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Battle for Pacific V 1.3.5

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.


Battle For Pacific
by Terrorblaze (Arash)

Battle for Pacific is a Hero-Defense or AOS type map that involves each player into an Ancient battle between Night Elfs and Nagas...Playing this map is very simple, just pick your favorite hero and try to defeat your enemies but numerous secrets and tricks are awaiting you to Discover them!...​


► Several Game modes like Boss mode...
► Strong Items...
► Unique Heroes Like Elemental Magus...
► Secrets and skills...
► Various power ups...



Special Thanks

► Heaven Editor
► Kino
► Chaosy


► Deolrin
► 67chrome
► Sellenisko


► Freddyk
► armel
► Jesus Hipster

► Peekay
► NFwar

Spells and Systems

► Leonguyen112
► null
► null
[/TD] [TD]
Version 1.3.5

► A few buggs Fixed...
► New Heroes...
► Full Credits...
I hope you enjoy....Play this amazing (5v5) map with your friends online! but if you want to play alone and solo Use Boss mode (Type *boss at the begining of the game)


PLZ Give me your Precious comments and ideas...












Battle for Pacific V 1.3.5 (Map)

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Before I try it, you need to:
Btw...from the minimal, the orientation is made in a bad way. I'll check it later.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I played it for 5 minutes and nothing impressed me (sorry but it's the truth):
-terrain (1/5), it is made in a very wrong way, the paths, lanes where the creeps spawn, forests, the view, everything is looking very bad. I don't say the terrain is what makes a mod/game unique, but anyone who tries your map might 50% take the decision to quit it. You need to really work on the terrain
-heroes (3/5), not really bad excepting the "Formless Wisp", if you don't have AI the hero cannot be tested because it needs a target hero to cast that skill. The skills are not so good but are acceptable.
-items (4/5), items are good (kinda mostly based on DotA items -_-), but are okay.
-texting (3/5), the tooltips and everything must be written like this for example "the hero channels 3 seconds, then he...." instead of "the hero channels 3 seconds,then he deals x damage,and....."
-gameplay (2/5), boring! nothing entertaining (might be because there's no AI to cause some action)

Your rating comes to 2.6/5 that means a 3/5, sorry. but your map needs a lot of working!
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
Did you ply
I played it for 5 minutes and nothing impressed me (sorry but it's the truth):
-terrain (1/5), it is made in a very wrong way, the paths, lanes where the creeps spawn, forests, the view, everything is looking very bad. I don't say the terrain is what makes a mod/game unique, but anyone who tries your map might 50% take the decision to quit it. You need to really work on the terrain
-heroes (3/5), not really bad excepting the "Formless Wisp", if you don't have AI the hero cannot be tested because it needs a target hero to cast that skill. The skills are not so good but are acceptable.
-items (4/5), items are good (kinda mostly based on DotA items -_-), but are okay.
-texting (3/5), the tooltips and everything must be written like this for example "the hero channels 3 seconds, then he...." instead of "the hero channels 3 seconds,then he deals x damage,and....."
-gameplay (2/5), boring! nothing entertaining (might be because there's no AI to cause some action)

Your rating comes to 2.6/5 that means a 3/5, sorry. but your map needs a lot of working!
Yeah I agree with all but not the terrain ! and about the AI if I add AI System it will be very heavy to load, Formless Wisp needs another hero to copy it's abbs! yes you are true! but me and my friends have played it many times (online & Lan) it's not boring...

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I will try it later on multiplayer, BUT YOUR TERRAIN LOOKS UGLY! trust me, you need to improve it!

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Make it more appealing and give a true form for an AoS, try learning from the MOBA genre. Google that!
Level 10
May 28, 2011
I played it for 5 minutes and nothing impressed me (sorry but it's the truth): ...

Your comments are harsh. This is weird... Don't you hate those kind of comments??? Or actually you don't mind taking harsh comments but useful.
Are you trying to be competitive? I am trying to think positive here.
I mean I could give useful comment, yet harsh towards your map, WoS. Oh wait, I did...

Thanks what you mean code? I dont know!:oops:

Map Description - Templates
Look at this link. Hope it helps.
Disregard the harshness from Alxen345, some points could be true. Yet, we need to see description to understand further.
I suggest you to be patient with Alxen345. He still need to learn more. Don't follow his path. His map is a joke by his comments.
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
Your comments are harsh. This is weird... Don't you hate those kind of comments??? Or actually you don't mind taking harsh comments but useful.
Are you trying to be competitive? I am trying to think positive here.
I mean I could give useful comment, yet harsh towards your map, WoS. Oh wait, I did...

Map Description - Templates
Look at this link. Hope it helps.
Disregard the harshness from Alxen345, some points could be true. Yet, we need to see description to understand further.
I suggest you to be patient with Alxen345. He still need to learn more. Don't follow his path. His map is a joke by his comments.
ok Thanks....


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Your comments are harsh
If we said BEST TERRAIN EVER it would not get improved.
Thus I second his statement: The terrain needs serious work to not be placed in the sub-standard section.

Also use hidden tags instead of spamming screenshots, it takes forever to scroll down.
Or use something like this:


Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Your comments are harsh. This is weird... Don't you hate those kind of comments??? Or actually you don't mind taking harsh comments but useful.
Are you trying to be competitive? I am trying to think positive here.
I mean I could give useful comment, yet harsh towards your map, WoS. Oh wait, I did...

Map Description - Templates
Look at this link. Hope it helps.
Disregard the harshness from Alxen345, some points could be true. Yet, we need to see description to understand further.
I suggest you to be patient with Alxen345. He still need to learn more. Don't follow his path. His map is a joke by his comments.
My map is a joke? Such a "true" thing. Look at the ratings and the downloads, between my map and your, and check gameranger to see that WoS is hosted daily on it. I don't need to learn. You need a lot to learn. I am not harsh, just trying to help him understand. You have no right to interfere!

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Did I quote only for terrain? His terrain is okey. But pathing may be imbalance.
What I said about harsh should you noticed easily. Don't joke.
His terrain is not okay! It is made without logic. Let him learn to improve what I mentioned in my feedback! Shadowfury was so damn right about you! -_-

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Alright, I've had enough.

@Alxen345, You are in NO POSITION to tell anyone what rights they have and what not.
I don't give a fuck about your map, your opinion about other maps or about yourfuckingself.
Until recently, I didn't even know who the fuck you are.
What I DO give a fuck about, however, is that you keep being a butthurt sob.

Heaven Editor has a point when he calls your comments a joke. Your COMMENTS ARE A JOKE!
You cannot take any form of critcism and instantly attack everyone - yes, I know I AM attacking
you right now as well, but you brought this to yourself, kid
Be a man for a change and live with the consequences or report me like the little child you are.

You're a no one. Your map means NOTHING, your "reputation" on this site means NOTHING,
your "success" and "downloads" mean NOTHING.

This is all for fun, we are all wasting our time with that digital bullshit because we ENJOY it,
but that doesn't make it mean ANYTHING.

Get a hold of your arrogance, you aren't worth more than anyone else here.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Jesus, calm down a bit, will you?! Now, I am criticized for "attacking" someone but Heaven editor is not? He attacked me first!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
He wasn't "attacking" you, he told you, in a less obvious way than I'm going to do now, that
the fact that you keep attacking everyone saying something negative about/criticising your map,
makes you a butthurt little bitch. Calling a comment "useless" because you disagree is VERY
mature, you can be proud of yourself.
These comments of yours are a joke, as he said. He attacked your comments, not your
map, and he has quite the point with that.

Now, leave this map maker alone and let others give real feedback.
No one needs feedback from someone who rites this kind of bullshit:

Before I try it, you need to:

I played it for 5 minutes and nothing impressed me

You and your "feedback" aren't as important as you think you are.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit. I am sorry. :(
Level 10
May 28, 2011
You should read carefully. Something is definitely problem with your reading. Never ever I said anything about your map being a joke. Haiz. Don't manipulate my words... ShadowFury is your angel. So, I don't mind he is protecting you. But you are something. Really really something.

If your map is better than mine. We will see about that soon.
I reckon you could develop a better AI than mine. But you will see more to come.

WoS vs RoR. Are you on?

Wait. I should also include comment for this thread.

You can manage your description properly with the link I gave. So, since you received many feedback about terrain. Why choose disorder laning shape? Why different pathing and fog? These lead to imbalance towards one force to another.
Last edited:

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

1 - Shadowfury is not my angel, just a friend.
2 - Of course I accept it, let's see who makes remarkable updates. You or me?
This will be a lot of fun :)
Level 10
May 28, 2011
1 - Shadowfury is not my angel, just a friend.
If someone else read our discussion, Shadowfury really look like your angel. He argued so much for you. He then went astray from the point of discussion. He is a nice moderator. But when the reality kicked in. We have to accept and embrace it.
Very well, you should not let him retired as a friend. Hmmm...

Of course I accept it, let's see who makes remarkable updates. You or me?
This will be a lot of fun :)
No problem. Looks fun for me too. :)
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
If we said BEST TERRAIN EVER it would not get improved.
Thus I second his statement: The terrain needs serious work to not be placed in the sub-standard section.

Also use hidden tags instead of spamming screenshots, it takes forever to scroll down.
Or use something like this:

Hi! thanks for your feedback! about the Pathing I must say I could use the same lane pathing like DOTA and many other maps but I used some Creativity to make lanes in a unique way not copied from DOTA but if you found Bugs about this type of lane in my map plz send it detailed so I will improve it,about the Terrain I dont get exactly what Y mean Plz give me more explanations about it.Thanks....:);)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Did I quote only for terrain
Was my example limited to terrain?
It applies to every area one could complain about. If we praise something bad or put it in a brighter light than it actually is - the chances are lower that it gets changed.

@Shar Dundred
For someone who's "worth just as much as anyone else" you sure have strong opinion which you almost expect @Alxen345 to follow as it seems to be some kind of moral lecture.

I do the same, I have strong opinions and I don't hesitate to say exactly what I think. The difference is that I don't blame others for doing the same.

You just did the exact thing he did by taking the moral highground of what's right.

So how about you leave that to the admins who're actually worth more from an objective point of view?
Last edited:
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Before anything else happens, you need to show that you are in-fact the creator of this map.
If possible change the author name to your site username.
> There is no in-game credits list

As of now, either of these 2 reasons are cause for rejection.
We can talk about in-depth testing of the maps gameplay after you fix these issues.
Lastly as others have pointed out, kindly hide your screenshots (for the sake of sanity when posting).
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
Before anything else happens, you need to show that you are in-fact the creator of this map.
If possible change the author name to your site username.
> There is no in-game credits list

As of now, either of these 2 reasons are cause for rejection.
We can talk about in-depth testing of the maps gameplay after you fix these issues.
Lastly as others have pointed out, kindly hide your screenshots (for the sake of sanity when posting).
Before anything else happens, you need to show that you are in-fact the creator of this map.
If possible change the author name to your site username.
> There is no in-game credits list

As of now, either of these 2 reasons are cause for rejection.
We can talk about in-depth testing of the maps gameplay after you fix these issues.
Lastly as others have pointed out, kindly hide your screenshots (for the sake of sanity when posting).
ok I will do that, Do Y think im a layer?!:mad:
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
Was my example limited to terrain?
It applies to every area one could complain about. If we praise something bad or put it in a brighter light than it actually is - the chances are lower that it gets changed.

@Shar Dundred
For someone who's "worth just as much as anyone else" you sure have strong opinion which you almost expect @Alxen345 to follow as it seems to be some kind of moral lecture.

I do the same, I have strong opinions and I don't hesitate to say exactly what I think. The difference is that I don't blame others for doing the same.

You just did the exact thing he did by taking the moral highground of what's right.

So how about you leave that to the admins who're actually worth more from an objective point of view?
Did you ply the map???
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
Was my example limited to terrain?
It applies to every area one could complain about. If we praise something bad or put it in a brighter light than it actually is - the chances are lower that it gets changed.

@Shar Dundred
For someone who's "worth just as much as anyone else" you sure have strong opinion which you almost expect @Alxen345 to follow as it seems to be some kind of moral lecture.

I do the same, I have strong opinions and I don't hesitate to say exactly what I think. The difference is that I don't blame others for doing the same.

You just did the exact thing he did by taking the moral highground of what's right.

So how about you leave that to the admins who're actually worth more from an objective point of view?
Yes I will do the same as you said...Thanks a lot...:D
Level 10
May 28, 2011
If we said BEST TERRAIN EVER it would not get improved.
Thus I second his statement: The terrain needs serious work to not be placed in the sub-standard section.

Was my example limited to terrain?

What is this? Where do you talk about other parts rather than terrain? Quote for me? or is it between the lines.
Read my comment carefully. I intend to say harsh when Alxen345 says boring and nothing impressed him.
Oh yes. Read Alxen345 map comments and you will understand why I and Shar Dundred said such things to him.

I also don't mind being a harsh commentator or when receive harsh comments. But, someone as Alxen345 who against such comment, do otherwise.
In other words, he hates harsh comment (which people including me did to his map) but he apply the same to Arash. Such attitude.

So, if you like give harsh comment and accepting harsh comment from others (to improve yourself and whatnot). Then it is fine.
But, if you like give harsh comment and NOT accepting harsh comment from others (to improve yourself and whatnot). Then it is fine?

So, since you like harsh comment. Please make a map and let people outside of Hive to comment it. I suggest you to enjoy yourself until then. Haha.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

What is this? Where do you talk about other parts rather than terrain? Quote for me? or is it between the lines.
Read my comment carefully. I intend to say harsh when Alxen345 says boring and nothing impressed him.
Oh yes. Read Alxen345 map comments and you will understand why I and Shar Dundred said such things to him.

I also don't mind being a harsh commentator or when receive harsh comments. But, someone as Alxen345 who against such comment, do otherwise.
In other words, he hates harsh comment (which people including me did to his map) but he apply the same to Arash. Such attitude.

So, if you like give harsh comment and accepting harsh comment from others (to improve yourself and whatnot). Then it is fine.
But, if you like give harsh comment and NOT accepting harsh comment from others (to improve yourself and whatnot). Then it is fine?

So, since you like harsh comment. Please make a map and let people outside of Hive to comment it. I suggest you to enjoy yourself until then. Haha.
Oh please! I gave many good feedbacks and high rates for those which deserved them. You are so turned against me that you only evidence my rude comments. You just watch and wait for the perfect moment to start quarreling with me. :l
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Oh please! I gave many good feedbacks and high rates for those which deserved them. You are so turned against me that you only evidence my rude comments. You just watch and wait for the perfect moment to start quarreling with me. :l

If you gave many good feedback (containing harshness), but you hate receiving the harshness. That is totally not right.
Why you think if I include your name means I want to start quarreling? I am explaining to Chaosy about why I said your comments are harsh that makes me feel weird about you.
Don't you want to admit you are the kind of giving harsh comments but hate receiving harsh comments? Disregard how many you gave. The concept of giving and accepting shown by you is weird....
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Hi! thanks for your feedback! about the Pathing I must say I could use the same lane pathing like DOTA and many other maps but I used some Creativity to make lanes in a unique way not copied from DOTA but if you found Bugs about this type of lane in my map plz send it detailed so I will improve it,about the Terrain I dont get exactly what Y mean Plz give me more explanations about it.Thanks....:);)

Okey. I understand now after playing.
There are 3 lanes.
For first defense
Top lane : 1 tower vs 1 tower (elf vs naga respectively)
Middle lane : 1 tower vs 1 tower + 1 barrack
Bottom lane : 1 tower + 1 barrack vs 1 tower

Second defense
Top lane : 1 tower + 1 support vs 1 tower + 1 support
Middle lane : 1 tower + 1 support vs none
Bottom lane : none vs 1 tower + 1 support

I would summarize the importance of each lane towards gameplay. For example, top lane is for those who want to play safe cause you can get many support. Therefore, top lane is for farmer and carry. Mid and bottom is for support and etc as they support themselves.

First, you need to balance the mid lane. Naga units are suffering miss attack because attacking from lower ground. Should mind that.

Can you list down why one lane is advantageous and disadvantageous to other lanes. The setting of defensive criteria in laning looks fine. But the way for hero to move from one lane to another looks very imbalance. Calculate the number of entry point of river and forest balance to other criteria.

It is hard to be creative. But take the challenge to grow. Make better decision for each problem.

Note: Imbalance means a player has more advantage than other player.
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Balance the three lanes together and the area between the lanes. You can draw your map on a paper and analyse the pathing. Erase the line for entry point. Place X as tower or building. Then make changes to the paper.

After you have satisfied, apply what you wrote on the paper to your map.

I am happy to help you. No problem :)
Level 3
Aug 23, 2016
Balance the three lanes together and the area between the lanes. You can draw your map on a paper and analyse the pathing. Erase the line for entry point. Place X as tower or building. Then make changes to the paper.

After you have satisfied, apply what you wrote on the paper to your map.

I am happy to help you. No problem :)
ok thanks!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Have you updated the map according to the many suggestions you have recieved? :)
Also, your description needs some more work. Put the screenshots in hidden tags, please!

Copy and paste this into your description, and put your screenshots in it:

[hidden="Screenshots"]-PUT YOUR SCREENSHOTS HERE-[/hidden]