- Joined
- Jul 24, 2009
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"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind..."
~2 Timothy 1:7

Year: 2666.
Location: Planet Terraneos. Earth completely abandoned in 2150.
Population: 30 billion.
Capital City:

In the year 2134, humans, now extremely advanced in technology, have colonized a planet suitable for life, two times bigger than Jupiter. Humans slowly started to leave Earth, searching for a better life at "Terraneos", how the planet was called, which meant "New Earth".
Life on Terraneos was good - there was plenty of plants, animals and of course, drinkable water. It seemed that Terraneos' expansive terrain would settle territory wars of power-hungry humans, wars that wage from the beginning of time. And yes, for full 400 years, it has been so; although, noone expected that a mere scientific discovery could shift complete piece into brutal warfare in just a matter of days.
At the year of 2564, an unknown new power source was discovered in the deep unknown waters of Terraneos. It appeared that this glowing, rock-hard objects are actually extinguished pieces of meteors that flew over Terraneos a long time ago. One single rock had enough energy to power an entire state for years, but they were extremely rare, and nations of Terraneos were desperate for them because there was never enough power to hold the energy of the entire state all of the time. These rocks were given the name Statuams (sacred stone in Latin). Expected, a war for Statuams broke out. Three sides were created...
The Librarians - A side dedicated to stop the war by destroying its source. Librarians are sworn to destroy every Statuam that exists. The Librarians are the first ones that developed huge battle armors for use in the war, naming them Mecha. Librarians will avoid battle if they can, but in a need of fight, they won't hesitate to kill.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Heavy mecha vehicles, loaded with guns, spy tactics
Side cons: Weak mecha armor, easily breachable city
Current Librarians: -Peper-
Librarian NPCs:
-King Miras, leader of the Librarians and a war commander.
-Hans Kesler, one of the high-class mech pilots of the Librarians, favored by the king. Cocky, arrogant and selfish, but a great team leader.
-Nadia Harris, a librarian scientist with feelings for Hans.
The Marauders - The "evil" side, dedicated simply to taking away Statuams and killing everyone that stands in their way. Not only they scavenge each small Statuam piece they find - they also use them for battle purposes. By fusing the pieces, they implant them in their own mechas, severely increasing their battle capabilities.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Fastest mechas, able to fly, strong morale
Side cons: Most of the Marauder mechas don't use weapons, but hands and powers, weak city defense
Current Marauders: dead-man-walking
Marauder NPCs:
-Lord Kaiser, the founder of Marauders, and a ruthless and tyrannical leader.
-Ben Wright, Kaiser's right hand and the supreme commander of the Marauder forces. Not much kinder than him, maybe even more of a douche.
-Emi Haruka, one of the rare female marauders, an energetic pilot and a very respected one, too.
The Liberators - The best of the best, a side dedicated to defending its people and purging the adversaries. With what would be called "lawful good" alignment, The Liberators are sworn to make piece between the nations. Finding Statuams is just a secondary objective for them. Their mechas are equipped with the strongest armor, and their offense powers are nothing to be underestimated.
HQ City:

Mecha design:

Side pros: Incredibly strong attack and defense, most firepower, huge city
Side cons: Slow mechas with short air travel time
Current Liberators: narrat0r
Liberator NPCs:
-President Daichi Kazuki, the top of the force. He is above all other classes in Tainara, making him a commander, a politician and a civilian leader in one.
-Colonel Wade Vang, a light-hearted but fierce battle leader of the Liberators.
-Yuki Mikari, Matthew's girlfriend and a solid technician.
~Character creation~
Picture: (optional, if you don't have it, describe physical appearance)
~Mecha creation~
Picture: (optional)
You can leave the city whenever you want, but you must have a reason for it, or a destination you're planning to go to. If you want to land an assault to an enemy base, the battle must be RP-organized. You can also go scouting, and if you decide to meet up with an another player, talk it over with them in PM.
The battles are not based on anything. As crazy as that sounds, it's for a good reason - dice system is too clumsy for a text-based RP. The battles are turn-based, and the players decide the outcome of the opponent's move. If the fight takes too long, Mr. GM kicks in to end it. AND NO OVERPOWERING. That means that if you are a bigass 600 ton mech, your dodging skills are little to none.