(8)Mount Hyjal v1.26

(8)Mount Hyjal
Player Suggest: 4v4, 2v2v2v2, FFA
Idea: Rockquarry outer cliff ring but end up with Dragonfall with Feraras shop tp strategy round the circle. Outer ring corner connection blocked alike to Northshirne.
Map Creator: Zucth

Map Description:
A small druid organization lived deep in the deep forest, Cenarian Circle's exist in order to protect the balance of nature.

Neutral Building:
16 Expansion Goldmines (All-12500)
4 Tavern
1 Lab -Middle
4 Mercenary Camp -33% Northern, 33% L.Fall, 34% Felwood (1/3)
4 Goblin Merchant
4 Marketplace

Creep Camp:
16 Green
32 Orange
5 Red (+8 base)

-playable size 132x132 (dragonfall size)
-Since the cliff base are kinda easy to protect, I added the siege behind base strategy as a feature(choice)
-random creep feature on merc camp, also random merc.
-offer tome of exp at the middle and corner
-offer Rune of Rebirth on Makura Deepsea
-For 4v4 right now it's Up/Bottom or Left/Right or NW/SE or SW/NE team position.

marketplace camp from lv9 drop p2 -> lv15 drop p3 + pw1
shop camp change drop c2 -> p2 (c2 drop no longer exist in this map)
remove shop/market randomize position
middle/corner red spot change from exp tome+p3 -> exp tome+c3 instead
remade the 4v4 starting position possibility.
re-arrange creep in turtle/orc expo (aggro problem)
move tavern position to make it middle, so now everybody is equal walking to Tavern.
re-arrange tree line and space
move the mercenary camp creep and merc position a bit to avoid bug
-1.25 rebalance creep route
-1.26 after several balance change with w3champion ladder. revert crab camp back from p2+pw1 drop to ror+pw1

Creator Note:
-This is kinda wild map that I want to focus on balance and fun point. Also work with this rework of uhh... different 4 maps I guess?
-If you see another 1v1 map of mine with this name, that one is a cancel so don't mind it.
-Special thank to Kaer to give lot of change feedback!

Mount Hyjal v1.26 (Map)

Another very good map. The influences of Dragon Falls and Northshire are clearly visible, the single-entrance-main-base is also reminiscent of Market Plave...... all of which are among my least liked 4v4 maps :D But this amalgamation looks fun...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Another very good map. The influences of Dragon Falls and Northshire are clearly visible, the single-entrance-main-base is also reminiscent of Market Plave...... all of which are among my least liked 4v4 maps :D But this amalgamation looks fun nevertheless.
Regarding visuals, I have no complaints about the map.

In terms of gameplay:
1. I see no need why the map should be north vs south only. In fact, I would have been most exited for NE/SW or NW/SE spawn layout. In either case, the market/shop situation looks intriguing.
2. Random creeps, well ok, but a naga unit still isnt a good idea.
3. Single lab in the center... This was one of my original ideas for Northern Felwood too, but then I got talked out of it, which I still regret a little. So I'm happy to see it once again. I wouldnt have been opposed to a Dragon Roost either, but no need to change anything.
4. Rune of rebirth, still not a big fan of it.
5. Bringing back the tome of experience in specifc mid/lategame spots is actually an interesting idea.
6. Random merc camps: Maybe you change it so that there arent four of the same merc camps, but rather two of two different kinds each time? Only a suggestion though.

Overall, another promising map, I could imagine many of the people who miss the aforementioned maps will like this one. Approved.
Level 27
Jan 4, 2020
Another very good map. The influences of Dragon Falls and Northshire are clearly visible, the single-entrance-main-base is also reminiscent of Market Plave...... all of which are among my least liked 4v4 maps :D But this amalgamation looks fun nevertheless.
Regarding visuals, I have no complaints about the map.

In terms of gameplay:
1. I see no need why the map should be north vs south only. In fact, I would have been most exited for NE/SW or NW/SE spawn layout. In either case, the market/shop situation looks intriguing.
2. Random creeps, well ok, but a naga unit still isnt a good idea.
3. Single lab in the center... This was one of my original ideas for Northern Felwood too, but then I got talked out of it, which I still regret a little. So I'm happy to see it once again. I wouldnt have been opposed to a Dragon Roost either, but no need to change anything.
4. Rune of rebirth, still not a big fan of it.
5. Bringing back the tome of experience in specifc mid/lategame spots is actually an interesting idea.
6. Random merc camps: Maybe you change it so that there arent four of the same merc camps, but rather two of two different kinds each time? Only a suggestion though.

Overall, another promising map, I could imagine many of the people who miss the aforementioned maps will like this one. Approved.
1. I did try that and want it to happen but I haven't found the solution to this result just yet.
2. turtle theme sorry xD
3. -
4. -
5. 🤔
6. what do you mean by four of the same merc camp?


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
1. I did try that and want it to happen but I haven't found the solution to this result just yet.
2. turtle theme sorry xD
3. -
4. -
5. 🤔
6. what do you mean by four of the same merc camp?
1. Just give every player high ally priority with both of his neighbors. And no other ally (or enemy) priorities.
6. There are four spawn locations for mercs camps. Atm the same kind of merc camp will spawn in each location. Alternatively, you could have multiple positions (as you have with the creeps), make the north/south merc be position 1 and the east/west be position 2. And then have the merc camps for position 1 and 2 be different.
Level 27
Jan 4, 2020
1. Just give every player high ally priority with both of his neighbors. And no other ally (or enemy) priorities.
6. There are four spawn locations for mercs camps. Atm the same kind of merc camp will spawn in each location. Alternatively, you could have multiple positions (as you have with the creeps), make the north/south merc be position 1 and the east/west be position 2. And then have the merc camps for position 1 and 2 be different.
1. welp that will be a fixed NE/SW & NW/SE what I want it to be able to random NE/SW and also made Up/Bot possible as the same time. I wonder if that's possible?
Nvm seem like I find a way now, at least it didnt break any starting position from all 10 game testing
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