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Borean Tactics

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Level 14
Dec 13, 2008
Borean Tactics(Might Change the name.)

is a strategy map following the unrevealed story of the place in Northrend named Borean Tundra, where the clans there fight for survival and supermachy, choose your path, master your forces, gather rescourses and survive in this mysterious land.



The Taunka are the cousins of the Tauren and(like their long lost cousins) are very strong and spiritual, their main pros are that they have strong melee, much health points, and a fair selection of ranged units and casters, they can also search for the Taunka'Le Braves, their elites, which can greatly boost the performance of the attack squads.They are allied with their neighbor Tuskarr Tribes.


The Tuskarrs are one of the strongest tribes that excists at Northrend, having many encampents around the island, they can call for reinforcments while having a huge variety of units and good defences, they are vital at helping the Taunkas survive the scourge raid groups.Their pros are: cheap and strong units, a fair variety of melee and a strong selection of ranged attackers.They are at the crossroads of the Human and the Taunka lands, they can easily defend themselves.


The humans of the Valiance Expedition are the main force of the human encampents around the Tundra, they have a perfectly guarded Fortress, while their neighbor village, Northshire, is plagued by the scourge, however, hope is not lost, a squad of soldiers is burrowed inside the village to help defend it while waiting for their allies to strike, they have a good viariety of melee and ranged attackers, while having some of the best heroes in these lands.


The Brutal Orcs of Warsong Hold went to Borean Tundra to cleanish it from the other races and capture these lands for the valuable rescourses.They have a perfect damaging squad, while being able to easily mass an army, they are not that strong compared to the heavy Taunka warriors, but their Heroes are brutal against other armies that help your forces in spite of the low health.

Bor'Gorok Outpost Orcs

The Orcs of the Bor'Gorok outpost are a lesser force of Orc scouts allied with the Warsong Hold, they take a look at the path that connects the Scholzannar Basin with the Tundra, and keep an eye to the Murlocs and the other forces there, they have good fortifications and a strong ranged squad, the Murlocs must attack them and take them out in order to continue their expansion through these lands.


The peaceful Murlocs of the Winterfin Tribe where recently attacked by the forces of the Lich King and the Markura's, corrupting the most of them, some of them restisted the curse and stand to defend their lands, while having a weak melee force and a good ranged squad, they are fast and agile, dealing much damage to their enemies, the pros of this force is that you can easily mass your warriors making an excelent raid party, while sending your mages to support your troops.Will you help this poor Tribe recover from the damage or destroy it.


The Undead Scourge is the main enemy of all life in Northrend, they are powerful and have many bases at these lands, they have powerful units and strong rangers, while their heroes are strong and fast, they are full of spires that can protect their undead temples from the unexpected visitors, their pros are that they have a huge main base, cheap and powerful creatures, strong heroes, many bases and a strong squad of Necromancers.Will you choose to vanish all life on Northrend or choose to help other races.


Temple City of En'Kilah (Scourge)
Unu'Pe (Tuskarrs)
Taunka'Le Village (Taunka)
Winterfin Tribe (Murlocs)
Valiance Keep (Humans)
Warsong Hold (Orcs)
Bor'Gorok Outpost (Orcs)

....More races to be added.


Arthas_King (Project Leader, Terrain, Ideas)
Terren(Triggers, Suggestions, Help with Terrain)

Suggestions & Feedback

As the title says, i need suggestions for teches, units, and Heroes.
Also, feedback will be usefull :D


http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/terrain-board-267/help-me-improve-168869/#post1602478 here are some screenshots i posted, they are the screenshots of the worst terrained places so i need some suggestions to improve them.


Every player must choose a clan to command, then make an army, and attack other or search for valuable objet around the land, you get Gold and Wood every 10 seconds, and the max food amount is 100 (I will change that to 140 when i have time) And attack others or help your allies (If you choosen Orcs or Tuskarrs/Taunka) Defend their lands.


Fan (Connected Rocks model.)
Fluff (Magic Flower icon.)

Thank you :cool:
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Level 14
Dec 13, 2008
What the snap!Never though that i was having fans! :eek: Well, i have good news, now that the exams end, me and my friend(an insanely good terrainer/triggerer will help me, and get some systems)so i think i will release a beta at the middle of the month....LoL i have fans! :D
Level 3
Feb 28, 2010
So, are there predetermined positions or is it free build? Also, can a race be picked more than once if it is free build.
Level 14
Dec 13, 2008
Well, to answer question, the map is has pre-built towns, with them, you can upgrade your army or research, but every race has a worker, the worker is one of the most useful units, he can't build many stuctures but he can repair your base and make towers(i will add more things to do with the worker later) so you have your base, but you can still expand and do more things, also, every race can be choosen one time(but some have a different king of buildings and units)Like the Warsong Hold, they have aggresive orcs and well defended bases the Bor'Gorok outpost in the other hand, is an
Orc race, but it has a completely different variety of units and technologies.
Level 4
Mar 20, 2010
Heh, just saw this. I started on a map a year ago named Borean Tactics. It's a tactical map based on spawns. It looks pretty simular to this, tbh, just thought I should point it out :p
Level 4
Mar 20, 2010
Indeed it is. Got the idea when I was grinding some stuff in Borean Tundra on WoW :p It was on a hold for a while tho. But its ready to be released when I get spells for 1 more hero. I just got suprised when I saw the name, thats all :p
Level 4
Mar 20, 2010
Well, im not a good terrainer either :p Made the whole map by myself with help from hive for some more advanced triggers. Actually thinking of searching for a better terrainer here on Hive that got time to make the map better, but just havnt got time as I finished school last week, and was on holiday.. last week aswell :p
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