This game has a lot of complex triggering that will most likely not be noticed while playing, but will give the game a nice vibe, and make it fun to play.
The game is located on a small island that is tropical and entering a southern icy area. Its a small map, but is based to make it look like its a huge piece of land, therefore you get the sensation you are dominating most of the world, but its also quick and fast paced action packed gaming.
How to play --
There are 24 randomized start locations that aren't used more than once, so noone starts at same point.
You will start with a few footmen, and a knight. Each of these units can build towers and cities.
Cities give income, build tons of cities for tons of income
. Income is determined on population/100. each city has a different number of population. Population grows over time. Heres the cath, Cities have to be a certain space away from each other to be created! Therefore it turns into a global takeover map! When an enemy city is destroyed, it becomes the killers city. This map is fun and is easy to understand.
army, war, medival, kill, wars, huge, swords, weapons, Domination, risk, FFA, Free For All