..
Side:The Librarians
Bio:Little is know about matthew cordova..he was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby then found by the leaders of the librarians raised by them too he is now one of the best soilders..some say that his parents were the best fighters of The Marauders.
Pros:Fast,stealthy,good mecha driver,gentleman lol
Cons:soft spot for girls,easily provoked
~Mecha creation~
Description:Metallic black..two jet engines in his back to make him fly lol
Fast,stealthy,high damage just like the his driver
Powers: Invisibility...fly...emp
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
~Character creation~
Name:Matthew Cordova
Physical Appearance: 5'7,White lol,Black hair,green eyes, his armor is like the armor in halo lol..
Side:The Librarians
Bio:Little is know about matthew cordova..he was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby then found by the leaders of the librarians raised by them too he is now one of the best soilders..some say that his parents were the best fighters of The Marauders.
Pros:Fast,stealthy,good mecha driver,gentleman lol
Cons:soft spot for girls,easily provoked
~Mecha creation~
Description:Metallic black..two jet engines in his back to make him fly lol
Fast,stealthy,high damage just like the his driver
Powers: Invisibility...fly...emp

The RP's dead. Can't anyone see that? -_-
Level 3
May 21, 2009
~Character creation~
Name: Douglas C. Baughman
Gender: Male
Age: 34Side: Marauders
Bio: Douglass was conscripted into the Liberators at a very young age. His family, accused of being Marauders were slaughtered. He excelled at stealth combat and battlefield tactics within his academy. During combat it was noticed he had an utter disregard of ally safety. He was removed from the general public by Liberator superiors. He was exiled from Tainara. His final action serving under the liberators was the theft of an experimental siege walker. Quickly after escaping he sought escape from the liberators, within the marauder capitol Athras. The only mecha under his control to date is the stolen Siege walker, heavily modified with Marauder technology
Cons: extreme notoriety among the other factions

~Mecha creation~
Model: P-0 Emperor Mod.
Height: 21 Meters
Weight: 36 tons
Weapons: 20 megaton Statuam Siege driver - Top mounted
TzX VII Mass Driver. - x2 Side mounted
Basic point defense laser - x6 leg mounted
Rapid-fire chaff launcher - x2 top mounted
Burst-fire pulse cannon - x2 front mounted
Locamotion: Hexapedal walker
Abililities: Bombardment of key tactical locations, inability to jump, heavily modified legs allow scaling of vertical surfaces. Decent defense of missle based attack.
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