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Better equipped Gnolls

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
I did a few changes to the default Snarlmane
Created a proper campaign Gnoll Warlord
Increased the size and adjusted the position of the back weapons for all units (all looked to small for Gnolls to use)

  • more armor to Snarlmane (gave him a strap and pauldron with proper animations)
  • more animations to Snarlmane (deleted all the stands which were copies and added different attack 2 and stand victory 1)
  • created unique heavy armored Gnoll warlord (the default was using the overseer model)
  • added my version for the gnoll brute: the original has his eyes blindfolded which I did not liked that much
Check out my other work here:
Hope you enjoy it!
All feedback is welcomed.

Gnoll (Model)

Gnoll Assassin (Model)

Gnoll Assassin portrait (Model)

Gnoll brute (Model)

Gnoll brute portrait (Model)

Gnoll Overseer (Model)

Gnoll Overseer portrait (Model)

Gnoll Poacher (Model)

Gnoll Poacher portrait (Model)

Gnoll portrait (Model)

Gnoll Warden (Model)

Gnoll Warden portrait (Model)

Gnoll Warlord (Model)

Gnoll Warlord portrait (Model)

Snarlmane the Bloodgorger (Model)

Snarlmane the Bloodgorger portrait (Model)

Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Really like the addition of the Gnoll Warlord and the update on Snarlmane (really looks more readable / clearer and well... badass).

Rest is also pretty okay if you have an issue with the regular gnolls armaments.
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