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Battle Chariot

Again a Model that i am proud of.
I noticed the lack of Battle Chariots so i created this, but be aware that the Skeletons were made using this Skin (Returned Captain) and this Skin (Returned Archer). That's because the Skeletons are undead Ikanians.

A cursed race that i use in my map.

I am only using the standard Skeleton skin, because i don't want to ask for permission to use these skins.

Missile Start - X = 0
Missile Start - Y = -138.95
Missile Start - Z = 88.74

-----Update 20. Feb. 2017-----
-> Changed the texture of the Chariot (Where the Skeletons stand on)

-> Added the Human version + Portrait (Footman)

-----Update 02. Jun. 2017 (Major)-----
-> Changed the Design of the Battle Chariot.
-> Reworked the Death Animation of the Battle Chariot. (and death decay too)
-> Put the Cart and the Horse more towards each other. (Not to much, because of Death animation)
-> Deleted the Medieval Version, because of obvious reasons. (Don't worry you will get it back, but only after i changed the design of it.)
  • Review can be found here (by @HappyCockroach )

-----Update 06. Jun. 2017 (Minor)-----
-> I got the Cart to shake a bit to left and right on the X-Axis. (Angular degree of 2)

-----Update 18. Jun. 2017 (Minor)-----
-> Renamed the file 'BattleChariot_Portrait' to 'UndeadBattleChariot_Portrait'. The purpose is to make it match the Mainmodel-Name, but also to make it function ingame properly.

-----Update 18. Jun. 2017 (Major)-----
->Readded the Medieval Version.
-> Added a bloodsplat to one of the Footmen.

--> If there are any problems with the Model, then don't hesitate and tell me.


----> If someone is skilled enough then you can try to make a BTN/DISBTN for the Model

(BTW, if someone knows, if the 'bone_turret' trick (Cannon Tower) functions also for units then please tell me)

If you use this model then give credits to me for this idea,
but don't distribute it and don't edit it without my permission!?!

Battle Chariot (Medieval/Human) (Model)

Battle Chariot (Medieval/Human,Portrait) (Model)

Battle Chariot (Undead) (Model)

Battle Chariot (Undead,Portrait) (Model)

Nice model, but I think you can improve the attack and death animation. I realize it was a lot easier to make the model explode instead of having it fall apart upon death, but if you can change that then please do. I dont know how good you are at...
It really improved a lot with the updates. Good job. :) There's only 1 small, but critical fault. You should rename the portrait to "UndeadBattleChariot_Portrait.mdx" so it does work in-game. Do that as soon as you can, I'll leave it approved for now...
Level 10
Sep 25, 2013
Is this the first chariot model ever? Amazing! I agree with UmbraUnda, a human version would be awesome. This opens up a whole new possibility in strategy maps

EDIT: 5/5 effing awesome! Only possible thing is bring the horse a little closer to the chariot to give it a tighter turn radius. Not even sure that it would look better though, just wondering. Either way, Congratz on first legit chariot model. Perhaps a supply caravan/wagon type unit in the future using these mechanics?
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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Nice model, but I think you can improve the attack and death animation. I realize it was a lot easier to make the model explode instead of having it fall apart upon death, but if you can change that then please do. I dont know how good you are at animating but there is room for improvement in this model. As for the attack animation, it's rather dull but gets the job done. Also I think skeletons would appear more shambly when riding a bumpy chariot (jump a little more up and down). Likewise the platform they're standing on could use a better texture.
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Way cool to finally see a real Chariot model here. I worry that (the way the game mechanics work), his turning wouldn't work right (having several next to each other & turning would look super weird), but otherwise way neat.

I agree with Archian on the adjustments. I also kinda feel like something is up... Not exactly sure if it's the texture, or the mesh, but having the chariot made up of a bunch of identical log things, all flat & nondescript, could perhaps be improved.

However, you are to be lauded for having a first! ; )
Nice model, but I think you can improve the attack and death animation. I realize it was a lot easier to make the model explode instead of having it fall apart upon death, but if you can change that then please do. I dont know how good you are at animating but there is room for improvement in this model.
Here is a model I made on which you may find inspiration for the attack and death animations ; )



(I cannot release it cause the soldier + the horse (and their textures) are from Fingolfin, the cart from an other guy, and the wheels aswell. I simply merged and animated the whole thing)

Nice job ! I particularly liked the chains !
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Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
Good work 4,9/5, though it will be perfect, if it had a moving attack animation, but it is impossible, or not? :O
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
Good work 4,9/5, though it will be perfect, if it had a moving attack animation, but it is impossible, or not? :O

Thank you for the Rating!

But i have a Question: What exactly do you mean with 'moving attack animation'?
Do you mean that the Horse should move in the attack animation or that the crossbowman should attack while the Chariot is moving?
Hey, sorry if I bring up things Archian didn't put previously, making you work on it again. But even if a chariot model is very interesting and has a lot of potential, there are several faults to be fixed:
  • Its design as a chariot is really flawed. The cart is currently sunk between wheels that are attached by sticks to random points on the cart's wall. It doesn't inspire any stability, looks like it will break apart in 2 meters of ride.
    You need to think the wheels are attached to an axis. The chariot itself should rest ON the axis. (You need to raise it) Out of this axis should reach the chariot beams. The beams should really grip the horse. I've put up that drawing above to help explain (it isn't a design reference, it's just to show the axis issue [and it's poorly made, with the mouse]).

  • Look up for references of chariot designs, so you make something more appealing. Piling up wooden beams doesn't look too nice. You could inspire yourself in this, or this, or anything you want. The in-game texture possibilities are many to achieve something good.

  • Bring the cart and the horse the closer you can (as long as it still looks good). The closer they are, the better the model will perform in-game. Too long models rotate really badly. Make sure the origin of the model is centered, or closer to the cart than the horse. (Center of mass is a good criterion)

  • In the Hive Viewer, the cart literally explodes upon death. But in-game, not even that. You could find an easy way to give it a proper death animation. Making the wheels break and the cart hit the ground, or something like that.

  • Add sprite (first, second, third) attachment points, since this is a war machine.
Awaiting update. If you have any doubt don't hesitate to ask.
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
Where did the human version go? D:

I wanted to use this for my medieval map and haven't downloaded it yet.

Sorry about that. As you can see it's a new design of the Chariot (along with a new death animation) and i wanted @HappyCockroach first to approve that model, before i upload/update a new medieval version.

It will have a different design too.


  • BattleChariotMedieval (Old).mdx
    159.2 KB · Views: 157
  • BattleChariotMedieval (Old)_Portrait.mdx
    39.6 KB · Views: 167
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Sorry about that. As you can see it's a new design of the Chariot (along with a new death animation) and i wanted @HappyCockroach first to approve that model, before i upload/update a new medieval version.

It will have a different design too.

Aw thanks for the files mate.

Sounds good - looking forward to your new design(s). Also if you would - please make a chariot with villagerman models and attachment points. My medieval map uses attachment variations for tiered upgrade-able units (example chariot [1], chariot [2], chariot [3], etc - each chariot would upgrade armor, weapons, and chariot decor).
Its ok if I'm asking too much, I can now at least have chariots in my map.
It really improved a lot with the updates. Good job. :)
There's only 1 small, but critical fault. You should rename the portrait to "UndeadBattleChariot_Portrait.mdx" so it does work in-game. Do that as soon as you can, I'll leave it approved for now, since it's fine except for that.

(I recommend you to add a pair of wheel footprints to the cart anytime if you're able to. And keep improving its design. It got better, but may improve further, with more detailed features.)
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
I would remove that clothing from the horse. Like that, he looks more like cerimonial horse than battle horse. Add some armor instead!
Level 7
Jun 27, 2014
I think this would be a really great model if a system is used where the 2nd unit automatically fires, where as the unit is still in movement. I think I saw that system used in a map where a tank was shooting all on it's own while still in movement. All in all, perfect model, though the death animation could also have been one where the chariot dies in a way that the skeletons are launched out and it all topples down forward to achieve a "death during movement" realism.

It's a 5/5 model though, just perfect!
Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
I think this would be a really great model if a system is used where the 2nd unit automatically fires, where as the unit is still in movement. I think I saw that system used in a map where a tank was shooting all on it's own while still in movement.

This is easily done. The "Phoenix" ability allows you to customize an attack that automatically fires even when moving. This, however, will do spell damage.

Personally, if I use this model, I would use a combination of "Permanent Immolation" (the chariot runs things over) and "Phoenix" (crossbow man shooting) with triggers to play the attack animation when an enemy is close if it gets some kind of attack-while-moving animation.