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Best race to be in the WOW?

What is your choice of most favorable race to live as in wow?

  • Humans

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Orcs

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • Dwarves

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Trolls

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • Gnomes

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Tauren

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Draenei

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • Blood elves

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • Night elves

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • Forsaken

    Votes: 12 28.6%
  • Goblins

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • Naga

    Votes: 5 11.9%

  • Total voters
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Level 2
Oct 9, 2007
So tell me, what race do you think would be the best to be a part of?
lifestyle, history, philosophies, you name it, but think hard about your choice, and give a well rounded explanation about why you chose this race. also, this applies to how it would be if it were real, not in game.
Level 2
Oct 9, 2007
Very much so, It's really a big collection of references when you get down to it, but they did add some nice touches and takes on old concepts.
Level 2
Oct 9, 2007
Night elves!

I'd definitely go for the night elf druid way of life, warcraft 3 style.

just think about it...

- Knowing so much about nature would also give you the knowledge of how to get perfectly intoxicated.

-When you come out of the emerald dream every now and then you are surrounded by night elf woman, who keep incredibly fit due to their training for war, and all of your competition is fast asleep.

-You can.. turn into many types of animals (hmm, well let me think about that one... still, a great party trick if you ask me)

-Natural healing jacuzzis everywhere! (moon wells)

-You are (were as of wow) immortal in the concept of dying due to age.

-You can get a LOT of sleep and still be doing a job for your the sake of the world.

So while many of the other races are cutting each other up or living with some curse or another, you're sitting in a moon well, drinking your own home brewed godlike drink with two night elf women to keep you company while you smoke something that doesn't damage your health and makes for some interesting ways of thought, while you wonder what your old friend from the oooooooooooold days is keeping himself busy with before you get back to sleeping for another two thousand years in preparation for your next awakening... also, your family never bothers you, they all think you are asleep!
Level 2
Oct 9, 2007
well, if you are a sheep the good news is that you won't be in a war, and just about everything in wow, even the elements are at war. the bad side is that you will almost definitely explode at some point in your life ><
Level 2
Oct 9, 2007
The religion for the forsaken is pretty much a church of darkness, as the light has forsaken them, check it out on wowwiki, its pretty interesting...
Level 6
Apr 17, 2008
i chose undead (forsaken) cause i love 'em (i even wanna marry a undead o_O) i know the fastest way to take there lvl 1-20 quests and there funny looking.

btw necromancy can be a religion, animating the dead is called "something you cant do irl" some goths believe in necromancy one of my good friends believe in necromancy, Weird fellow tbh.

Gnomes; your mount is that robot chicken thing.

Uh...The only Naga in WoW are found at the BFD Instance. So what exactly do you mean "be apart of" ?

theres also nagas in outland, aszhara (or azshara forgot how to spell it lol) etc. not only in BFD
Level 45
Dec 13, 2005
i chose undead (forsaken) cause i love 'em (i even wanna marry a undead o_O) i know the fastest way to take there lvl 1-20 quests and there funny looking.
btw necromancy can be a religion, animating the dead is called "something you cant do irl" some goths believe in necromancy one of my good friends believe in necromancy, Weird fellow tbh.

Actually, japanese managed to reanimate a dead dog. It's a start, worship them.
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