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Black day.

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Two different worlds started war. One was Earth and the other was Dark World. Finnaly Demon Lord created portal to the earth. Elves and Humans saw Demon Lord son- Prince coming from portal. Prince saw them too. Humans and Elves ran to the town. Demon Prince raned at them, but Elves and Humans raned into the town, where was some towers and warriors. Prince was a bit afraid to get injured so he didn't followed them, he raned to the portal to wait for other Undeads and Demons. You must to kill Demon Lord and Demon Prince.
Map made by Pcgamerltu
Models credits to HerrDave, Chenralstrasz, Edge45, Amigurumi.
Some screenshots:

Warcraft, Black, black, day, Day, Demon, Lord, World, earth, elves, humans, multiplayer, singleplayer, 2 player, portal, destroy, prince, undeads.

Black day. (Map)

19:14, 19th Jul 2014 Orcnet: My comment
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Short review Hurrrr...

- Fix the minimap preview. Make sure it has the correct filepath (war3mapPreview.tga) and correct file type. Note the capitalized P in preview and the .tga filetype.

(Note before reading the rest of the review: I used iseedeadpeople. No whining about that pls.)

- There's barely enough space to move a couple of units. Let alone an army of two players. The base at the top has way too much space and I'd suggest you utilize that space.

- You're using the default AI which is stupid in custom made maps. I won't blame them about not being able to reach my base though, the portal in their base doesn't seem to be a two way portal. (Refer to Next attachment and text)

- As I've said. The portal doesn't seem to be a two way portal. I way testing stuff so I made my hero go to the portal. At first it didn't seem to work so I tried right clicking the portal. After a few tries, it probably worked since my hero was moved to the next portal. However, I wasn't able to do that again... Soo... my hero got stuck there and died a miserable death with the undead and their stupid towers.

- Everything seems to be destructible? Again as I was testing stuff, I found out that the walls can be targeted via attack ground of the mortar team, so.. I made myself a Grand entrance and surprised the undead.

- Overall, for me, this is a melee map with custom units & doodads and super small space with preplaced buildings & units. You might have meant to add a storyline of your own but heck I don't get any plot at all here.

- Credit the people who made the models.
- Credit the people who made the models.
- Credit the people who made the models.
- Credit the people who made the models. That can't be said enough. I did not see any trace of credits at all but I could see these particular custom models being used in the game. (and BTW, I won't take "Authors were hard to find" excuse because I found these rather quickly.) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/demonobelisk-155836/ , http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/forsaken-catapult-243517/ , http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/slaughteredvillager-245133/ , and http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/witch-king-252177/

Finally, I'd vote for rejection with a rating of 2/5. But if you fix these things, I'm sure I can increase the rating. :)

EDIT: It looks like my screenshots has that weird transparent space at the bottom. Magos conversion issue? :/
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
The map is made more of spammed units and structures rather than giving it a game play. Terrain is clustered and looks like a quick make up.

AIs are not working so you end up just rushing the whole units and straight to the target hero/unit and games doesn't even end.

The game is quite a boost for practice, but not an acceptable use for upload. You may see tutorials or map development for you to learn more in making a decent map, for now its more of just practice.