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Galactic Awakening - RP Thread

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind..."
~2 Timothy 1:7


Year: 2666.
Location: Planet Terraneos. Earth completely abandoned in 2150.
Population: 30 billion.
Capital City:

In the year 2134, humans, now extremely advanced in technology, have colonized a planet suitable for life, two times bigger than Jupiter. Humans slowly started to leave Earth, searching for a better life at "Terraneos", how the planet was called, which meant "New Earth".
Life on Terraneos was good - there was plenty of plants, animals and of course, drinkable water. It seemed that Terraneos' expansive terrain would settle territory wars of power-hungry humans, wars that wage from the beginning of time. And yes, for full 400 years, it has been so; although, noone expected that a mere scientific discovery could shift complete piece into brutal warfare in just a matter of days.
At the year of 2564, an unknown new power source was discovered in the deep unknown waters of Terraneos. It appeared that this glowing, rock-hard objects are actually extinguished pieces of meteors that flew over Terraneos a long time ago. One single rock had enough energy to power an entire state for years, but they were extremely rare, and nations of Terraneos were desperate for them because there was never enough power to hold the energy of the entire state all of the time. These rocks were given the name Statuams (sacred stone in Latin). Expected, a war for Statuams broke out. Three sides were created...

The Librarians - A side dedicated to stop the war by destroying its source. Librarians are sworn to destroy every Statuam that exists. The Librarians are the first ones that developed huge battle armors for use in the war, naming them Mecha. Librarians will avoid battle if they can, but in a need of fight, they won't hesitate to kill.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Heavy mecha vehicles, loaded with guns, spy tactics
Side cons: Weak mecha armor, easily breachable city

Current Librarians: -Peper-

Librarian NPCs:
-King Miras, leader of the Librarians and a war commander.
-Hans Kesler, one of the high-class mech pilots of the Librarians, favored by the king. Cocky, arrogant and selfish, but a great team leader.
-Nadia Harris, a librarian scientist with feelings for Hans.

The Marauders - The "evil" side, dedicated simply to taking away Statuams and killing everyone that stands in their way. Not only they scavenge each small Statuam piece they find - they also use them for battle purposes. By fusing the pieces, they implant them in their own mechas, severely increasing their battle capabilities.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Fastest mechas, able to fly, strong morale
Side cons: Most of the Marauder mechas don't use weapons, but hands and powers, weak city defense

Current Marauders: dead-man-walking

Marauder NPCs:
-Lord Kaiser, the founder of Marauders, and a ruthless and tyrannical leader.
-Ben Wright, Kaiser's right hand and the supreme commander of the Marauder forces. Not much kinder than him, maybe even more of a douche.
-Emi Haruka, one of the rare female marauders, an energetic pilot and a very respected one, too.

The Liberators - The best of the best, a side dedicated to defending its people and purging the adversaries. With what would be called "lawful good" alignment, The Liberators are sworn to make piece between the nations. Finding Statuams is just a secondary objective for them. Their mechas are equipped with the strongest armor, and their offense powers are nothing to be underestimated.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Incredibly strong attack and defense, most firepower, huge city
Side cons: Slow mechas with short air travel time

Current Liberators: narrat0r

Liberator NPCs:
-President Daichi Kazuki, the top of the force. He is above all other classes in Tainara, making him a commander, a politician and a civilian leader in one.
-Colonel Wade Vang, a light-hearted but fierce battle leader of the Liberators.
-Yuki Mikari, Matthew's girlfriend and a solid technician.

~Character creation~
Picture: (optional, if you don't have it, describe physical appearance)

~Mecha creation~
Picture: (optional)


You can leave the city whenever you want, but you must have a reason for it, or a destination you're planning to go to. If you want to land an assault to an enemy base, the battle must be RP-organized. You can also go scouting, and if you decide to meet up with an another player, talk it over with them in PM.

The battles are not based on anything. As crazy as that sounds, it's for a good reason - dice system is too clumsy for a text-based RP. The battles are turn-based, and the players decide the outcome of the opponent's move. If the fight takes too long, Mr. GM kicks in to end it. AND NO OVERPOWERING. That means that if you are a bigass 600 ton mech, your dodging skills are little to none.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: You do know that "Lord Kaiser" is as redundant as "Fuehrer King", right? But anyway...

Cain muttered as he strolled along the pathway. He's pissed at the ban that Kaiser gave him.
What ban you ask? Well...

*cue flashback*
*cue present*

...Yeah. Don't ask me why he wasn't banned from doing so at first. I'm just paid to tell the story. Probably some perks of being high-ranked. But anyways...

Cain is totally pissed because his only solace from mourning his dead sister (wait, what?) is gone. And its currently so calm that he is so sure no under-aged pilots of either one of those goody-two-shoes faction is nearby.

Heck. He doubt that even a pilot that of his usual target range is around. This is not good for him. It must be satiated. He needs under-aged kids. Right. Now.

OOC: Fuck you Cain. You're rubbing off on me.
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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
OOC: lol, that's the point. Also, Cain seems like an uber-troll. DO NOT want to fight that guy.
And if you want under-aged pilots, Emi Haruka is 16. -_-

IC: Matthew's phone alarm rang, it was time for school. Sleepily getting up, he gut his uniform and walked out of the building. His friend Alex was waiting for him outside.
While they were walking to the school, Matthew thought about chances of an attack happening while they're in, since it's really close to the open sea. "If that happens... Should I board The Argus or leave it to the other Liberators...? As he thought, they ran into Yuki, and went with her into the school. Matthew's worries were settled down for some time.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: He is riding upon Lucifer. Of course he will be a troll

Cain is still pissed. He currently sat on the side of the bridge, watching as people passed by and (futilely) try to avoid eye contact, reeling back in fear every time he shot his trademarked, well-known pedostare.

Then a child cheerfully passed by. Then he clamped his hands in anger. Then he shouted a plethora of profanities, three quarters of it a variation of "fuck" in as many languages as he knows. And everyone who happened to pass by with their kid in tow scrambled to cover their young's ears.

"Papa, what was that strange man screaming about?"
"Ssh, Tommy. That's just the crazy man from yesterday. Lets just leave before leap at us."

Poor guy needs a slack.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
''Meet me at the gate, 5 minutes from now.'' Hans left with a grin.
Peper left the room, he headed towards the hangar. Upon entering, he saw many juniors were commenting at his mecha, such noobs.
''Oh god, get the hell outta here. It's him.'' Great, now the noobs know who he is. He doesn't need to break their arms now.
He boarded Void, initializing the setting and finally walks the hell out of the hangar. The wheels on its leg made it doesn't have to walk anymore, at least outside battles.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: Oh you guuuuuuuise

Ding dong ding dong
"Mission time" Cain muttered to himself while flipping open his phone.

"Professional child molester speaking"
"Get your ass over here in ten minutes or you'll miss the briefing"
"Wait wha-"
"Wright out"
"-t? Fuck"

*Six minutes of frantic running later*
"I'm... sho... gohnnha killh... that... dooshbahgh..." Cain cursed under his breath, pressing the "up" button on the elevator.

The elevator ride was quite short, as people mostly reel back in fear when they see Cain inside. Except for Emi who frantically threw her soda can on Cain when the elevator door opened. "OUCH!"

After two minutes of the same gag with different actors, Cain finally got into briefing room. Inside, he found second-in-command Wright alone, facing away from the door.

"Yo asshole. What is this mission you're callin' me for?"
"Tailgating our statuam delivery"
"Y'see, since you are currently free and are banned from public 'display of affection,' not to mention some recon show that those pesky Librarians were... interested, about our delivery, we thought you should check 'em out"

OOC: Mr. Peper. Permission to intertwine story.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
They were ready at the gate, and mission has started, officially...
They walked through the rough terrains, towarding the last place the transportation been seen.

''Where the fuck are you going?!'' Hans shouted, Peper was outside of the route. ''I am going to to use different route, dummy. Or you wanna face 'em head-on? I approve, oh and I don't care if you die.''
Hans didn't have any choice, even Peper is not the team leader, but him.

They moved closer, until the transporting group has been seen. It was a fucking heavy metal convoy.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: I'll take that as a yes.

"Why the hell not?"
"Well then get your ass on. Radars show that there are two units chasing our convoy. This is no longer tailgating. It's DIRECT COMBAT!"

Then Cain stormed off, leaving Wright alone in the briefing room.
"Welp. That little encouragement always work. I wonder why."

Back to Cain, who is now on the hangars... Wait, what the hell? How did he get there so fast?

"Get Helel ready, turds!"
"B-bwuh?! What?!"
"Direct combat to protect convoy! Get all those wires off and I'll be on my way!"
"O-okay sir!"

And with a loud boom, Cain and Helel left the hangars for the convoy, his excitement rising by the second...
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: My answer is always yes.
IC: ''Be patient Hans, stealth is the key. See how outnumbered we are... Five, Six, Seven, seven guarding mechas. Plus the gigantic transporting mecha.'' he examined.
Hans looked around, then interferes ''Look, the statuams are highly covered. Combat is totally unavoidable.''
Single 'Oh' phrase went out from Peper's mouth. ''Get your guns ready then. We're attacking.'' he readied his weapons.
''On my mark, then. One... THREE!'' he fired the Chroniton Rifle, disabling and piercing some mechas in line. That probably needs 5 minutes to recharge, though. They jumped in battle and directly fight with Hans on the lead.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Cain is now out of Athras, Helel speeding through the skies to have a clear view on the ground below. Before long, noticed the convoy and the two Librarian mechas rushing upon them.

...And without further ado, Cain rushed below. Morning star held high to strike with maximum torque.

OOC: Gonna sleep. G'night.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
Today is Joe's first day as a combat mech pilot. He heads to the briefing room along with other senior combat mech pilots and another rookie like him. Hagen is his name.

"Private Joe reporting to duty."

He salutes to the officer in charge, Major Heinkel.

"Pilots, take your seats."

Joe takes a seat at the rear with Hagen.

"Alright, here's the situation.

A statuam mining station has been discovered by our recon team. We planning to destroy it with a large attack, but we will need to guard our flanks. The 31st's are a division form for the purpose of flank guarding and destroying enemy mechs. The 101 Mech Division will be launching the attack. you guys will guard the sides and destroy any Marauder attempting to enter or escape the 100 miles encirclement zone. As......"

20 minutes later the briefing is over. Joe and Hagen being the "rookies" were assigned to a small hill. Hill 909. It's a hill over-looking the west part of the mining station.


They expect them to come and go through the East of the station, and that's were the mecha camp Fort Easterm is located at. Makes sense. And newbies should not be place in harms way.

"Alright Hagen, let's do it together."

"Okay...... I'm kinda scare......" He stutters....

" Don't worry I got yer back."


OOC: Lengthy 1st post and i've decided to update my mech it's that okay?
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Hans is truly a great pilot. He crushes a mecha with only a single punch and evades almost all missiles. Things was under control until one, never seen mecha came out of nowhere. Peper was bit too late to warn him ''Back!'' Hans dashes in reflect, a huge massive power hit the arm of his mecha. But it is able to sustain its damage, temporarily.
A mecha, with a morning star stood in front of them.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
"Hoo boy. That sure took a long time," he said to himself.
"So, Abel, which one should we play with, mmm?"

Others can't see him, but Cain is surely speaking to himself while clutching the right side of his face.

"...The one that I just hit? Very well then, sister... HE SHALL DIE BY MY HAND! AHAHAHAHA!"

Cain rushed forward, this time aiming for the already-hit Hans. Helel somehow is capable of doing an impossibly cool pose of raising the morning star with one hand while outstretching the other arm forward.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Peper shoots his machine gun repeatedly to the mecha, but it is still moving towards stumbled Hans. And impact couldn't prevented, Hans' mecha was slammed to the ground this time. "Hans, you ok?!" he called. "I'm okay, just getting started." but Hans' mecha didn't move at all. The power supply got hit.
And now, he must fight one crazy mecha and 6 lesser ones? He is in a deep trouble...
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
"Well, now that the broken lamb's taken care of... YOU ARE NEXT!"
Cain threw his morning star at Peper and subsequently charged at him for a fisticuffs... Wait a second. Librarian mechas actually has upper limbs?
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: I was merely waiting for Liberator coming, but no one came :(
IC: God, now Hans' mecha slammed to the ground, and there are still 6 Marauder mechas. He didn't have choice but to battle, good thing Chroniton rifle has charged up. He fired it immediately in a straight line to the cool-morning-star that is inline with the mecha itself.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
...And it hit Gehenna. Which hit Helel. Squarely in the face. Which coincidentally is also where the cockpit is located.
So Cain got front row seat of being smacked on the face with a morning star. Helel also fly back in a comical fashion and rolled back quite a bit. In a comical fashion.

"I'M GONNA GET YA KIDDO!" - And he rushed forward again. That idiot.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: Where are you guys?
IC: That mecha was unexpectedly very strong. And without even a second Void's head got decapitated. ''Lucky my cockpit isn't on the head part.'' he lost some sense memory boards, though.
Hans is still trying to get up. That attack must be so hard. Without any choice, he moved his mecha and swings the axe into enemy's mecha that still holds the head, L O L.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009

The axe hit Helel on the chest. But in didn't do anything worthwhile...
In fact, Cain is currently laughing like mad on the cockpit.

And Helel turned black. And then there was Lucifer. And he pulled Void off the truck. And the transport truck escaped along with its convoy. Dirty cowards.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
He never got pushed so hard by any enemy he faced until now. Looks like he can play serious on this one.
Void went silent, not that the engines are broken, but the pilot was, suprisingly, chuckling inside. Second later, Void immediately boosts out from Helel's sight. And it is circling Helel with impossibly amazing speed, even almost causing afterimages. ''I'll show you what this prototype could do.'' he dashed with full speed, causing a boom, the laser axe held upwards. Hope he won't hit any wall because of the missing sensor.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: I haven't exploited my booster wings and blade arms, haven't I?

Lucifer flew up. But its boosters detached themselves.. and formed a LAZAR cannon.
Then Cain took aim below, as in directly below Lucifer itself. "HAVE A TASTE OF HOT COFFEE!" indeed.
The... gunfire, for a lack of better word, was heard for miles. And the ensuing explosion even further.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: Mushroom cloud ensues. Also, I think we need to consult Narrat0r to know whether or not Hans die. But for now, I think we're better off assuming he's alive.

Cain flew down and walked into the front of the now-seemingly-KO Void. He held Void high, ready for the final blow... but he stopped.

Inside the cockpit, Cain is clutching his face.
"Wh-at... no-w... sis...ter...?"
"Not... no...w...? If tha...t is... you...r wi...sh..."
"Abel spared your soul, o son of man..."

And with those words, Cain and Lucifer vanished in a blinding light...
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
''Ah fuck...'' the cockpit seems okay. Only the outer parts are broken. ''Hans, you okay?'' he managed to get up. Suprisingly, Hans' mecha could get up too. ''There was some malfunctioning. Luckily my mecha wasn't weak as your.'' he said cockily. Peper replied ''Fuck, your mecha was triple times more armored than mine.'' he continued ''That guy's traces disappeared. But the transport haven't got to the city yet, move!''
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
When Cain zoomed off back to Arthras, he saw a glimpse of the convoy.
"Tch. Wiggly maggots."

The convoy's reaction to Cain passing by them?
"What the heck?!"
"He's already finished?!"
And they moved faster.

Along the way, Cain continuously clutched his face.
"Wha...t is it no...w... sis...ter...?"
"Please... brother... stop... Don't punish yourself... It wasn't your fault..."
"But I have to"
"Please, brother... Just this once... Please..."
"I'm sorry... Abel... I can't back down anymore..."
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
OOC: HOLY SHIT I'm back. Yes, I'm alive. No, actually, I'm a zombie. Omnom brains.
Hans did not die. Yet.
IC: Matthew got an order from Wade to scout out an underwater location near Tainara's walls, it's been emitting energy signals similar to statuams.
"Underwater?" Matthew asked. "With all due respect, sir... I don't think that Argus is capable of such movement..."
"In this mission, you won't be piloting Argus. We have a... special unit for you."
Matthew and Wade entered a transporter pod that got them to a high cliff where a huge jungle-looking area could be seen.
"Matt, I want you to take these goggles an zoom in on the waterfall. You'll see what kind of mech awaits your piloting."
"Umm... OK, I guess..."
Matthew took the goggles and did as Wade said. Took him a while, but he came across this:

"That's... a Marauder scout trooper, sir!"
Wade smirked and said "Yes, and it also says "Humpty Dumpty" on his left shoulder. That's a rookie AI unit, you should have no problem taking it down with a Chronoeraser Rifle. It'll destabilize its processors long enough for you to hack into it."
"Erm... alright... What do I do afterwards?"
"Follow these coordinates", he said as he gave Matthew a memory drive, "and dive until you find a statuam. If you run into any enemies, call the HQ and we will dispatch Argus as soon as we can.

OCC: OK, who wants me?!
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
"The hell? Can't those two leave this convoy already...? Oh well..."
Cain stopped and zoomed past the convoy again.

"Why is he turning back?"

The convoy moved faster and faster, leaving Cain behind, who is currently trying to keep a good distance away from the convoy.

"I guess I'm fucked now..."
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
''It's him.'' he stopped. Helel stood before them. ''We can beat him this time.'' Hans said, ''No, his reaction speed was 0.025 second. Bit faster than mine, even if we clash with him 2 vs 1 it will result in a draw.'' Peper replied. ''Then you're thinking what I am thinking, partner?'' Hans said again. ''Yeah, that's why I hate teaming with you.''
Hans dashes forward, ignoring any attacks he would take. His hands ready, and Void could been seen holding Chroniton Rifle.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Matthew was exploring the depths for quite some time, but there was no signals of a statuam showing up on the radar. He thought about going back, but just as he was about to send that message to the commander, a signal got caught on the scanner computer:
"Unknown lifeform detected. Proceed with caution."
Matthew felt a little disturbed. "Unknown lifeform? ...in here? Can you give me a visual?"
The computer responded: "Negative. Scanner functions jammed by an unknown source."
-"Jammed? How? We weren't-" At that moment, a strong shake interrupted Matthew's talk and suddenly, the entire Mecha shut down.
"What the hell?!" - Matthew got pissed. This... tends to happen when he doesn't like something (BA DUM TSS).
At that time at the HQ, Wade got informed that Matthew's signal was lost.
Wade: "Damn it! All right, I'll get the Argus ready for dispatch, I'm sure Matthew is fine... Oh yeah, and send a probe to investigate the situation down there."

Only thing Matthew could do now is wait for the help to arrive. However, he could at least try and see what got him. He left the cockpit and entered a small area between the hatch and the sentry position. He looked through a small glass pane on that position and... well, he saw this.

"...is that a bunch of tentacles?"

OOC: You all seen enough hentai to think of where this is going.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: Oh hell yes male anal probing. I love you so much.

Four of Helel's wings detached themselves and formed a LAZAR cannon, albeit smaller than the the one he used to blast Peper and Hans to kingdom come.
"Here ya go, sonsuvabitches!"
And he fired the LAZAR cannon. Again.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Cain simply flew up. But Helel's right leg was grazed by the beam. Then he rapidfired the LAZAR cannon. To the ground. To ensure that there will be explosions. And mushroom clouds.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
He was hit by several beam, but it is worth the wait. ''Now Hans! The power isn't deadly as the single shot one!'' he shouted. Hans flew upwards, whacking every laser coming at him. But his hands is now at his limit. Finally he reached Helel, he grabbed it and hugging it so tight.
'Void, activate.' the chest part of the void opened, revealing somewhat-could-be-laser-weapon. ''This weapon is powerful enough to shock a single mecha to a meltdown.'' he said. But Void itself didn't managed to hold such power. Its arms dissolves into the glowing beam, forcing it to fire earlier with low power at Cain and Hans. Yes, at them TWO.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
OOC: hi you guys

In retaliation, Helel put its arms through Void's head (remember, arm-blades). But it dd not stop the beam from striking Helel.

And thus, Helel fell from the impact, with Cain cussing along the way.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
That's it. They are on the advantage now, maybe. But Helel was not severely damaged in the beam, while it cost almost all Void's energies. ''Hans, we're retreating now.'' he said. Hans replied ''What? We're just getting sta-'' but got cut down ''No, they have already got statuam into the city. Mission failed, return to the base.'' he said as he turns back. Then for the last time looked at Helel ''I will not forget this.''
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Helel disappeared from the battlefield in a blinding flash.

And appeared with a similar bang on the hangars. When he got out, he met the last person he want to meet (other than Ben, of ourse)-the "Righteous Hammer", Warren Whiplash.

"Hey there Candy Cain. Did you just have a rough spot? Oh poor you."
"Shut it Hammerface. I fought two elite mechas back there and had to use Lucifer. No wonder I got wrecked."
"Wait, you used Lucifer? I thought it was deprogrammed due to safety issues..."
"Pfft yeah, like that would stop me."

Then Cain go straight for the main room, looking for Ben due to the mission being pretty much fulfilled.
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