Another very good map. The influences of Dragon Falls and Northshire are clearly visible, the single-entrance-main-base is also reminiscent of Market Plave...... all of which are among my least liked 4v4 maps

But this amalgamation looks fun nevertheless.
Regarding visuals, I have no complaints about the map.
In terms of gameplay:
1. I see no need why the map should be north vs south only. In fact, I would have been most exited for NE/SW or NW/SE spawn layout. In either case, the market/shop situation looks intriguing.
2. Random creeps, well ok, but a naga unit still isnt a good idea.
3. Single lab in the center... This was one of my original ideas for Northern Felwood too, but then I got talked out of it, which I still regret a little. So I'm happy to see it once again. I wouldnt have been opposed to a Dragon Roost either, but no need to change anything.
4. Rune of rebirth, still not a big fan of it.
5. Bringing back the tome of experience in specifc mid/lategame spots is actually an interesting idea.
6. Random merc camps: Maybe you change it so that there arent four of the same merc camps, but rather two of two different kinds each time? Only a suggestion though.
Overall, another promising map, I could imagine many of the people who miss the aforementioned maps will like this one.